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TASK: Tennessee's Autism Spectrum Kids

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TASK was created by me, Lori, a mother of an autistic child. I live in rural Northwest Tennessee, where there is no support group available for parents of autistic children. The services my son receives are excellent, but I have found it difficult to network with other parents and to find resources. Since receiving my son's diagnosis in 2002, I have spent many hours scouring the Internet looking for information, and I have compiled much of what I have found here in order to help other parents, especially those new to the world of autism.

There are many, many links here to resources, therapies, and information on autism (including checklists for the signs of autism). Please feel free to browse TASK.
It was designed for you, and I'm glad you're visiting my site.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or problems with links, please feel free to e-mail me.

Lori's E-mail for TASK

Last Updated, September 15, 2003

Recently Added:

Developmental Factors in Infancy and Childhood
Please respond if you have time! thanks!

*Safety and Security
E-Mail List: AutismMeds
*TASK Webring Memberships (see bottom of page)
*UPDATED: Medications
*Optometrists in Tennessee
*Risperdal and Other Atypical Neuroleptics as a Treatment for Autism
*Vision Therapy and Autism
*PECS and Other Picture Communication Systems UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
*Sleep Problems with Autism and Other Related Conditions
*Information on Serotonin Imbalances in Autism (appears on SSRI page)
*Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) as a Treatment for Autism
*A Parent's Decision to Use an SSRI for her Young Autistic Son

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TASK Home Pages
TASK Home Page
TASK E-Mail List
AutsimMeds E-Mail List

Basic Information
For Those New to the Diagnosis of Autism: The First Things to Do and the Initial Visit to the Neurologist
What Is Autism, PDD, and Asperger's Syndrome?
Neurobiology: Neurotransmitters, Genetics, and Biomarkers

E-Mail List: AutsimMeds
E-Mail List: TASK
Safety and Security
Tennessee Resources
National Resources
Northwest Tennessee Resources
Pediatric Neurologists in Tennessee
Optometrists in Tennessee

Therapies and Treatments
Sensory Integration
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Auditory Integration Training
Diet and Nutrition
Vision Therapy and Autism

Medication Use and Autism
E-Mail List: AutismMeds
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) as a Treatment for Autism
A Parent's Decision to Use an SSRI for her Young Autistic Son
Sleep Problems with Autism and Other Related Conditions
Risperdal and Other Atypical Neuroleptics as a Treatment for Autism

Speech and Communication
Sign Language
PECS and Other Picture Communication Systems

The Speech and Communication section is still Under Construction. Please feel free to browse the section, but keep checking back, as I will be adding new Speech/Communication therapies in the upcoming weeks, including:

*Verbal Behavior
*Sensory Integration Therapy (how it affects speech)
*Oral Motor Exercise
*Videos, Activites, and Books that Encourage Speech

Misc. Info
Conferences, Workshops, Events, and Summer Camps
A Mother's Reflections on Life with an Autistic Child
Cafe'de TASK, a place to relax and grab a much-needed break!

TASK Webring Memberships:

TASK is proud to be a member of the following webrings:

Neuroscience Webring

Neurological Disorders Webring

Asperger's Webring

Visit this Ring's Home Page!
PDD, Aspergers Support by Lori
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This TASK: Tennessee's Autism Spectrum Kids site is owned by Lori.

NOTE: The information contained on the pages of TASK are for informational purposes only. TASK does not endorse any particular therapy, organization, or professional, but is, rather, informing site visitors of the existence of such therapies, organizations, and professionals.

This site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I'll be adding new sites and information in the following days, so feel free to check back!!

If you have any links, books, articles, lists that you would like to see on here, please send them to me!! Thanks!!

Lori at TASK
