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Jeddak and Princess of the North: Art by Thomas Yeates
ERB-apa No. 72 ~ Winter 2001/2002
ERBapa v02 n05

Aka JoN: Jeddak of the North 
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The ERBzin-e Comics Summaries Project
Wherein we attempt to summarize the many stories inspired by ERB
characters that are found in newspaper dailies, Sunday pages, trading
cards, comic books, premiums, graphic novels, TV animated series, etc. 
Tarzan®  the famous jungle man created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, is one of the most widely known characters in modern fiction, having appeared in books, movies and on television. A legendary hero, Tarzan enjoys the distinction of starring in the first adventure comic strip, the first continuity strip, and the first strip to appeal to generation after generation for more than seven decades. The Lord of the Jungle made his first appearance in a daily comic strip in 1929. In 1930 United Feature Syndicate (UFS) took over the syndication of Tarzan and launched the first Sunday comic in 1931. UFS continues to syndicate Tarzan as newly-created Sunday comics and classic dailies.

Rex Maxon #1 - March 15, 1931 to #28 - September 20, 1931
Hal Foster #29 - September 27, 1931 to #321 - May 2, 1937
Burne Hogarth #322 May 9, 1937 to #768 - November 25, 1945
Rubimore (Reuben Manning) #769 - Dec. 2, 1947 to #856 - Aug. 3, 1947
Burne Hogarth #857 - August 10, 1947 to #1015 - August 20, 1950
Bob Lubbers #1016 - August 27, 1950 to #1198 - February 21, 1954
John Celardo #1199 - February 28, 1954 to #1922 - January 7, 1968
Russ Manning #1923 - January 14, 1968 to 1979
Gil Kane 1979 - 1981
Mike Grell 1981 - 1983
Gray Morrow 1983 to 2001

Read the United Features Tarzan Sunday and Daily strips

Hal Foster - signatureHal Foster - self-portrait
Harold Rudolph Foster was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on August 16, 1892. Many of his English-Prussian ancestors had been seafarers from whom Hal inherited a love of the sea, the outdoors, and adventure. His father died when he was four and in 1906 his financially-strapped stepfather moved the family to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Here he excelled in many sports: boxing, lacrosse, hockey, rugby, football, and baseball. Harold was largely self-educated as the failing family fortunes forced him to leave school in grade nine. He developed a passion for art and helped support the family and pay for art school by hunting and fishing. His first art job was doing illustrations for the Hudson Bay Company mail order catalogue. During this time he married Helen Wells in 1915. Later, when he could not find enough work as an artist to support a wife and two small children, he moved north to work as a wilderness guide and prospector in the Canadian Shield area of Manitoba and Ontario. Hal and family returned to Winnipeg where he resumed his art career but, in 1921, decided to scout out the more lucrative market in Chicago. To cut costs he left Helen and the kids in Winnipeg and made the thousand-mile trip by bicycle. Within hours after his arrival in the windy city he was robbed and had to wire back home for emergency funds. During the '20s he found work with major advertising firms and magazines while studying part-time in some of Chicago's top art schools.

In 1927, Burroughs associate, Joseph H. Neebe, commissioned Foster to do an illustrated adaptation of Tarzan of the Apes. The result was 60 daily strips, each consisting of five captioned panels. Despite the high quality of this series, it was a bit of a hard sell. Eventually, however, it debuted on January 7, 1929 in about a dozen US and Canadian newspapers -- including the Halifax Chronicle. These strips were published in hardcover book for by Grosset and Dunlap in August of 1929. Reader response to the strips was overwhelming and distribution was taken over by United Features Syndicate. But, since Foster had returned to the advertising field, Metropolitan artist Rex Maxon was hired to take over the strip and in March 15, 1931, produced the debut Tarzan colour Sunday page as well. Burroughs was very unhappy with the quality of Maxon's work and eventually Foster was lured back to take over the Sunday series starting with the September 27, 1931 page. After an uninspired start, Foster soon adapted to this relatively new art form and his work became more inspired. In fact, his art improved so dramatically that the pages he created through the '30s are some of the best in the history of comics. In 1937 he moved on to create his own strip, Prince Valiant which he lovingly crafted until 1970. The art techniques and scripting skills he perfected in the Tarzan series served him well in this much-loved, critically acclaimed strip. Hal Foster died on July 25, 1982.

Phase One: The Tarzan Sunday Pages
The Harold Foster Years
The Foreign Legion and the Hawk of the Desert ~ September 27 - December 20,  1931
Hulvia, The Beautiful: Viking Priestess ~ December 27, 1931 - April 17, 1932
Lenida, The Lion Tamer: Lady in the Black Mask ~ April 24 - June 5, 1932
The Return of Korak: The Young Bwana ~ June 2 - July 31, 1932
Von Harben and the Elephants' Graveyard ~ August 7 - September 18, 1932
Into the Primeval Swamp ~ September 25 - November 13, 1932

Taken over in mid-stream from Rex Maxon
September 27 - December 20,  1931

A French Navy amphibian plane following the course of the African River halts its motor as Pennock signals wildly from the shore. The plane swings in a wide circle, over the treetops, preparing to land on the river. The pilot is Captain D’Arnot of the French Navy. Through the treetops he sees Tarzan fighting for his life against the ape horde.

With a swift flash of recognition, D’Arnot recalls the night of terror when he was bound to the stake by savages, and Tarzan came crashing down form the trees to put the frightened  savages to flight. Tarzan fights gallantly, but the conclusion is foregone -- the odds are too great. D’Arnot leaps to the rescue of his friend, while his plane crashes near the apes, frightening most of them away. D’Arnot alights just in time to stop the charge of the remaining apes. So do two old friends meet once more in the jungle.

Bek-El-Abir, an ancient Moorish fort, now flies the tricolor of the French Republic. But for more than two months now a cordon of tribesmen has surrounded the French Garrison. The garrison has been kept in supplies every week by airplane. Only this week the plane has failed to arrive and Captain Du Fours scans the skies in vain.

Cut off from rations, the soldiers are constantly asking, “When is it that we eat?”

Captain D’Arnot’s joy in rescuing Tarzan from the apes soon gives way to brooding sadness. “The crash of my plane means starvation for the garrison at Bek-El-Abir,” he tells the Ape-Man.

“It means we can’t delay a second,” says Tarzan when he hears D’Arnot’s story. “We’ll get the supplies through on foot.” In a moment, he is in the plane, hurling packages into D’Arnot’s hands.

Burt, after the attack of Bolat, the ape, is ill with wounds and fever. Pennock is nursing him.

“We’ll have to leave you two tenderfeet here, Pennock,” Tarzan explains sadly. “It’s a choice between staying with you or saving three hundred men. Good Luck! We’ll be back.”

Fiercely clattering their mess kits, the soldiers at the garrison keep up a constant cry for food.

Captain DuFours interrupts them, commanding silence. “You’re fighting men, not babies who cry for food.” He says, “Who will volunteer to fight through the enemy lines for supplies?”

Every man in the garrison waves his hands on high and shouts, “Let’s go!”

That night a patrol under command of young Lieutenant Carnot leaves the fort to go out through the desert, where the savage tribesmen stand waiting.

Captain Du Fours, having sent his picked men from the fort to fight through the tribesmen's lines for supplies, fears he is sacrificing them to the clamor of the garrison, crying for food. As young Lieutenant Carnot leads the attack... his mother at home is praying for him... his fiancee is dreaming of him... The tribesmen are waiting for him. They have seen him and his men from afar and have massed for the attack. At at word from their chief, they advance to destroy the Frenchmen.

The Clash!

Only Lieutenant Carnot breaks through the Cordon. But in a moment his mount is shot form under him. Wounded himself, he staggers on toward the forest road. There, two days later, he is found by Tarzan and D'Arnot, who have come carrying the supplies for the soldiers at the fort.

"It is war," says Tarzan.

"War to the death!" cries D'Arnot.

On their way to carry emergency rations to the beleaguered fort of Bek-El-Abir, Tarzan and Captain D'Arnot find young Lieutenant Carnot, wounded leader and sole survivor of a desperate sortie from the fort through the lines of the Moorish tribesmen. Lieutenant Carnot urges Tarzan and Captain D'Arnot to leave him and push on with the food. Both men, however, refuse to abandon the youth. Nearing the fort they see Moorish tribesmen ahead. They crouch in a hollow in the sand, waiting for the night but. . . they have been seen by the keen eyes of the desert-trained tribesmen. The fierce tribesmen dash to the attack. With escape seemingly impossible Tarzan and the two French officers are determined to fight to a finish in their sand hole. Surrounded by tribesmen, the ape-man and his companions fight desperately and in the meantime. . .

