QB2 Battle File Format Version 1.4 // Created by Quick Battle 2 Editor // The title of the battle Title = The Romulans // Some title lines TitleLine = Military Log Combat Date 30253.4 The Aries has been recalled to Battlestation 587 to pick up Admiral Hutchinson. TitleLine = The war has not been going well. Despite our victories we are still losing. TitleLine = We are going to the Romulan Neutral Zone to meet with one of their representatives. TitleLine = If we are to survive we must get the Romulans involved. // Some epilog lines EpilogLine = Obviously the Romulans aren't interested in talking. Captain take us back to Battlestation 587. EpilogLine = Yes sir. // The player ship Player = FAM USS Excalibur = USS Aries // The warp out mode WarpOut = Sequential // The collision mode Collision = On // The ship change mode ShipChange = Off // The perfect cloak mode PerfectCloak = Off // Define a system ------------------------------------------- System = Britannia // The friends in the system Friend = FBS Battle station = Battlestation 587 Friend = FCC USS Lexington = USS Georgetown Friend = FCC USS Lexington = USS Sydney Friend = SFMC USS Reliant = USS Retribution Friend = SFMC USS Reliant = USS Daring Friend = SFEC USS Excelsior = USS Jamestown // The starting dialog in the system StartingDialog = Admiral Hutchinson: Let's see if the Romulans are interested. Take us out. StartingDialog = Helm: Course laid in sir. StartingDialog = Captain: Engage // The battle mode in the system BattleMode = AI // Define a system ------------------------------------------- System = Thaxius // The friends in the system Friend = FNE USS Sutherland = USS Bismarck Friend = FAM USS Excalibur = USS Excalibur Friend = FAM USS Excalibur = USS Mordecai Friend = SFEC USS Excelsior = USS Fearless // The enemies in the system Enemy = RSE Selan = RSE Selan Enemy = RSE Shalan = RSE Plan Enemy = RSE Shalan = RSE D'dessidex Enemy = RFF Venia = RSE Venia Enemy = RFF Venia = RSE Relva'Tal // The neutrals in the system Neutral = RDDH RSE Shan'Tok = RSE Centri // The friend actions in the system FriendAction = WarpInAfter 70 // The enemy actions in the system EnemyAction = WarpInAfter 50 // The neutral behavior in the system NeutralBehavior = EnemyAfter 60 // The starting dialog in the system StartingDialog = Admiral Hutchinson: Hail the Romulans. StartingDialog = Comm: They're responding. StartingDialog = Commander Velar: This is Commander Velar what is it you want. StartingDialog = Admiral Hutchinson: I want to talk about you joining our fight against the Klingon Empire. StartingDialog = Commander Velar: An interesting proposal how would this benefit the star empire. StartingDialog = Admiral Hutchinson: You have been close to a state of war with the Klingons for more than fifty years if they take us out, you're next. StartingDialog = Comm: They have cut communications. // The friends warp in dialog in the system FriendWarpInDialog = Science: Sir more vessels entering system. FriendWarpInDialog = Science: They're ours they are the Bismarck, the Excalibur, the Mordecai, and the Fearless. FriendWarpInDialog = Captain: Hail the Romulans maybe they will call this off. FriendWarpInDialog = Comm: No response sir. // The enemies warp in dialog in the system EnemyWarpInDialog = Tactical: More Romulan ships are arriving in system. EnemyWarpInDialog = Comm: I have the Romulan captain hailing us. EnemyWarpInDialog = Captain: On screen. EnemyWarpInDialog = Commander Velar: You've fallen for our trap Admiral Hutchinson, surrender and prepare to be boarded. EnemyWarpInDialog = Admiral Hutchinson: I don't think so, comm you know what to do. EnemyWarpInDialog = Comm: Yes sir. // The neutrals become enemies dialog in the system NeutralToEnemyDialog = Tactical: Sir The Romulan ship is moving towards us, weapons powered. // The battle mode in the system BattleMode = AI