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JJ's Confederate Railroad


This Page is dedicated to a wonderful guy.
Jeremia Johnson

Even though JJ's a Tennesseian I've over look that.

JJ at his best, resting.


JJ at rest again, his favorate time of day or night.

       Here Ya go Granny   

JJ apicking for his granny above.

Sho's nice ain't it.


Now I don't want youa to think JJ doesn't
ever work cause he does.
Sometimes he widdles alotta wood for the fire.
Them Jethro kin comes and haul's it all
from the pile to the house.

All this being done while them lazy,
cousin's of his keep on just a playing their

Now ain't that a great story?

Yep, I can't wait till the next tale be told.


Night JJ sleep and have happy dreams.

  This site was made 21 June 2005

Please enjoy the music below.