The soldiers of Fort Bek-El-Abir, desperate from hunger have mutinied. They are determined to escape from the fort, and Captain DuFours is equally determined that they shall not. He faces them, revolver in hand.

As one of the Moors plunges into the sand hole, Tarzan reaches for the horse's bridle. In a second, the Ape-Man is on the horse's back and away. The swiftness of his action gives him a  long lead in the race to the fort. Reaching the fort, Tarzan pounds on the massive gate. But there is no answer. There is not a living person on the parapets. The fort appears to be deserted.

MUTINY! ~  31.10.18
Leaving Lieutenant Carnot and Captain D'Arnot to fight off the attack of Moorish tribesmen, Tarzan reaches Fort Bek-El-Abir, which he finds apparently deserted. Some of the Moors are close at his heels as he scales the wall.  There is no sign of life within the fort. Reaching the parapet Tarzan finds that the Moors are preparing to storm the fort. He seizes a machine gun and  with its sweeping fire, breaks up the attack of the tribesmen. Making a quick investigation of the fort, the Ape Man finds the prone body of a French officer.

"My men mutinied!" Captain Du Fours whispers through weak lips." After many years of service in the Legion, my men mutinied! And I... I drove my soldiers into the barracks and locked them in," Captain DuFours said. "Then I came back to the parapet, and a tribesman's bullet found me." His voice trailed off.

Aroused by the renewed firing the imprisoned Legionnaires strain like wild beasts to break the bars that keep them from liberty. Tarzan opens the doors that imprison the soldiers.

"Food! Food!. . ." the Legionnaires shout.

"I will take you to food," the Ape Man tells them. "It is on the desert and you will have to fight for it."

Back in the shell hole, Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot realize that they won't be able to keep the Moors at bay much longer.

"Sound the call for attack!" Tarzan commands.

TO THE RESCUE! ~ 31.11.01
Rallying the mutinous soldiers, Tarzan leads them into the desert in quest of Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot, whom he has left behind fighting off the attack of desert horsemen.

Realizing that he cannot much longer fight off the Moors, Captain D'Arnot buries the supply of good, young Lieutenant Carnot is unconscious, and Captain D'Arnot  himself almost exhausted.

The Moors attack the small French column. Weak from hunger and shaken by the force of the Moorish attack, the French soldiers waver. "It is a trap into which you have betrayed us!" shouts one of the leaders. But spurred by Tarzan's example, the desperate soldiers fight their way forward.

A stray bullet wounds Captain D'Arnot slightly, and a Moorish scout finds the two officers completely at his mercy. "Bind the infidels!" cries Abd-El-Krim, the Moorish leader, "They shall live to be slaves in the tent of the Hawk of the Desert."

Tarzan leads a ferocious charge. Daunted by the fierce attack of the French, the savage tribesmen retreat.

Reaching the place where he had left his companions, Tarzan is dismayed to find they have disappeared. The soldiers, furious because they have found no food, attack him. In the struggle Tarzan stumbles over the hidden food! The food satisfies the soldiers, but Tarzan is dismayed. What has happened to his companions?

HAWK OF THE DESERT ~  31.11.08
With the soldiers safely back in Fort Bek-El-Abir, Tarzan determines to disguise himself and seek Captain D'Arnot and young Lieutenant Carnot, captured by Moorish horsemen during the fight in the desert. As night bathes the desert, Tarzan puts many miles between himself and the safety of fort Bek-El-Abir. At dawn a Moorish robber attempts to hold up and rob the lone rider. But after a brief struggle the Ape-Man is the victor.

"I am one of the men of Abd-El-Krim, called the Hawk of the Desert," the robber admits.

"Quick!" cries Tarzan, "Where can I find him?"

The robber hands him a map. The map contains the information the Ape-Man desires. It shows the location of Abd-El-Krim's stronghold, the oasis of Meeza.

Safe in his desert stronghold, Abd-El-Krim taunts his two prisoners. "Infidels!" He cries, "You are my slaves. Never again will you see men of your own race."

"Courage!" Captain D'Arnot whispers to h is young companion, "A fight's never lost while we breathe!"

Trusting to his disguise, the Ape-Man penetrates to Abd-El-Krim's tent. Tarzan attempts to make the Moorish leader believe that he is a native trader. But the shrewd eyes of the Hawk of the Desert penetrate his disguise. The Moor gives a signal with his hand and in response to his master's signal, the giant slave strikes Tarzan a stunning blow, and the Ape-Man is thrown into prison.

'"My friend," Captain D'Arnot says, "while Tarzan lives we all live!"

Tarzan, captured in his brave attempt to rescue the French officers, Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot is in prison with them when a bodyguard of Abd-El-Krim, called the Hawk of the Desert summons them to appear before his master. Hating all Frenchmen, Abd-El-Krim bargains with a chief of a mountain tribe to sell the two French officers into slavery. The wounded young lieutenant and Captain D'Arnot are placed on the slave block. Angered at the sight of his companions' humiliation, the Ape-Man exerts his mighty strength to the utmost, as he breaks his bonds and attacks Abd-El-Krim. But the Desert Hawk's bodyguards are quick to the rescue. The two Frenchmen are sold into lifelong slavery.

As Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot are led away, Tarzan shouts, "Courage! It's not good-bye! We will meet again... soon!"

A witness to the sale of the Frenchmen is Ahema, the prettiest of the Hawk's dancing girls. Her eyes follow the young lieutenant.

The two Frenchmen, bound and helpless, are placed on camels and carried away.

"And as for your fate," the Hawk cries to the Ape-Man, "I will put you to the torture for your attempt to kill me!"

Ahema, the dancing girl, frees Tarzan. "Quick!" she cries. "We have not a minute to spare. I have a fast camel waiting."

Thus starts the mad ride to . . .

The camel train, with Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot as prisoners arrives near the mountain chief's dread retreat. Forced to walk up the steep mountain passes, Lieutenant Carnot, weak from his wounds, staggers and falls.

"Arise, slave!" the chief commands.

"I am not a slave! I am a French officer! I will never be a slave!" says the boy proudly.

"You can choose slavery or death," says the chief.

"I choose death!" the boy replies quickly.

Meanwhile Tarzan races across the desert, urged on always to greater speed by Ahema, the dancing girl, who has confessed that, at sight, she has fallen in love with the young lieutenant.

Carnot, blindfolded and bound is placed in front of a firing squad.

Leaving the camel, Tarzan, followed by Ahema, dashes up the steep mountain pass.

"Ready! Aim! the chief commands. . .

At that moment Tarzan arrives with the slave girl. Ahema rushes to the young Frenchman and throws her arms about him.

"Fire!" the mountain chief commands.

Tarzan rushes to the little dancing girl and picks her up tenderly. . .  She lies lifeless in his arms!

A DUEL FOR LIFE! ~ 31.11.22
After the death of Ahema, the dancing girl, Lieutenant Carnot faints from his wounds. Tarzan leaps protectingly over his body and defies the mountain chief.

"I challenge you to fight me!" the Ape-Man cries. "If I lose, my companions will be your willing slaves for life!"

Angered at Tarzan's words, and knowing himself to be an excellent swordsman, the mountain chief accepts Tarzan's challenge.

Learning of the escape of Tarzan and the dancing girl, Abd-El-Krim, Hawk of the Desert, rides in swift pursuit.

With a mighty stroke the Ape-Man disarms his opponent. "I have won!" Tarzan cries, "Command your men to release my companions!"

Treacherously, one of the mountain chief's guards springs at the victorious Ape-Man.

Abd-El-Krim and his followers reach the village.

With his back to the wall the Ape-Man fights off the fierce attack of the treacherous natives. For a moment, his betrayers have Tarzan down.

"I demand my prisoner!" the Hawk of the Desert cries.

"But he escaped from you," the mountain chief replies angrily. "He is now my prisoner."

Unable to reach an agreement, the two Moorish leaders decide to throw dice for the ownership of Tarzan.

A rescue column sets out from Fort Bek-El-Abir seeking trace of the two French officers and Tarzan.

With mingled emotions the three prisoners follow the dice. If Abd-El-Krim wins, it means they will be separated. They watch as the mountain chief throws the dice.

