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Welcome To BJGirl's Jeep Page - BJ Jeep
I just sold my 97 Wrangler TJ and bought a BRAND NEW 2001 Jeep Wrangler!
Yeah, I know, I lost all the mods I made to my rad Jeep but I get to do things differently now.
BTW, there wasn't anything wrong with my 97, it just had lots of miles on it and I wanted a new color.
We girls are finnicky, you know. ;-)

my new 2001 TJ Sahara!
my beloved 96 - I shall miss you - a little
Aint she beautiful? Of COURSE it's a she!
I loved my 97
but it was time to move on.


Did you see me at Hi-Desert Roundup north of San Bernardino in California Memorial Weekend?
I'm trying to get a custom tire cover made that says "BETH'S Jeep" so I'm easier to spot.


My Friends
Jeep Wrangler Club (William)
Jeep News
THE Official Jeep Site
Vintage chicks on Jeeps (for Dad)
Jeeps Only
How To Bolt On A New TJ Cage
Jeep Parts Info

You can reach me at - and no dirty jokes!
(I can't get anymore)





Of course Jeep is trademarked by Chrysler, blah blah blah. Hey, you guys are gettin free advertisment from me!

Since April 2001:

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