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My De Lorean Restoration

Welcome to 'My De Lorean restoration'. In this part of the wide world web, I plan to document each stage of my De Lorean being restored. From the day it arrives I will document all the repairs carried out on it. Before I continue, I would like to point out that I bought the car when I was 16 (April 2004), and that I have no knowledge about fixing cars, but I do know how they work. I know almost every technical detail about De Loreans from a long obsession, and my purchase of the De Lorean Workshop Manual should help the process. So if this website goes belly up, its either because I got the car running and am currently playing in it, or I realised fixing De Loreans was not as fun and rewarding as I once thought it would have been. So enough rambling, and lets get down to business. Come on in!
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Three most important De Lorean facts

This site

My car before I received it
My car the day it arrived
First day running
Update 12/12/14