By throwing dice, Abd-El-Krim and the mountain chief decide the fate of Tarzan, Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot. Abd-El-Krim wins Tarzan as his captive and the Ape-Man is thrown on a horse to be taken to the desert village.

Almost exhausted from their hardships, the two French officers are forced to work as slaves. With Tarzan gone, they feel that their last hope has failed them.

When the desert tribesmen camp for the night Tarzan lies near the fire, apparently exhausted, but taking advantage of the inattention of his guards, he places his bound hands into a bowl of water, thus loosing the raw-hide with which he is tied. Tarzan is free! The startled guards fall before his sudden attack. Making his escape from the tribesmen under the cover of darkness, Tarzan finds himself at dawn in a strange country. Above him crouches a lion. Swift is the attack... but the Ape-Man is swifter. He side-steps, hurls the lion to the ground, and pins it there with his mighty hands. Gradually the struggle ceases. The lithe form relaxes.

Advancing across the desert is the column of French soldiers sent out from the fort to rescue Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot.

"Quick! cries the Ape-Man as he greets the bearded sergeant. "We must hurry if we are to find our friends!"

After a forced march, Tarzan leads the soldiers to within sight of the mountain village. "Charge!" the Ape-Man cries, and with a shout the soldiers leap forward. The soldiers struggle in the village street!

Sensing defeat, the mountain chief attempts to kill his two prisoners. Just then Tarzan arrives. . .

Heading a French rescue column, Tarzan arrives in time to save his friends, Captain D'Arnot and Lieutenant Carnot, from a life in slavery. The French soldiers raise a hoarse cheer at the sight of their liberated officers.

Back at Fort Bel-El-Abir, the Ape-Man bids his French friends goodbye. They urge him to remain.

"No," he replies, "I have work to do in the jungle."

And in the meantime. . .

Pennock and Burt, the two Americans left by the Ape-Man in the jungle, are in danger. While they have awaited his return, hardships and privations have taken their toll, and Burt lies gravely ill of fever. Men of a fierce warrior tribe stalk the unfortunate and almost defenseless Americans.

Tarzan, worried about the fate of his friends, swings swiftly toward them through the forest trees.

Like black shadows, the warriors creep on Burt and Pennock. Surprised by the black warriors, the two Americans are easy captives. But Pennock, in his struggles sets the shelter afire.

With unerring sense of direction, the Ape-Man hastens to his friends. The burning shelter is a signal to h im that there is danger ahead. Fiercely Tarzan charges the black warriors. The Ape Man's swift and deadly attack routs the tribesmen. Those who escape dive into the river and swim to safety under water.

"I am afraid you have come too late, Tarzan," Pennock tells the Ape-Man sadly. "Our companion is dying with the dread black fever."

That night Tarzan wrote a brief note to the doctor whom he had summoned to attend Burt in the hut beside the African river. Then he swung himself into the trees and disappeared into the darkness of the jungle.

When Pennock had told Tarzan that Burt was hopelessly ill with black fever, Tarzan replied, "He still lives, doesn't he? And there's a serum that will save him."

Like Bara, the deer, Tarzan sped to a seashore settlement on the West coast. There he dictated an urgent message to the radio operator. The radio message was delivered to the head of the French Bacteriological Laboratory at the African medical center. Within half an hour, a young doctor took off with a pilot in a seaplane, marking a compass course to the spot Tarzan's radiogram had indicated. Even before the fleet Tarzan could return from the seacoast, the seaplane had traversed eight hundred miles to bring serum to the fever-stricken Burt. Carefully, efficiently, the young doctor attended the sick man. The day came when Burt was well again, but on that day there was no sign of Tarzan at the camp. There was only the note he had written to the doctor. It said. . .

Congratulations, doctor for saving Burt's life. Airplanes, serums, radio and motors have brought civilization to the jungles; and with civilization whole armies of man hunters, animal hunters and treasure hunters have invaded my old domain. They are destroying the Africa I love, but there is some of it left and I am returning to it. Tell Burt and Pennock to take the treasure and to reward you handsomely. I need no funds where I go. ~~ Tarzan of the Apes

As the great seaplane carried Burt and Pennock back to civilization, Tarzan was deep in the jungle where no white man had ever penetrated. Again he was one of the leaping horde of apes in the mad dance of the Dum-Dum.

December 27, 1931 - April 17, 1932

The last Christmas before Tarzan was born had been celebrated by Lord and Lady Greystoke with a big dance at their country estate in England. When next Christmas dawned, they were marooned on the African coast in the cabin that Lord Greystoke had built as protection against savage beasts. For weeks before Christmas Lord Greystoke had prepared to bring a feeling of England's yuletide into the jungle. . . Now he was carving a toy for his infant son. On Christmas morning, Lady Greystoke awoke to find in the hut a tree that her husband had decorated with brilliant tropical flowers. Lord Greystoke was offering his gift to the baby Tarzan.

"Merry Christmas!" cried Lady Greystoke, swinging her boy into the air. "God bless us every one!"

"Look! He swings like a monkey!" said Lord Greystoke.

"And walks like a man!" said his mother, as the baby toddled toward her, taking his first steps.

Unmindful of the menace of Numa, the lion, who was stalking prey outside of the hut. . .
...or of the great ape Kerchak, who had approached even to the window. . .  Tarzan's parents forgot all other Christmases in the joy and pride of this one when their baby boy, who was to grow up with the apes, had taken his first step.

A hunting party had gathered at the Greystoke estate in England, and now they were waiting for their host to start.

"You look marvelous, John!" said Lady Greystoke when her husband finally appeared in the hunting clothes that she had persuaded him to buy.

"I feel silly," he said. "To think that I, Tarzan of the apes. . ."

"You are Tarzan no longer," she reminded him. "You have come into your birthright as Lord Greystoke. For my sake, John. . . " And she stopped his protest with a kiss.

For the sake of the wife he loved, Tarzan had been trying to adapt himself to the life of an English country gentleman, but, now that he was off on the hunt, something of the exhilaration of his jungle days swept through him. Even at their own sports Tarzan excelled the products of an effete civilization. Leading the field, Tarzan at last sighted the fox on the distant horizon with the pack of hounds in full cry after him. The little animal was at bay when Tarzan galloped up. But Tarzan was no "sportsman." He killed in the jungle for meat or to save a life. When he saw the little hunted fox, he felt closer to him than to the hunters with whom he had gone hunting. To the fox he talked, using the language of the apes. The fox did not understand the words; but he understood that Tarzan was his friend, and gradually the little, frightened, hunted thing sought the shelter of the Ape-Man's arms. As other hunters arrived, Tarzan turned on them fiercely, growling like a beast himself.

"The hunt is off!" he said. "The fox is my little brother."

It was incidents like this that made Lady Greystoke realize that Tarzan belonged in Africa. . .  Free once more to indulge the wild joy of life with his brothers, the apes.

A sudden forest fire sweeps through the jungle, driving frightened beasts before it. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, finds himself in the fiery path. Ahead of the flames races Tarzan. Deep in the jungle lies a small pool of water. Panthers who lurk in the vicinity, creep near to drink. A lone antelope, thirsty after its long run from the jungle fire, approaches the water pool. A panther lifts its head and snarls, and . . . Tarzan sees the defenseless antelope and the panthers at the water pool. The ape man leaps, determined to save the antelope, and to drive the panthers from the precious water. Tarzan strikes! The ape tribe and the panthers struggle in grim fury. Led by Tarzan, the ape horde wins the water pool. The victory inspires the ape man. Again he is the leader of a victorious ape horde. Refreshed by the water he leads the apes in a wild dance of victory.
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, swings through the trees of the forest, suddenly he halts. He has seen a strange ship at anchor. . . and . . . men of the jungle being led into a life of torture by Moorish slavers. Swiftly the ape man quits the shelter of the jungle, dives into the sea, and swims toward the sinister craft. Unobserved by the crew of the slaver, Tarzan reaches the stern of the ship. Up a dangling rope he goes, hand over hand. The men of the jungle struggle against their iron bars.

"Our cages are full." Tarzan hears the men of the crew say. "Soon we will sail for Ishkib and the slave market."

The blocks rattle, the sails go up, the ship moves, and a cargo of helpless humanity is being borne away. As the ship leaves the coast, Tarzan creeps below deck on his errand of mercy. Swiftly he overpowers the guard. He takes the keys and . . . liberates the jungle men! They swarm behind the ape man as he leads them towards the deck and freedom. The blacks attack the crew and dive overboard.

"Get up!" says Tarzan, "You are free again to roam the jungle!"

