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                                 Welcome to the  BMS Technology Education Virtual Hub


 Technology Education  Modules

Block CAD

Did you ever play with Legos  and wish you had a thousand- piece set?  With Block CAD, your wish has come true! Better yet, you don't have to put anything away when you're done. Build 3-D models and turn them into works of art.

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BMS Block CAD Hall of Fame


       Graphic Design

If you have a talent for design, this module is for you.  Draw your own sketch , scan it into the computer and the possibilities are endless. Or learn advanced Pivot skills and animate your own short movie.

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Free DHTML scripts provided by
Dynamic Drive

        New Pivot Gallery     

Model Rocketry

Learn about everything you need to become a model rocketeer. Launch a virtual rocket into space, explore the world of Estes scale model rocket science, then amaze your classmates by sending the Wizard model rocket you've constructed over 800 feet into the air.

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Brand new this year. Build a custom made robot car out of Legos, then learn how to program the RX module that controls it. In no time, it will be doing wheelies and donuts around the Tech Ed lab. Technology has never been so much fun!

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Web Design

This is the one everybody's talking about. Design your own website like a pro. Learn FrontPage, and you will build a powerful, attractive site from scratch. Include intricate backgrounds, music, animated text and links to the World Wide Web.

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Visit our student websites

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source

Bridge Design

Ever wonder how bridges hold together while supporting tons of traffic? Visit famous bridges of the world and learn their secrets. Let the Army Corp of Engineers help you to construct a working virtual bridge and then test drive a 5 ton truck across it. Did the bridge hold together or fall apart? Next, the famous Dr. Zoon shows you  how to build and test  a scale model wooden bridge. Ready?

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   All rights reserved. Stuart Marder. Blackhawk Middle School Technology Education Lab. Bensenville, Illinois,60106.

                                                                                   Music Survey                                                     M.G.R
