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Updated 30th March 2002

Rave stands on a ladder and falls onto Spike, while still holding the ladder!
Spike and Rave "death drop" Assassin through the announce table!
Assassin superkicks Nazz right in the face!
Assassin executes a somersault senton onto Nazz on the hard ground!
Spike Nails catapults Rave into a steel chainlink fence!
Rave drives Spike's head into the hard ground with this DDT!
Rave spikes Assassin's head into a shattered announce table with this piledriver!

Assassin splashes Rave
Spike Nails catapults Rave into the ropes!
Rave executes a underhook powerbomb on Assassin, landing him on his head!
Rave leaps across the wrestling area and clotheslines Spike
Rave executes a Tiger Driver on Assassin
Spike decapitates Rave with the NBW World Title!
Spike clotheslines Rave
Spike sidekicks Rave in the head!
Spike smashes a roadsign over Rave's head!

Assassin dives off the frame with a senton bomb
Nazz and Assassin shaking hands when they both become co-owners
Spike Nails goes to hit Assassin with a light tube!
The light tube explodes over Assassin's back!
Puma goes to hit Christian Rave with a light tube!
The light tube explodes over Christian's back!
Assassin smashes a light tube on the back of Spike's head!
Christian piledrives the Towel Boy onto grass
Christian tears up Spike's forehead with the barbed wire!
Christian hits Spike round the back with a baseball bat!
Christian smashes a board round Spike's head!
Spike shatters Christian's rib cage with a baseball bat!
Spike drives Christian's head into a metal plate using the Kryptonite Krunch!