THE BABY OF THE APES! ~ 32.01.24
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, watches the ape tribe as its members cross a jungle stream. Among the apes is Mala, carrying her baby in her arms. In crossing the vines over the stream she treads on the ape ahead of her. He turns, snarling, and in her fright Mala drops her babu. The baby ape strikes the water, uttering weird cries of fright. . . and the ape man, who has seen the accident, dives! Gimla, the crocodile, and Tarzan race through the water for the drowning child ape. The ape man reaches the babu and races for the shore. In the race for life with the crocodile, the ape man outdistances his attacker. Memories of his youth stir the ape man as he looks at the ape baby in his arms. But the ape child stares at the unknown man in great terror. When the ape man's arms relax, the babu, frightened at this, attempts to escape. The panther sees the defenseless baby ape. He poises for his spring. But the keen eyes of the ape man see the panther, and he leaps into the path of the attack. The panther falls before the Lord of the Jungle. Tarzan catches the balu and takes it to its mother.

"Here, Mala," he tells the ape mother, "In the future guard over it well, as Kala, my ape mother, guarded over me."

THE BLACK PIT! ~ 32.01.31
Members of a pigmy tribe seek Tarzan in the jungle. They ask his aid against a fierce tribe of warrior blacks. "Unless you help us," they say, "our tribe soon will be no more." They rush to the Lord of the Jungle for protection. A lookout for the warrior tribe sees Tarzan as he leads the pigmies through the jungle. The signal drum booms through the forest, reporting the advance of Tarzan. Summoned by the drum, the warriors of the black tribe seek their tiny enemies, hoping to crush them in a surprise attack. Realizing that he and his allies are badly outnumbered, Tarzan puts the pigmies to work digging a deep pit and, when it is completed, he cunningly conceals the opening by grass, boughs, and underbrush. Bidding the pigmies wait on the other side of the trap, Tarzan advances into the enemy territory. The black warriors greet him with howls of rage. Pretending to retreat, Tarzan draws the black warriors behind him. With a mighty jump, the ape man clears the hidden pit. The black warriors rush headlong into the trap. The pigmies return to their village in safety. The pigmies shower the ape man with thanks, but he waves them aside, for it is only just for the strong to protect the weak.
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, chances on the tracks of Sheeta, the panther. He follows. Warriors of the Al-Alba tribe hunt man or beasts. Tarzan, passing below in the trail of the panther, is trapped by the black warriors. The warriors tie Tarzan and hurry him toward the village. Reaching the village, the ape man is brought before the Council of Older Men. They ask this question, "Shall we put him to death?"

"Death!" cry the Older Men, and the ape man quivers as he watches the dance which proclaims the savages to be cannibals.  A short distance from where the savages dance their dance sits Hulvia, a strange woman form an unknown tribe, whom the Al-Alba tribe have selected as their High Priestess. She thinks of the day when her father's vessel was wrecked on the African coast. She believes that everyone aboard the ship perished except herself. Bound and helpless, the ape man is prepared to meet his death. The warriors advance to give the death blows when with fierce suddenness the blonde woman goes to Tarzan's aid. She frees the ape man. In a language Tarzan could not understand, the blonde woman issues sharp commands. The blacks cower before her. Mystified at her presence, Tarzan follows her.

She was born aboard her father's ship, while a wild storm raged in the Arctic. That night her mother died. She grew up with the ship as her schoolroom, her Viking father as her companion and an honest compass as her guide. One night in a Portuguese port, a trio of Mediterranean seamen attacked her father. Hulvia, now grown to young womanhood, came to the cafe, seeking him. At a word from her, the sailors stopped their attack. Men feared her and instinctively obeyed her. Only one of the crew ever dared to make love to her.

"Prove yourself a hero first," she told him. "None but a hero may marry Hulvia."

When his first chance came in a sailor's brawl, the young suitor failed miserably. Hulvia developed a great contempt for men. After her father's ship was wrecked on the African coast, her proud fearlessness made even the cruel Al-Alba savages pause. But that night, the witch doctor of the tribe called for her death.

"You little rat!" cried Hulvia as he touched her. And she tossed him over the tribal fire into the midst of his savage tribesmen.

"And so they turned to me and hailed me as a goddess," Hulvia explained as she told Tarzan her story. "But I am just an ordinary woman. And at last," she said, "I have found a hero worthy of my love."

THE TEST OF A HERO ~ 31.02.21
As Tarzan swung off through the trees, Hulvia, the High Priestess, recoiled as if struck by a blow. Then she retired to her temple. When she returned she carried a letter in one hand and an amulet in the other. She called Mumkimvro, swiftest of her messengers, and commanded him to trail the ape man.

As Tarzan sped through the jungle, a little steamer tugged slowly up to the farthest trading post on the Gumwi River. Michael Barry, a veteran trader, had brought his nephew, Tom, across the Atlantic on adventure bent. But now they were three months out and not even a storm had marred the calm of the trip.

"I'd find more excitement any night on Broadway," Tom said.

"Wait until you meet Tarzan," Michael Barry advised.

The meeting place was the last outpost of the trading company. But Tarzan had not appeared a full day after the Barrys had arrived. "I doubt if there is a Tarzan," said Tom.

But at that moment, the ape-man swung down from the trees above them. At dinner Michael Barry told of his nephew's disappointment in Africa. "After being a football hero," said Michael, "Tom finds nothing exciting."

"Adventure is to the adventurous," said Tarzan. Just then the black Mumkimvro arrived, bearing the letter and amulet that Hulvia has given him to deliver. After Tarzan had read the letter, he looked appraisingly at young Tom Barry.

In the night the young man awoke in terror to find himself staring into the bloodshot eyes of  Gumba, the great mad ape. They fought all over the cabin, the blood-curdling battle cries of the beast arousing the whole ship. Tarzan was the first to arrive, but Tom had already conquered the mad ape.

The next morning Tarzan handed Tom a letter to read. It said: To Tarzan of the Apes, greetings. If you ever find a man who is a man, a fit mate for Hulvia, High Priestess of the Al-Alba, send him to her with this amulet.

"You may have the amulet if you want it, Tom," said Tarzan.

I'm sailing today, Tom," said Michael Barry to his nephew, "And remember no boat hits this port for another six months. But if you must have adventure, go to it. Only don't bring any heathen goddess h home as your wife. Think what mother Barry would say."

In spite of warnings, Tom Barry set off alone, bearing the amulet that Tarzan had given him in proof that he was a hero worthy of Hulvia, high priestess of Al-Alba. But Tarzan had no mind to let the young adventurer brave the perils of the jungle alone. As Tom Barry, holding to a compass course, penetrated the unknown wilderness, Tarzan followed through the branches of the trees above. At night, after Tom had pitched his lone  camp, green eyes gleamed through the jungle darkness. At last sleep came to Tom, and as he slept, the moon rose. In the moonlight, Sheeta, the panther, advanced close to him, stretching out a tentative paw. But as Sheeta prepared to spring, Tarzan, watching above, drew his bow. The next morning, Tom Barry awoke to find to his horror a panther by his side. When he saw the arrows in the beast's body, he thought his life had been saved by a miracle, and he uttered a prayer of thanks. Three days and three nights he journeyed before he came to the outposts of the Al-Albas. And there a black warrior waited. As the black threw the noose, young Barry ducked and caught the fibre rope in his free hand. He swung the black down from the trees.

"I am the bearer of the amulet of the High Priestess, Hulvia," said Barry. "Conduct me to her." Of this the black understood no word but he bowed low before the amulet of the high priestess.

Tarzan watched from the trees, as Tom was led to the door of the temple, there to face the test of love or death.

Hulvia was a hard woman. Even as a girl at sea, she had watched with cool aloofness when her father let two sailors fight it out at point of a gun. With the same indifferent attitude, she had for a year now observed the dreadful rites of the Al-Alba tribe. When Tom Barry, bearing her amulet of love, was brought before her, she gave no sign of recognition. Long she meditated while he stood unflinchingly.

"Put  him under guard," she at length commanded. "I shall consult the oracles."

At night, dismissing the guards, she visited him to tell him that the amulet meant the love it promised. Long they talked, and as they talked, Wambo the witch doctor listened. He understood no words, but ever anxious for revenge upon Hulvia, he waited. At dawn he saw her in young Barry's arms. Then he called the elder warriors together and told what he had seen. "Death to the stranger!" they voted.

