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Plaques Page

Empress Park

Creek Parks

Aug. 25, 2004

(Canadian Pacific Railway)

(Click on the picture for larger view)
(Unless otherwise indicated, photos by Don of

Location: (2004)
Empress Park: east end, near train tracks.


The arrival of the first train at this crossing of Pile
of Bones (Wascana) Creek in August 1882 coin-
cided with the selection of a new capital for the north-
West Territories. Regina, named in honour of Queen
Victoria, was chosen by Edgar Dewdney, Lieutenant
-Governor of the North-West Territories and W.C.
Van Horne, general manager of the Canadian Pacific
Railway. Dewdney chose this location in part because
it occupied "... the natural centre of a vast and rich
agricultural country."

This plaque was unveiled to commemorate the
centennial of the founding of the settlement of Regina
August 23, 1982.

(Information from the information plaque)