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Kimbalina'z Page!
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Hey yall!! What's up?! NMH, Well, I guess I'll tell ya a little about myself. Umm..I'm 5'5" tall (or close to that...I really don't know), I gotz blond highlights and bluish green eyes, I'm 16 1/2 years old & I'll be in the 11th grade, -- Well, if u wanna know more about me, just Click Here!

Anywayz....I'm gonna shout out to all my buddiez: Dakota (My B/F, I wuv yoooooooou!!), Terra (!! lol),Danielle (Kasey..ARG!!(inside joke wit Dannie :-P ... KFC is the place to be, where u can get CHUNKY chikin pot P.I.E.! lolol), Kaniz ("Thumbalina!!"), Sa-zrah (Keep tha babies off the clothes line!!), Kenz, Ashley, Brent, Maegan (**x=DL/Z**), Joseph ("Jo Weezy"), Jordan, Bob, Wes B. Wes. M. Radina, Holly T., Stephanie, Jared, Patrick, Shane, Waylon, Drew, Whitney G., Carrie G. (Mama Gill...hehehe), Mary Ruth, Laura, Carrie H., Corey H. (NOOO-UHH!!!), Adam C. Lane, Chanelle ("Crip"), Erica, Jeff, Gavin, Nikki W. (Nancy Walnut...THERE'S BUUUUGS!!), Laura P., Holly Guest, Stacy M., Andrea, and if I forgot u ....I'z sorry. Just tell me, and I will add you on here. My Yahoo Messenger ID is kimbalina_xoxo. If ya wanna e-mail me, u can at ...or click on the link below!!

<--Me at Point Mallard!!

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