Hulvia had always imperiously braved the threats of the tribe. But now, sitting in high council, when she vetoed the order of death for Tom Barry they rose against her. The attack was so sudden that neither Hulvia nor Tom was prepared to meet it.

"I have come to the end of the world to die happy, now that I have found love," said Tom.

Then came Tarzan!

The sudden ferocity of Tarzan's attack scattered the savages and the ape-man cut the bonds that held the prisoners. Hulvia and Tom Barry seized the weapons that the savages had dropped in panic.

"Follow me!" cried Tarzan, and he led the way to the jungle.

"Hold on! Hulvia's wounded!" Barry shouted.

Tarzan took her and swung with her high into a tree. Barry clambered up after them.

"We're followed," said Tarzan. "Hold her and bind her wounds while I fight them off."

But the savages refused to attack. Time was on their side. They were content to wait for darkness. And then . . .

It was now after sunset. Tom Barry was murmuring to Hulvia, "Don't you think Mrs. Barry sounds like a grand old name?" When Usha, the wind brought a familiar scent to the keen nostrils of Tarzan.

As the cry of a bull ape rang through the forest even the black savages shuddered. But the moment had come for their night attack. "Kill!" cried the witch doctor.

Then, in response to Tarzan's call, through the trees came the great apes!

A LOST LEADER ~ 32.03.20
After their retreat from the ferocity of Tarzan and the apes, the warriors of Al-Alba sought a scapegoat for their failure and turned upon the witch doctor.

"Go, Mumkimvro," the chief elder commanded. "Find the high priestess. The gods are angry with us for turning against her. Return to her her sceptre and give her the magic balm for her wounds.

But Hulvia had given up hope of life. "I have only one wish before I die," she told Tarzan, "and that is to see once more the sea  to which I belong."

In a litter they bore her through the jungle until at length they came to the last outpost of the old trading company at the head of the Gumwi River. At the sight of the habitations of man, the apes grew restless and afraid, and Tarzan sent them back into the wilds form which they had come.

And there Mumkimvro found the high priestess, abed at the company shack. She accepted the magic balm but rejected the sceptre. "Return to your people," she commanded. "They shall see me no more."

Down the river toward the sea, Tarzan and Tom Barry took Hulvia, who had been high priestess of the Al-Alba tribe. As they reached the seashore Hulvia rose and walked over the sands, exultant. Whether it was the sea air or the magic of the balm, the daughter of the Vikings was well again. Tarzan conducted her and Barry to an old French mission. And there, in the little chapel, they were made man and wife.

Meanwhile, the misfortunes of the Al-Alba tribe had convinced them they could not survive without their "White Priestess." And the warriors with spear on high, swore an oath that, though every warrior died, Hulvia must be captured and returned to the tribe.

Hulvia had insisted upon a honeymoon at sea and Tarzan gave the only boat available in those parts to her and Tom as a wedding gift. There were repairs to be mad, and Hulvia, born to the sea, superintended the job. While they worked, a black of the Al-Albas spied upon them. Then he hastened back to the tribe to report the lost high priestess had been found.  Tarzan, meanwhile, had returned to the apes. One day he saw the Al-Albas on march. Suspecting them, he followed. At the head of the Gumwi River, the Al-Albas took to their canoes. The honeymoon sloop was at last ready and Tom and Hulvia set sail, preparing to cross the Atlantic in the frail craft. But as the moon rose; the sloop was becalmed a mile off the coast. That night Tarzan and the apes arrived at the sea shore. As bridegroom and bride dream love's dream at sea, canoes, manned by the blacks prepared to die rather than yield their lost priestess, approach the sloop.
Tarzan now saw clearly the menace that confronted the couple in the sloop and commandeering the mission motor boat, he sped with his fierce horde to the rescue. The bride and the bridegroom were entranced. . .  The Al-Albas, hunting for their lost priestess Hulvia, had reached their prey. In a moment, she was in the arms of one of the savages, while Tom was swiftly put out of action. Through the night the Al-Albas sped with her. . .  clouds, covering the moon, hid their escape. When Tarzan arrived at the sloop, Tom, still stunned could give no word of the capture of his bride. As the moon broke through the clouds, Tarzan saw the Al-Albas in the far distance.

It was dawn as Tarzan's boat came within hail of the fast canoes, and then, in the language of the Al-Albas, he cried, "Arise, Goddess!"

As Hulvia stood up, the rays of the rising sun made an aureole about her. The blacks knelt in involuntary worship. "What is your wish, All Highest?" they demanded.

"My wish," she said, "is that you bring me my husband, whom you shall make your king."

When Hulvia called upon the blacks to accept her husband, Tom Barry, as their king, they shouted their protest. In swift rage, the Norse girl struck right and left at the rebels. The witch doctor, always Hulvia's enemy, crept toward her. Wounded the white priestess fell overboard as she struggled to extract the spear thrown by the savage. Tarzan and Tom Barry raced the motorboat to the rescue. As the rescuers dove, the savages in the canoe turned to attack Hulvia's enemy. Tarzan was first to reach the drowning woman. Swiftly Karba, the shark, advanced. Seeing Karba advance, Tarzan wrenched the spear from Hulvia's shoulder and plunged it into the gaping mouth. As Tarzan lifted Hulvia into the motorboat, the Al-Albas prepared to attack.
Captain John Barry's trading steamer was making its return trip up the Gumwi River. Tarzan, at the wheel, was racing full speed ahead in the little motor boat... while Tom Barry held in his arms the bride he had taken from the savages -- Hulvia, the White Priestess of the Al-Albas. Swift are the Al-Alba canoes and they were rapidly closing up the distance that separated them from the priestess they had sworn to recapture... when, around a bend in the river, Tarzan sighted Captain Barry's boat. As the captain hailed them from the deck, a mysterious woman wearing a black mask stood at his side. Tom Barry swung aboard with his bride in his arms, but the joy of reunion with his uncle was cut short as the Al-Albas were upon them. There was no time to prepare a defense. The savages swarmed to the deck of Captain Barry's boat. As Tarzan leaped to the defense of Hulvia, the woman in the black mask was below deck unlocking the door of a cage. At her command, two ferocious lions leaped forward.
April 24 - June 5, 1932

THE LION TAMER ~ 32.04.24
Tarzan, close in spirit to all wild beasts, bitterly resented the caging of animals but when he lived in civilization as Lord Greystoke, he frequently sought their companionship. He might often be seen talking to the apes at the zoo... and he always prowled around the cages at the circus, feeling that he too was caged by the bars of civilized life. One night when the famous lion tamer Lenida was doing her act in a provincial city of France, Tarzan was watching her from a ringside box. That afternoon when the circus was at a railroad siding, lightning had struck the car in which the lions were caged. The cage caught on fire and the lions fought furiously to escape as the flames licked their feet. The flames were put out, but for the rest of the day the beasts were in a ferocious mood, attacking even their faithful keeper when he came to feed them. Their constant roars spread fear; so that, before Lenida went on that night at the circus, the manager pleaded with her not to attempt that part of her act where she put her head between the red lion's jaws. But, supremely confident of her power, the great Lenida had appeared in the ring. When she attempted to put her head between the red lion's jaws. . .  the great beast struck! Then Tarzan leaped into the arena!
As Tarzan dashed into the circus ring, the great red lion stood above Lenida, ready to strike again. But before the death blow could reach its goal, Tarzan leaped for the great cat's back. Numa leaped high in the air, seeking to shake off his fierce antagonist. When he tried to turn and bite, the lion found a steel-muscled hand throttling his windpipe. With his free hand, Tarzan reached for his knife -- the weapon that was almost the sole heritage he had received from his father in the jungle -- a weapon he always carried with him. Again and again the keen edged knife stuck into the lunging beast, which began to sway dizzily while the ape-man increased the ferocity of his attack. Numa lurched and fell lifeless. Then resounded through the arena a cry more blood-freezing than that of any of the beasts. At the sound of it people were frozen in horror or driven to near madness through sheer terror. It was Tarzan uttering the victory cry of the bull ape at the kill. Amid the frenzied turmoil that followed, Tarzan disappeared, running wildly, running like a beast pursued by the hounds of civilization. Not until he had swung himself into the trees of the city park was he again in control of himself -- again he was realizing that his real home had ever to be among the trees -- far off in the jungles.
For months after Tarzan had saved her from death at the claws of her great red lion, Lenida, the lion tamer, lay in a French hospital bed. When the bandages were removed Lenida called for a mirror, but when she saw the ghastly damage that the lion's claws had done, she put her hands before her face to shut out the sight. Then did she resolve never to let anyone see her face again. When she left the hospital she wore a black mask. Later at Marseilles, she mystified customs officials by announcing that she was taking her lions back to Africa. Often had lions been brought from Africa for circus or zoo, but never had they been returned to the jungles. When her lions were put aboard his trading steamer to be transported to the last outpost on the Gumwi River, Captain John Barry was as much mystified as the French officials. But the woman in the black mask never explained. She met all efforts at conversation in silence. Her only talk was for her lions, and she spent much time with them in the cage below decks. But when the Al-Albas attacked the boat. . . Tarzan led his comrades to the protection of the ship's saloon. Locked in, they prepared to defend with their lives the girl who had been the white priestess of the savage tribe.  Then, unleashing her lions, like an avenging fury, the woman in the black mask swept to the attack. Before the onslaught of the beasts, the savages fled wildly. . .  all but one. But as this one prepared to strike, Tarzan, with the speed of Ara, the lightning, sprang from the cabin.
Swiftly did Tarzan strike. Then he hurled the black warrior to his comrades in the canoe below. The Al-Alba tribesmen fled in terror of the ape-man and of the ferocious lions that the woman in the black mask had unleashed upon them. Then she called the two beasts to her and they obeyed like well-trained dogs.

