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~~Cant Wrap Your Arms Around A Memory~~


People can make a difference.
They have to believe that things can change.
As long as they keep believing what they do in
This life doesn't matter, things will get worse or
Remain the same.

The biggest change starts within all of us and
What we feel inside.
It takes courage to face our own fears and taking
A risk to try.

People need a sense of direction although the
Map of our lives is sometimes difficult to understand.
Though our opinions sometimes are different they work
Together to inspire a master plan.

The smallest deed of kindness can be passed forward.
It can touch the heart of the coldest soul.
A moment of your time is the greatest gift bestowed.

Listen to that still small voice inside you.
It could encourage a beautiful dream.
Everyone has a purpose in this life.
Changes start by the smallest of deeds.

We can't keep putting off until tomorrow
The efforts we should have made today.
The longer we procrastinate, the more we have
That makes busy our day.

They'll be days when you feel happy.
Others when you want to do nothing but cry.
Remember the only failure in this life is the one
Who didn't have the courage to try.

Created By:SweetAngelDeb a.k.a. TennAngel

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