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Tanya's Pics

Me and some guys I met at a bar in Ontario(Fake ID Baby!)

Here's Julia and I showing off our hot tummys lol Are you happy Chuz?

I'm obsessed with this picture it's the cutest thing ever two of my best friends Lisa and Jenn! I love you guys!


Jon and I a long time ago.

Jenn and I at work....

Ian and Jill modeling...

Jill and Liberty...Being weird...

Brad...At Jenn's

Michelle and H.J at a dance...Awww

Jill.... And Joe!

Murray Isn't he sweet?

April, Playing Barbara's guitar!

Ali, Katie and Amy

Brittany,Lisa,Steph and Jenn at a dance

Claud and I like 3 years ago *R.I.P Claud*

Lib, Erica, Michelle and Jill
Sarah and Scotty. Scott just got home from work!

Hehe I just yelled their names and took the picture... They didn't see it coming.