"Again you have saved my life," the woman said. And Tarzan recalled the scene in the French provincial circus, when the great red lion had attacked his tamer, La Belle Lenida. . .  and when Tarzan, himself, had sprung from the audience to rescue her and to kill numa in a desperate fight.

"My face was destroyed," Lenida said, "so I swore no living person would ever look upon it again. It was a judgment upon me for imprisoning wild beasts and I made a vow to return my lions to the jungles."

So, when the boat reached the last outpost on the Gumwi River, the caged beasts were carried ashore. Deep into the jungle Tarzan led the little procession and then the blacks were dismissed. When the blacks had gone afar off, Lenida opened the cage to give jungle freedom to her beloved beasts. But as the lions wandered forth, Tarzan swung into the trees to trail them. He wanted to see how these beasts, raised in captivity, would face the unknown perils of their native wilds.

A CRY IN THE WILDS ~ 32.05.22
Superb, majestic, stood sabor, the lioness, guarding her cubs. Down wind had come the man scent and sabor was alert to danger. But she had not seen hunters aiming at her from ambush. She was never to see them. Their expert shots ended her life. What the huntsmen wanted were her cubs. The beasts were sold to La Belle Lenida, the great lion tamer. Trained for the circus, they never knew the perils of the jungle. But now Lenida had given their freedom back to them and they ventured into their native wilds with Tarzan watching them from the trees above. From a great distance came a drum like sound. It was Bolgani, the gorilla, beating a loud tattoo upon his chest as a challenge to battle. Tarzan quivered as his keen ears heard the noise. The lions, untrained in jungle life, took no notice. But when bolgani was overcome in battle and Toog the great ape, uttered the weird and terrible cry of the bull ape at the kill. . . the circus lions fled. Panic stricken by the unknown terror. They fled back to the woman who had offered them their freedom. By the time Tarzan arrived, the lions had sought the safe comfort of their cage.

"They'll want their food soon," said Lenida.

"Then I will hunt for them," said Tarzan.

Swinging through the trees, Tarzan trailed horta the boar. He had hurled his unerring noose. . .  and had the boar halfway up to him when he suddenly dropped the noose and his prey with it. Through the jungle had come to him the wild scream of a frightened woman.

Defeated in their attempt to capture their lost white goddess, the warriors of the Al-Alba tribe slowly returned to their native village. There, the elders of the tribe backed by the women and children greeted them with denunciations for their failure. The witch doctor consulted the magic omens and found that no luck could ever come to the tribe until the white goddess was brought back. So it was that the black warriors, once more on the trail, came upon Lenida and her lions. It was Lenida's scream of terror that startled Tarzan when he was hunting horta, the boar. Then Lenida called upon her lions to save her. Fearful of numa and sabor were the savage tribesmen, but now they had the lions caged and at their mercy. Running on the branches and leaping from tree to tree came Tarzan of the apes in answer to the woman's cry. From the high branches he leaped into their midst uttering the wild victory cry of the bull ape.

"Release that woman and bow before her," Tarzan commanded. "She is a new high priestess the gods have sent to you."

"She is not a goddess, brave like the other; she is a mere woman who screams," said the blacks.

"She will prove she is a goddess." Tarzan replied. And he ordered Lenida to bring her lions forth. "You will behold white magic," Tarzan promised . "Wait and see."

Since they were cubs, new to captivity, La Belle Lenida had trained her lions. Now she was called upon to save her own life by demonstrating her magic control over these beasts that she had brought back to the jungle. As the savages gathered in a circle to watch her, Tarzan recalled the first night he had seen her with her trained lions in a French provincial circus. Now with Tarzan's aid, she performed the same act in the jungle.

"Next you will see her put her head into numa's mouth," said Tarzan.

A shudder went through the lion tamer as she was called upon to perform this action, for it was when she had put her head in the red lion's mouth at the circus that the great beast had struck. But now numa was as gentle with her as a puppy.

"You say this woman is not brave!" Tarzan exclaimed. "Is there one of you who dares like her to put his head between numa's gaping jaws?"

"I am brave, braver than all women!" cried the warrior Mumkivro. "I will dare what she will dare."

But as the fearless warrior knelt. . .  numa struck!

And so Tarzan made the savages recognize Lenida as braver than their bravest. They had seen the power of her magic as she saved the great warrior Mumkivro from the lion's jaws. They had seen her make numa and sabor obey like children. And now they hailed her as a new goddess and knelt before her to pay her homage.

June 2 - July 31, 1932

When Tarzan bade farewell to Lenida, after the circus lion tamer had been hailed as the goddess of the Al-Alba tribe, he was heading through vast jungle spaces toward his estate in Uziri. That night he swung himself into the high fork of a tree to sleep. When he awoke, he stood up in amazement. His hunting knife, his bow and arrows and his lasso -- were all gone. Not since he had been marooned upon the African coast when he was put ashore from the Kincaid had Tarzan been without his weapons in the jungle, and this time. . .

All that day he hunted until he came to a cliff of jutting rock and then he fore off a sharp sliver to make the rudiments of a knife. In the blaze the thrust his stone knife, starting the tedious operation of superheating and moistening it until there might be a keep edge to the blade. As he worked, fierce bloodshot eyes glared from beneath shaggy overhanging brows at him. And only the flames held back sheeta the panther from leaping at the ape-man. Danger stalked him in the jungle, but Tarzan preferred it to the ease of his home in London, where, as Lord Greystoke, everything was done for his comfort. Now as his weapon was ready, he shouted in triumph through the jungle silences, as if in challenge to unseen enemies. Then from the treetops flashed one of Tarzan's own arrows and plunged into the ground at his feet. . .  Who was it that dared to steal his weapons from the Lord of the Jungle as he slept -- and then to attack him in the night?

