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Welcome To The Cemeteries of
Lawrence County, Tennessee

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Hello Friends! I have been away for a while, but I am trying to make a comeback.
Bear with me as I get back up to speed. Ha, ha, ha ... Yeah ... Wish me luck!!!

Please "Click" this link to return to the
The Lawrence County Archives
Also Visit;
Lawrence Co. Genealogical Society

Lawrence Co. GenWeb

Please contact me with your cemetery questions, directions and pictures.
Randy Hughes

Also, I have available, with the assistance of the Lawrence County Archives,
The "At Rest" Cemeteries of Lawrence Co., TN. vol.2.
It is available in Book and CD format, with a easy to use searchable index.
This edition was printed in 1984 and revised several of the mistake from vol.1, addded and updated many before unknown cemeteries.
The cost is $20.00/ea. and are available through the Lawrence Co. Archives.
Please feel free to drop Kathy a line requesting your copy at;
The Lawrence Co. Archives

How to use this page

ALL Cemetery names are links to a picture.
The numbers below the Cemetery name and description are ALL links to pictures also.
Click on ANYTHING (names and/or numbers) that appear as underlined (links) and you will be taken to a picture from that (particular) Cemetery.
Also, use this FreeFind Search to search for information!Just type in the information you are searching for in the text box, and your search results will appear.

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In order to make your visit a bit more helpful, please visit this (URL) website address to see if the Cemetery you are looking for IS, in fact, listed as being in Lawrence County, Tennessee.
Index of Known Cemeteries: - Lawrence County, Tennessee

Allen Cemetery
Directly beside/connected to John Lay Cemetery - (See John Lay Cemetery, below)
Rev. W.J. Kirkpatrick, Allen Family Plots, Allen Family Plots, Mary Ford Mayfield Allen, Major Richard H. Allen, Capt. William B. Allen, Hortense A.P. (Allen) Gilbert, Allen Graves

Barnesville Cemetery
Hwy. 20 through Summertown approx. 1/2 mile to RailRoad Bed Road on the left. Approx. 4 miles to cemetery on the left.
B.F. Blocker, Luizer Blocker, Mary S. Cothran, Charles and Fannie Hickman, Ernest and Mary Pennington, William and Mary Powell, Rittenberry Graves, Joe W. Rittenberry - Military, Olie E. Staggs - Military, W.C. Stephenson, Josie and William Wiley, A.W. and Cornelia J. Wooten, Hattie and Ernest Wooten

Bumpass Cemetery
Take Hwy. 64 West of Lawrenceburg out past Davy Crockett State Park to West Point Road. Turn left onto West Point Road goapprox. 1/2 mile to Bumpass Street (first) on the left. Straight ahead 1/4 mile on right.

Baugus Cemetery
Take Railroad Bed Road out of Summertown. Go approx 7 miles. The Cemetery is on the left beside Baugus church of God.
Baugus Overview 1, Baugus Overview 2, Baugus Overview 3, Baugus Overview 4

Clayton Beeler Cemetery
Hwy. 64 West from Lawrenceburg to West Point Road on the left. Go approx. 5 miles to Walnut Grove Road on the right. Go 1/10th of a mile and take an old grass covered road on the left. Follow it 1/10 mile to graveyard.
Burnie and Mary Lou Beeler, Stanford Benjiman and Mary Lou Clayton, William Benjamin Crews, Ida Elizabeth (McGee) Crews, Eva Crews, Mary Elizabeth Crews, W.T. Crews, James Sidney Crews-aJames Sidney Crews-b, Joseph and Sarah M. McGee, William Allen Gobble - Military Marker, Civil War, Crews Family Plot, Clayton/Beeler Namesakes

(Old) Ethridge Cemetery
From Hwy 43 N in Ethridge, go approx. 1 1/2 miles to railroad tracks. Turn right on Maple St. go to the end.
(The following photos were contributed by; Mrs. Reita (Jones) Burress)
A.B. and Rebecca Jones w/ daughter Kate (Jones) PattersonTimothy Earl Jones, Jacob Daniel and Mary Ann (Longberger) Jones, Goldie Marie Brian, Lula (Brian) Lindsey, Mildred Irene Brian, H. Murrell and Evie (Taylor) Brian, Orville M. and Grace M. Brian, Sidney H. Johnson

Freemon Cemetery
Hwy. 43 South from Lawrenceburg to Leoma. Left onto "Rabbit Trail Road." Turn left approx. 1.5 miles onto "Old Florence Pulaski Rd.." Approx. 1/10 mile on the right.
Bertram L. and Annie (Boone) Marston, Jeremiah B. and Lydia A. Crews

Fuller's Chapel Cemetery
Hwy. 43 South from Lawrenceburg to Leoma. Through Leoma almost 1 mile to Stouts Orchards sign on the left onto "Old Florence Pulaski Rd.." Turn left, then first right onto Fuller Chapel Rd., approx. 1 mile on the left.

