As with everything else in life, there are rules for joining and remaining a member of the
"Welcome Home to Tennessee" web ring. It's my wish that this web ring remain
family friendly. With that idea in mind:
1. No sites that contain pornography of any kind will be admitted to the web ring.
2. No nudity will be allowed.
3. No profanity of any kind.
4. No hate sites directed at any race or culture will be admitted.
5. No sexual content will be permitted.
6. No sites will be admitted which contain written material for "mature audiences".
Your site MUST be family/child safe meaning it must be appropriate for any and all ages. I will routinely
tour member sites and if any of the above described material is found on or linked to from your site, your site will be deleted
from the web ring without notification.
If you have questions, use the "Email" link provided below. If you agree to the above guidelines, proceed to the "Join" button below.