Do you remember those “Choose your own adventure” books from your childhood?  In them, you were periodically presented with a choice between two courses of action.  After making your choice, you were directed to another page in the book.  If you consistently made wise choices, and had a bit of luck, you’d complete the quest successfully.  Of course, even after accomplishing your goal, you always had to go back and see what horrors resulted from a bad decision.  That was at least half the fun of it.


Two weekends ago reminded me of one of those books.  I often have trouble settling on a plan, typically because I try to do too much.  This time though, I really outdid myself.  Why does life have to be so complicated?


So, if you’re up for some adventure, read on.  Just like in the books, it’s easy to cheat – but what’s the fun in that?  Be sure to choose wisely, but remember, you can always click the “back” button if you hit a dead end.



Last week’s job assignment landed me in Gainesville, Georgia.  My initial impression of Gainesville was that it was just another generic suburb barfed up by the beast that is Atlanta.  That isn’t quite true.  It wasn’t until I made the 5 mile drive from where I was working to the hotel that I realized how wrong I was.  In those 5 miles, I passed 83 Mexican restaurants.  Yeah, I counted.


OK, that’s a lie.  I didn’t count them.  I estimated.  But hey, I’m an auditor.  That’s what we do.


Anyway, I got to spend the better part of 4 days hanging out in Georgia’s Little Tijuana.  The job went well, and the highlight of my trip was getting to see my friend Jimmy’s band play on Wednesday night in Atlanta.  The band, “Sideways Jump”, has some really talented musicians, and they put on a great show.  Unfortunately, the second set didn’t start until midnight.  I still had a 50 minute drive back to Gainesville, and I had to work the next morning.  On the other hand, it would be a lot of fun to hang out, listen to more good music, and drink some beer.  What to do?


Let's have fun with Jimmy and the band!

Let's be responsible and show up for work on Thursday morning.



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