Just as the steamer was was pulling out from the Gumwi River trading post, a stranger hailed Captain Barry, asking the whereabouts of Tarzan of the Apes. Directed to the village of the Al-Alba tribe, the young man sought out the masked priestess, Lenida, from whom he learned that Tarzan had just departed. Picking up the trail, the youth saw Tarzan swing high into the trees. And that night, as the ape-man slept, the stranger crawled toward him. Silently, he purloined the weapons of the Lord of the Jungle. Then, hidden in ambush, the stranger waited until dawn. Through is binoculars, he saw Tarzan arise in amazement, looking for his lost weapons. Through the day he trailed the ape-man at a safe distance, and saw him tear the sliver of rock that he was to weld into a knife. That night when Tarzan was thrusting the stone into the fire to fashion a knife of his own, the stranger watched from the tree above. Then, drawing his bow, he sent the arrow to Tarzan's feet. Almost on top of the arrow he followed, leaping through the air with a wild shout. Tarzan was about to strike when he recognized . . . his own son, Korak the Killer.
Tarzan and Korak the killer, asleep in the fork of a tree were awakened by a fearsome cry. It was Bolgani, the king gorilla, greeting the dawn and arousing his tribe. Out from their sleeping quarters came the great anthropoids. Tarzan and Korak would have passed in peace but Bolgani, suspicious and short of temper advanced toward them screaming in rage. Tarzan and Korak were not seeking battle. When greeted as enemies, they raced away and leaped for the trees. But Korak, who had been long absent from the jungle, was too slow in getting away and Bolgani caught him by the leg. Wildly the infuriated gorilla king swung the ape-man's son above his head and then smashed him down upon a great rock. As Korak lay senseless, Tarzan leaped. Full upon the gorilla king, the ape-man landed. His revenge was speedy and complete. But engrossed in victory, he did not observe the threatened danger from the other gorillas.
Tarzan found Korak's pulse still beating faintly, in spite of the shattering blow dealt by Bolgani, the king gorilla. Tearing off the Killer's shirt, the ape-man made a bandage for the wound.  Then, following the spoor of many beasts, he hastened toward the water pool. Meanwhile the gorillas planned revenge upon the man who killed their leader. Through the jungle, they trailed him and watched him bring Korak to the water pool. Then, at a signal from their leader, they attacked. Tarzan turned to meet the unexpected onslaught. Quickly he disposed  of the gorilla leader. But the next moment a dozen hairy arms encircled him and a great shaggy beast lifted up the limp body of Korak. He carried the son of Tarzan up a high rocky precipice.
As Tarzan fell back under the murderous attack of the gorillas he hurled himself into the pool while the beasts clung to him. Down under the water they plunged, while Tarzan fought himself free. Instinctively the beasts struggled to the surface for air. Tarzan swam a great distance under the water. When he came up he saw in the high distance Korak being carried off by a giant gorilla. Swift was the pursuit that Tarzan made through the trees. When the gorilla saw Tarzan close upon him he lifted the body of Korak high above his head and hurled it madly from the precipice. At that instant, Tarzan swung out on the thick vine he was holding and with his free arm, he caught Korak's body as it hurtled through the air.
BROKEN VINE ~ 32.07.17
The vine strained under the terrific impact as Tarzan caught Korak's body --- and then strong wood broke. Below were the bolgani who had hurried in hot pursuit. Above was the beast that had tried to hurl Korak to his death. As Tarzan fell he reached out desperately for a branch. He caught one and held on for a second. But the speed of his fall was too great and his strong hand slipped. But he force of the fall was broken and Tarzan landed safely upon the ground, still holding Korak unarmed. The bolgani, thirsting for revenge, surrounded him on all sides. The ape-man usually scorned firearms, but now with his own weapons left beside the pool, he took his son's pistol, and examined it to see if it were loaded. Then he waited for the bolgani to come on. As the first one neared, he fired. Then the gorilla who had carried Korak off hurled himself from above toward Tarzan. The ape-man fell under the swift impact -- and the gorilla tribe advanced to the attack.
Long had it been since Tarzan had called for help, but as the bolgani closed in upon him, he uttered the blood-chilling cry of the great apes. Tantor pricked up his ears as the cry came to him. Then he plunged through the jungle. As the first gorilla crumpled under his attack, Tarzan lifted the great body to use as a weapon. The next gorilla fell back as Tarzan hurled the mighty mass of shaggy body. A third was met by a shot straight to the heart. But still the bolgani came on and on. Desperately the ape-man fought. Snorting wildly came Tantor in response to Tarzan's call. At the ape-man's order, Tantor picked up Korak. Then the Lord of the Jungle leaped to Tantor's back and shouted the wild victory cry of the bull ape. But the cry was stilled before it was finished. . .  the bolgani had snatched the body of Korak and were making off with it.
As the bolgani snatched the unconscious form of Korak, Tarzan drew his knife. . . leaped like lightning through the air. . . and landed full upon the gorilla's back. The ape-man made short work of the bolgani. . . and then, carrying Korak in his arms, went through the jungle on the back of Tantor. The bolgani followed. While Korak eased his feverish thirst at the water pool, Tarzan and Tantor were on guard. Many suns had risen before the trio, nearing Tarzan's estate, were met by the monkey, Nkima, who, chattering furiously, leaped upon the ape-man's shoulder. The first human to greet them was Muviro, the heroic chief of of Tarzan's Waziri supermen. While the Waziri hailed the return of the young Bwana, who had gone off to see the jungle adventure. . .  Muviro handed the ape-man a note, written in blood on a torn piece of shirt. It said:

August 7 - September 18, 1932

Tarzan's friend, young Erich von Harben, the explorer, was off on another expedition. With him he had Tarzan's monkey, Nkima. The blacks from the safari returned in panic, telling of blood-chilling danger in a forbidden place. But another moon had risen before Nkima returned. . . alone. Tied to the monkey, Muviro found a piece of shirt upon which von Harben had written in blood his desperate plea for help. Upon learning the contents of the note, Tarzan set forth at once to seek his friend in unknown danger at the elephant's graveyard. A long march brought him in sight of the great canyons. At the river side, Tarzan greeted his old friend, Duro the hippopotamus and was ferried across. Then he began the almost perpendicular ascent of the towering cliff. As he reached for the summit, a stone gave way beneath his foot. Nkima shrieked in terror and leaped from his shoulder. Then Tarzan fell!
As Tarzan fell from the cliff, his ape instinct made him reach for a protruding branch. He grasped a sturdy little scrub tree. He swung himself to safety, but in doing so he wrenched one arm. . . and he saw it was useless for climbing. When the frightened Nkima scrambled to him down the cliff, the ape-man gave directions. Going over the great cliff and down into the luxuriant valley, Nkima found the great apes of Tarzan's tribe. After listening to Nkima tell of Tarzan's plan the apes went to the great cliff. One of them clambered down to him. The others took their posts in the crevices in the rock. Then the first ape lifted Tarzan and passed  him on up to another. And so he was carried up  until he was safe on the summit. . .  back once more with his own tribe.
When Tarzan's friend, von Harben, reached the place where the great elephants of Africa have gone for centuries to die his men refused to follow. The graveyard of the elephants was sacred. For man to enter into it was forbidden. In panic von Harben's men fled headlong. Von Harben went on, a lone brave figure. . . and entered into the fabled region where the greatest of the world's wealth in ivory lay untouched by human hands.

He was startled by a voice crying in French, "Who's there?" He turned to find himself covered by a rifle. "The ivory is mine! All of it's mine! Nobody else shall touch it! I am rich! I am the richest man in the world!" cried the stranger. Then, with a shout of wild hatred, he fired.

Von Harben returned the shot as he fell. Then he tore a strip from his shirt and wrote in blood from his wound, "Help! At the elephant's graveyard. Erich." He tied the message tight to little Nkima, hoping Tarzan would get it, then he fainted. WILL TARZAN REACH  HIM IN TIME?

[Last of the over-the-shoulder part of his "loin cloth".
Tarzan uses the upper part of his leopard skin outfit as a sling for his injured arm.]
When Tarzan came to the graveyard of the elephants, little Nkima went nearly mad with excitement. But at the entrance to the canyon Tarzan paused; and the apes hesitated , looking to one another in inquiry. A strange animal scent had come to them down wind. Only hair-brained little Nkima ventured through the passageway, but in a few moments the monkey was back screeching in wildest terror. When Nkima told of a dread animal larger than any in the world, Tarzan ordered the great ape, Akut, to go back to retrieve the weapons that he had lost in his fall. Akut found them at the food of the cliff. Then he scrambled up the walls of the great canyon. When Tarzan received his weapons back one of the more venturesome apes went warily into the passageway. But, like Nkima, he returned in a moment, shrieking in terror, calling to everyone to flee. Tarzan was not ape enough to join in the panic flight, and as a man he had to carry through his plan to rescue von Harben. Nkima clung to his legs screeching wildly for him not to go, but Tarzan shook  him off and entered the graveyard. What he saw made his heart stand still. WHAT DREAD THING WAS IT THAT PUT THE BRAVEST OF BEASTS TO FLIGHT AND STOPPED THE LORD OF THE JUNGLE IN HIS TRACKS?
As Tarzan entered the elephants' graveyard he saw a beast of incredible size bending over the prostrate form of Erich von Harben. The explorer lay as if dead. The air was filled with great flying reptiles. One of them, hissing loudly, swept close to the ape-man. As Tarzan gazed in wonder at these strange creatures the monster turned its neck and Tarzan found himself looking into great reptilian eyes. Then, the great creature turned and lumbered off. Tarzan hastened to the side of the young explorer.

"Did you see it too or am I mad?" cried Erich without wasting a word in greeting.

"What was it?" Tarzan asked.

"A dinosaur! The largest of them all! The Gigantosaurus!" cried Erich. "I pretended to be asleep. . .  come! We'll follow it." "Here's its cave!" von Harben announced as he led the way to a great cavern. "If you hadn't come, I would not have entered. No man but you would dare to enter that cavern alone."

