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Click on a song for SIRENS samples:
Hooked on a Feeling
Build Me up Buttercup
If you'd like to learn more about SIRENS or book them for an event please email one of the following: Tari Suprapto; or Rachel Wallins.

Click here to see SIRENS concert calendar

SIRENS enjoy performing for both private and public functions. Read our story below...

Seven lovely ladies (new photo coming soon), collectively known as SIRENS, started joining forces in the Fall of 2000. The story goes as follows: When meeting for sectional practices for a large a capella group, Tari Suprapto, Marnie Black, Rachel Wallins, Rachel Freeman and Sarah Bonsignore decided to form a group of their own that would reflect not only their musical taste and prowess, but also their ideas of how to have fun whilst making music.The resulting group, SIRENS, has delighted selected audiences in various venues.
Sarah B. has since parted and SIRENS have been singing with Joanna Lovell since March, 2002 and the 2 newest members, Wendy White and Yeraz Markarian, since February, 2003.
The SIRENS diverse members are:
Tari Suprapto hails from Jakarta, Indonesia and came to New York for graduate school. After obtaining a Ph.D in cell biology, she is now an Industrial Affairs Liaison for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and is also a saviour for homeless dogs. Tari sang with Swarthmore's Mixed Company before becoming part of SIRENS and its appointed Business Manager.
Rachel Wallins is a New York transplant from Moscow, Idaho (not too many people can boast that!). She is the Director for Organizational Development at MTVN, a gifted cellist, a not-so-gifted pianist and the official SIRENS comedienne.
Marnie Black, a native New Yorker, hits all of the high notes, and is one of the top spin doctors (a.k.a. PR) for MTV. Growing up, Marnie sang professionally in venues including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. She gave it all up in college and has been singing for pleasure ever since.
Rachel F. Freeman, also a native New Yorker, spent 11 years living and studying abroad, and currently works as a freelance writer. After dabbling with the guitar, drums and violin, she decided that her vocal chords were the most portable and easy to use.
Joanna Lovell began her singing career with the Rutgers University Queens Chorale in college, and soon after, trained to be a recording engineer at the Center for Media Arts in Manhattan. Joanna sang with the Collegiate Chorale for four seasons, and is currently an active member of the Riverside Choral Society. Joanna brings a great new perspective to the group; in addition to being the resident A/V specialist, Joanna is also the only Siren with children.
Yeraz Markarian (pronounced ya-ROZ) the third native New Yorker among the SIRENS, currently works in pharmaceutical advertising and is studying for her master's degree in Psychology. She has enjoyed singing from a young age, and participated in an all-female college a capella group as a "bass". Yeraz loves hitting the low notes, also enjoys playing the flute, and likes to pretend she can play piano (but she can't).
Wendy White grew up all over the place, and so has been the new kid practically every school year-which actually explains a lot! Now in New York after living abroad, she works as a legal recruiter. Though singing in shows and choruses her whole life, Wendy first became involved with a capella in college with the Brown University Chattertocks. She fell in love with it and is thrilled to be a SIREN!

SIRENS enjoy performing for both private and public functions.

Click below for another chance to hear SIRENS samples:
Hooked on a Feeling
Build Me up Buttercup

In the past two years, SIRENS have been booked to sing at weddings, bar mitvahs, and private parties. Special events have included an evening of songs at MAKOR, a night at the President's House at Rockefeller University, and an evening of Christmas carols at the Bronx Zoo.

SIRENS will happily prepare requested material with advance notice.

If you'd like to learn more about SIRENS or book them for an event please email one of the following: Tari Suprapto; or Rachel Wallins.