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I had recently visited the US for a conference in Washington DC and New York...the GYLC,i.e,Global Young Leaders was definitely an unforgettable experience...absolutely awesome...made friendz who'll last a lifetime n got memories which'll last foreva...instead of sharin da innumerous memories which r wanderin somewhere in my crazy junk-filled mind...i wanna share these beautiful pix of my gr8 gr8 trip...enjoy!@!

Some of u who werent @ the GYLC..lemme explain a few things:
1. We all were divided into different countries which we were gonna represent @ the GYLC...for example even though i was from UAE i was in Japan...
2. Japan n Cuba was in Bus number 6...
well...thazz all for now i of it will b taken care of ur brain...enjoy da tour!@!

Pix in Dubai n New Jersey
Pix in washington DC
Pix in New York
Pix in Chicago

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