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Helen and the Stars

When did I meet them? Click HERE.
What order are these in? Chronological.

Dayton (OH), August 1999

George Takei

Tim Russ--he was sooooooo tired that day!!

My pal, Travis, and Tim.

Indianapolis (IN), November 2001

Manu Intiraymi

Judson Scott

Aron Eisenberg

Max Grodénchik

Walter Koenig

Max again, dancing.

Cleveland (OH), April 2002

Ethan Phillips

Jeffrey Combs

Josh Clark

John Billingsley

Dayton (OH), June 24, 2002

George at the table with our group.

Whole group!

Indianapolis (IN), November 3, 2002

Leonard Nimoy!

Paramount's King's Island (?year)

Okay, they aren't stars, but they look cool! And I don't. DANG it was hot that day. LOL

Ah, looking up at the Enterprise, high above the earth...

Ooooh, I stepped into the flower bed!!!! That's The Motion Picture poster, if you can't tell...