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::A smiling face appears on the console's screen. Captain Jacob Alexander Cross, Captain of the Challenger-B.:: Hello, I am Captain Jake Cross.

::He paused a moment, collecting his thoughts.:: The U.S.S. Challenger-B was one of the latest Defiant-class ships in the fleet. It held Klingon-based defensive and offensive technologies. It also held one of the best crews. ::A list of names run across the screen, their rank, current post, and several other items. He waited once again, for you to glance over them.::

::He continued to smile, resuming his speech.:: The Challenger-B was the ship that turned the tide in the second Dominion War. And that was before the war, itself, started. ::He sighed a moment, recalling the facts to the mission.:: We were investigating a report of heavy Klingon traffic inside a starship graveyard. We went in weapons off-line and shields down, we were at peace with the Klingons, and didn't want to make any wrong moves. As we made our way deeper into the graveyard; we noticed that the Saucer section of a Galaxy-class starship had life support and a warp signature. We moved in closer, to investigate, even beamed an away team over to it. As they began going through the ship, the Challenger-B was attacked by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, it fired one shot, using an experimental weapon, and fried our systems. It began a warp-core breach, via energy feedback, and melted our ejection door shut.

::He took a drink of water from a glass off screen, then inhaled a slow breath.:: Doing everything we could, we failed to stop the breach. Performing an emergency evacuation, the crew beamed over to the Galaxy-class saucer and watched the Challenger-B go up. Using the saucer as a life boat, we moved to the nearest starbase. The crew was honoured, the ship un-salvageable, and the saucer restored; they did the only thing they could. They gave us an Engineering section to go along with it. As well as the U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-2983-C.