We'll trail the dinosaur when we're better prepared said Tarzan, indicating his fractured arm. "And how about your own wound? Was it in dinosaur's blood you wrote to me for help?"

"No, my own," said von Harben, showing his scar. He led the ape-man back to the spot where he had fought the strange maniac. "This man shot me before I killed him," von Harben explained. "If I thought  the wound would have healed itself I would not have sent Nkima for you."

Tarzan knelt and looked into the face of  his old enemy, Lieutenant von Werper, who had gone mad in the jungle in his quest for wealth and who having found it, perished. "Let us go," said Tarzan. But at that moment von Harben fell, swept by the wing of one of the great pterodactyls. Lying on the ground, he fired at the flying reptile. The sound of the shot was followed by wild h hissing cries. The pterodactyls flew high and circled about in the air. Then swept down swiftly to the attack. A long neck shot out and a fierce beak made a thrust at von Harben. Tarzan leaped high and met the pterodactyl. Then the ape-man pushed the explorer to the protection of an elephant's skeleton. Here for a moment they were safe.

Baffled in their attack upon Tarzan and von Harben the pterodactyls flew high with wild hissing cries preparing to attack afresh. Then the ape-man and the explorer made a dash for the entrance to the elephant's graveyard. As they reached the entrance they paused in amazement, for the pterodactyls stopping their attack as if held back by some power that forbade them to venture beyond the graveyard limits. At the other end of the passageway, little Nkima greeted them with shrieks of delight. In response to the monkey's cries, the great apes came leaping through the trees and rushing through the underbrush to hail the Lord of the Jungle on his return from the unknown terrors of the elephants' graveyard. That night when Tarzan and von Harben made their plans to trail the gigantosaurus the beating of a tattoo upon the great earth drum summoned the whole tribe to a victory dance to celebrate the return of the King of the Apes. And Tarzan, flinging off the last remnant of civilization, was again one of the leaping horde in the mad dance of the dum-dum.

September 25 - November 13, 1932

It was the next moon before Tarzan's arm was well again and he was able to attempt the journey into the unknown dangers of the cave of the Gigantosaurus. Then he and Von Harben bade farewell to the apes. At the entrance of the elephants' graveyard, they saw an old pachyderm dragging himself wearily within. Like all the elephants of the African fable, knowing he was about to die, he had brought himself to his last resting place.

"This looks like a bad omen," said Von Harben.
"But we shall go on!" said Tarzan

At the entrance to the cave of the Gigantosaurus, they were attacked by two pterodactyls that issued from it uttering weird hissing cries. A short distance within the blackness of the cavern, Von Harben fired in panic at one of the flying reptiles, but Tarzan warned him to save his shot for bigger game. For more than three miles they made their way on a steep slimy slope that led downward through the darkness until at last. . . they reached a subterranean grotto of breathless beauty. Over the jagged arches of rock they clambered.

"Look!" cried Tarzan.

From the slimy depths rose the Gigantosaurus. . .  and reached its great neck out toward them.

Suddenly the Gigantosaurus turned its head from Tarzan and Von Harben as they stood on their perilous perch in the subterranean grotto and made off into another dark cavern. Tarzan and Von Harben followed, clinging to the perilous footing at the side of the stream that ran through the cave. Then the edge of the rock that supported them ended. Tarzan went on in the water and signaled Von Harben to follow. Shoulder deep under water they followed the caverned stream. Presently they found themselves in a swampy forest. A strange barren little island jutted up from the green slime. Tarzan and Von Harben clambered up the side. Suddenly the island began to rise and Von Harben would have fallen had not Tarzan grasped him in time. Then as the great neck rose from the body, they realized they had been standing on the back of the Gigantosaurus.  As it reached out for them. . . instinctively they dove into the water.
When Von Harben came to the surface after diving from the back of the Gigantosaurus he looked around in vain for Tarzan. Von Harben reached for his pistol as the Gigantosaurus was upon him. But the pistol was wet and would not fire. The young German was defenseless. Tarzan meanwhile had swum under the slimy water until he felt the safety of land. Then instinctively he made for the trees. Looking down he saw with horror the great gaping mouth of the monster opening as if to devour young von Harben. Then, knife in hand, Tarzan leaped. As he landed on the neck of the great monster he was plunged under water. And the next moment he was catapulted high into the air. Guided by his unerring ape-instinct, he grasped the branch of a high tree. At that moment, the monster rose to his full height and reached out.
Swift was the Gigantosaurus but swifter was Tarzan. Like the wind he hurled himself from tree to tree. But always close behind him reached the neck of the monster. At last Tarzan found a tree of great height and swung himself to safety on the topmost branch, where the Gigantosaurus could not reach him. But then the monster hurled his prodigious weight against the tree. The tree crashed and fell under the terrific impact. Tarzan was off to another tree. But this time the monster was upon him. Tarzan leaped for the neck. He swung his body around to the back. As he plunged his knife again and again into the neck, a wild hissing sound filled the forest.
As the wild hissing sound filled the swampy forest, Von Harben shrieked in terror, then he fled panic-stricken. Tarzan clinging to the neck of the Gigantosaurus, turned and saw a monster much smaller but more terrible of aspect. It was Tyrannosaurus Rex, most frightful of prehistoric beasts. For a moment, the two monsters confronted each other. Then, as the tyrant king of the world that was sprang to the attack. . .  Tarzan put his knife between his teeth, loosed his hold upon the neck of the Gigantosaurus. . . and dove into the shallow waters of the swamp. While the fighting monsters lashed  the slimy water into foaming sea, Tarzan looked about for Von Harben. Presently he saw him lying as if dead at the cavernous entrance to the swamp. The ape-man hastened to his friend and found him still alive, but in a faint. Tyrannosaurus Ex quickly disposed of the great Gigantosaurus. Now he plunges on toward Tarzan and Von Harben. They do not see him coming. . .  can they escape?
As Tyrannosaurus Rex advanced, Tarzan's keen eye chanced upon the partly hidden entrance to a cave. Into it he dove with the explorer under his arms. Tyrannosaurus Rex crashed against the wall as he reached for them. For a long time after Von Harben recovered from his faint, he and the ape-man remained at bay until they saw the Tyrannosaurus go off to feed upon the Gigantosaurus he had slain. When Von Harben was strong enough to go on, the ape-man started to explore the cave and came to a great open space brilliant with stalactites. Cavern after cavern beckoned as they sought the passageway back to the elephants' graveyard. The explorer's flashlight played upon Tarzan as he led the way ever upward through a low narrow tunnel. They had travelled for miles when suddenly the passageway widened and they saw light ahead. They raced in eagerness to be back once more in the elephants' graveyard, but, as they reached the open space they found themselves on the bank of a great river and the sight that met their eyes made them halt suddenly.
As Tarzan and Von Harben emerged from the cavern, they halted suddenly, confronted by a stream alive with crocodiles. Quickly they took to the nearest tree, as the great reptiles advanced up the shore. In back of them rose endlessly great towering cliffs. So Tarzan made his plans to go forward across the crocodile-infested stream. Using fibres of the vine that grew about the tree, he lost no time in making a lasso of great strength. Then hurled it across the stream, where he snagged the limb of a tree on the opposite shore. After he had pulled the line taut Von Harben fastened it securely to the trunk. Tarzan started across the improvised bridge, swinging hand over hand. But as he neared the opposite shore, he felt the fibres that had been straining under his weight, slowly giving way. Suddenly they snapped. But Tarzan was ready. As the fibre-rope broke, he swung his body ape-like, through the air, and reached out toward a thick vine that overhung the water. As he swung up on the vine, Tarzan found himself confronted by the gleaming eyes of a great black panther.
Tarzan was caught between the panther and the stream of crocodiles. If the beast and the ape-man clashed in battle, both would be precipitated down among the crocodiles that were waiting to devour them. from his perch in the tree on the opposite bank, Erich Von Harben took careful aim at the panther. But the pistol jammed. Rust had made it useless. Frantically, the explorer pulled in the fibre rope, with a wild hope of lassoing the panther. . .  while ape-man and beast eyed each other cautiously, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly from along the trees, a strong branch was swung out toward Tarzan. The ape-man grasped it and was pulled rapidly to shore. A strange almost naked little man confronted him. It was this man who had swung out the branch and pulled Tarzan to safety. As the ape-man turned to greet his unknown savior. . . the panther sprang!

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