Grassy Branch Cemetery
Take West Point Rd. out of Lawrenceburg approx. 7-8 miles to Grassy Branch Rd. on the right. Stay to the right at the intersection and drive toward the house that appears in front of you. This Cemetery is gated, but can be accessed by those wanting to visit. P.S. It's Electric!
Overview #1, Overview #2, Melisent (Hicks) Crews, William Crews, Overview #3, Overview #4

Henryville Cemetery
Central Turnpike (Hwy. 240) from Summertown to the Henryville Community, approx. 6 miles. Turn right onto Cemetery Road. Then 2/10th of a mile to Henryville Cemetery on the right.
The Cemetery is in two sections (Old and New) that are side-by-side.
William P. Brewster, Alexander Carrell, Ezra Cates, Hettie Gresham Crews, Harvey Dame, Allen Scholes, Richard Scholes, Basil S. Shields - Military, John W. Pennington, Mary G. Pennington, Malcolm C. Patterson,
Mary Sims, Mary Wiley Clark
Lawrence County Memorial Gardens
On Hwy. 43 North from Lawrenceburg, approx. 1 mile. Cemetery is on the left.
The following photos Provided by Mrs. Lori Chaffin;
Hassel and Helen Truitt, Hassel Truitt - Military Marker - WWII, Mertis V. Truitt, Ted Collins - Military Marker - WWII, Thomas G. Davidson - Military Marker - WWII

North Grave
Located at the corner of Hwy. 64 West and Genson Road. (Only the one grave is seen in the yard of this residence.)

Old Lawrenceburg City Cemetery
From Lawrenceburg city square, go west approx. 1 mile. The Cemetery is on the left.
Est. Sign, George W. Evans, William W. Evans, (?) Tarkington, Fanny Smith, (?) W. Evans, Nancy G. Kirk, Berry W. Evans, Azariah P. Davis, Azariah P. Davis #2, Mathew Love, Samuel B. Arrington, Wm. L. Arrington, Bentley Plot, Bentley Plot #2, (?) Parker, Parker Graves, Rev. Noah Parker, Francis Mary Parker, Matthews Plot, Mattie Leslie and Jennie (?)Finch Matthews, T.O. Deavenport, Thomas D. Deavenport, Wm. Asa Carrell, Minnie B. Nixon, S/O Henry and Laura Nixon, Mary A. Parkes, George Henry Nixon, Military Marker, George Henry Nixon, Nixon Family, Judge Robert Henry Rose, Joseph Parkes

Old Ethridge Cemetery
Hwy. 43 North from Lawrenceburg to Ethridge. Left onto Main Street, right onto Walnut Avenue, follow Walnut to the end.

Pleasant Point
Hwy. 43 South from Lawrenceburg to Leoma. Right onto Old U.S. Hwy. 43 south. Approx. 2.5 miles on the right.
Note the cemetery is located beside the church. Look for the church ... you'll find the cemetery.

Old Salem Cemetery
Take Railroad Bed Road approx. 5-6 miles out of Summertown to Salem road on the right. Stay to the right on Salem Rd. past farm to the end of the road.
Gracie Lee Smith, Mason Lee Smith, H.W Sadler, Sidney Jane Devasier Bennett, Ashmore Plots, Ashmore Plots, (?) Cooper, Bennett Plots, Anna Elizabeth Davidson, Sims Plots, John A. Renfrow, Martha J. Milliken, Ellen J. Milliken, Cornelia A MillikenN.A. Parker, Infant S/O (?) and A.E. Dickey,

Pleasant Hill Cemetery
(Also known as Old Henryville Cemetery And was once called Webster's Cemetery.)
Central Turnpike (Hwy. 240) West from Summertown to Henryville. Left onto Durham Circle Road, then approx. 2/10th mile on the left across from Henryville United Methodist Church. Gravesites are in an open field to the left.
Historic Sign, Sign w/ cemetery far left (not visible), Mary E. McHaffey, Jennie Martin, Amy L. (Smith) Niles, (Infant) Wildes, Elijah Viets, Mrs. Mary Fields, Frank T. Meredith, Olie Forest Crane, Samuel Leland, Peter Crum

Restview Cemetery - Loretto
Hwy. 43 South from Lawrenceburg to Loretto. Approx. 15 miles on the right of Hwy. 43.

Summertown Cemetery
Hwy. 43 North from Lawrenceburg to Summertown (approx. 15 miles North). Left onto Monument Road at Johnson's QuikStop, left onto Hwy. 20. Approx. 1.5 miles to fork at Dunn's Family Store (in the fork) take the left fork. Approx. 3/4 mile on the right.
Samuel and Eva Leland, Etta Leland, Willie H. Leland, Lovisa Crum, Felicia P. Leland, Kenneth S. Leland, Gene and Alberta Williams, Helen Williams, Gilbert E. Hammond - Civil War Marker, A.O. Gibbs - Civil War Marker, Daniel D. Brooks - Civil War Marker, Charlie C. Smith - Civil War Marker, C.E. Hammond,

Other Links of Interest;

Lawrence County Military Records, Pensioners of Revolutionary War or War of 1812 from Lawrence County

Known Union Civil War Soldiers Buried In Lawrence County, Tennessee Cemeteries

BIBLES - Bible Of Alfred Ogilvie Williams
Also; Bible of Alfred Ogilvive - Text Version

BIBLES - Bible of Eli Nathaniel Hartsfield - Text Version
Remembering the Shoals - Eli Nathaniel Hartsfield - Bible of Eli Nathaniel Hartsfield

Bible records of the Eli Nathaniel Hartsfield Family, Lauderdale, Alabama

LAWRENCE COUNTY, TN - HISTORY - Marcella Falls Woolen Mills

Baker Cemetery by Scott O. Fraser


1850 Census Index

Court: Minute Books Document, 7 Apr 1851
Court: Gabriel Bumpass Petition to repair Waterloo Street gulley

MILITARY - Southern Claim of Alfred O. WILLIAMS

Miscellaneous: Partial Lawrenceburg Business Directory

Lauderdale County, Alabama - Cemeteries Master List 
Green Cemetery at TNGen Web  
All of these many more, including;
Cemetery Records
Vital Records

Located at; 
Tennessee GenWeb Archives
Digital Library -Lawrence County - Table of Contents