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Bush Quotes
"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century."     

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."    

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the World."  

"Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning"     

"The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."   

"I would have said yes to abortion if only it was right. I mean, yeah it's right. Well no it's not right that's why I said no to it."  

"Reading is the basics for all learning."

"I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California."

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?"

"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve." [on Perseverance]

"I did denounce it. I de-I denounced it. I denounced interracial dating. I denounced anti-Catholic bigacy... bigotry." [Referring to his Bob Jones University visit and the subsequent criticism]

We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations; their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."

See Bush Dance
See Bush Exercise

To My Huckins Friends:
Eliza Gurcke
Martha Zimmermann
Sarah Dodge
Morgan Palmer
Erica Dearden
Keileigh Welsch

   I love you guys more than anything else in the world.  You are my life and nothing will tear us apart.  We are the Nellie girls!
   Friends are like songs stuck in your head, they aren't always playing, but they never go away.

I Love Dogs!