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May 26 2004;
Mmm mac & cheese;
Hey babes. All is good at home now. I am talking to my Mum again and she is finally out of her sitty mood. We went out today to explore what was around us and I got some photos. I made a new sction in my galleria called scenery and they are in there. I got some nice photos, I impressed myself. Jeez I take too many photos or pointless shit but I just love photography. It's fun!!

Well before I go on I have to say I am sooo badly jealous of Carrie's site. Like seriously man, she puts allot of people to shame with her layouts. They are the best I have seen. Damn I wanna do that. Oh well I'm not that talented in making layouts. I just chuck a bunch of shit together and call it a layout. Haha works for me razz

Ok well I started making my makeup page glamorization last night and it's looking pretty good. I was up practically all night working on it. The layout was piss easy but omg the content on it is hectic. There is so much to do and it's really confusing me because I'm trying to get it as basic as I can and make it in order so it's easy. Blah I dunno I might just scratch it all and start again or fix the way the navigation is. Oh I don't know. Well there's a sneaky peek to your left of it. It's looking alright so far I guess. Hopefully it all pulls into shape.

Ugh well babes I am going to go shower and watch tv. I am not gonna work on anything tonight because I got an early start tomorrow and I am really tired now. I'll will post tomorrow and hopefully change that horrible cam image. Hahaha seeyaz!
Tabbie 07:40 pm
Karma: 2 +/- 23 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: I'm so excited
Current Mood: Happy baby. Woot!!

VOTE 01 02 03

May 25 2004;
Last night sucked;
Ugh last night sucked man. I got into a huge fight with Aaron (my fat brother) and he was all "I will fucking konock you out" and I was all "I'm standing here cunt go ahead and punch me" and then my Mum walked out so I got into a fight with her and then I ended up storming out slamming the front door on her and Aaron at like 10pm. It's like the sun shines out of Aaron's fat ass according to my Mum. He never goes to school he's a fat fuck drop kick loser. Anyhoo when I stormed out I started to head down to One Mile Beach and then Trent ran after me, Aaaw! Hahaha I spent half the night on the beach and I ended up coming home at like 4am. Lucky it wasn't a cold night.

I woke up at around 9am today and I got ready to go into Nelson Bay because I had to pick some things up for dancing and my Mum was, and still is being a bitch to me and she wouldn't drive me to Nelson Bay so I had to fucking walk there and it took me like 2 hours, all up hill. Man it sucked ass. I went down this road thats all blocked off for road works and it's like hella long and I saw this tractor just sitting there with keys and I was gonna jump in the bastard and drive down the end of the road with it and just as I was about to get in it the ranger drove down the road. Haha man I was pissed off. I now have the sorest feet known to man kind and my Adidas shoes are like hella small coz I have had them for like 4 years and because it was raining today my socks got soaking wet and I ended up with cuts all over my feet =(

Oh well change of subject... I am just about to start the makeup page. Actually I am going to have dinner and then have a shower before I start it. I have got all my old work out from the Academy and all the makeup books and shit so I can get started on it.. It will be a huge section and it will take some time but well worth the wait. Hopefully I have some of it up tomorrow!
Tabbie 06:51 pm
Karma: 1 +/- 24 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Hey Ya!
Current Mood: Annoyed

VOTE 01 02 03

May 24 2004;
Bored shitless;
All the subs have been updated and uploaded. I still haven't finished the visitor and dance section and I haven't even started the makup section yet. I added more subs in the section about me and I just fixed them all up. Hopefully I will have the dance section up in the next few days with all the multimedia and shit, I might come on here at 3am tonight when everyone is asleep and start recording the songs off video.

Well I didn't do much today. I went and chilled with Dylan, Zayne, Luke and Sarah. It was actually the most boring day I have had in a long time. I have all this week off dancing so I have time to relax and settle down. I am in a shitty modd with everyone for no reason at all, all coz I am due for a period and I get bad ass pms. I dunno what's wrong with me. I never used to get moody but now I get really agro and all I wanna do is kill anyone who talks to me. It sucks. I feel like killing someone now. I am actually pissy at my Mum coz she's been in a shit mood for fucking ages and she talks to me like I'm shit stuck in a gutter. I hate her some times and right at this very moment I hate her allot. I hate her for what she's done and she has to fuck everyones life up especially mine. I am sick of having to hide and move houses coz of her. She's a fuckign selfish bitch. I want to move out and live back in Sydney with my brother crying

Ok well I am moving houses in like 6 weeks. Yeah I am moving again for the billionth time. I just want to stay in a place longer than 6 months you know. I am sick of packing my room up in boxes and loosing half my shit when ever I move. I am sick of changing dance studios and living in a new area. I just wanna chill in 1 place long enough to settle down and actually keep my friends, not move away from them! Man don't mind me. I'm in a freaky ass mood where I'm all emotional and yeah. I might go have some cones and then go lay down with Trent <3 cya!!
Tabbie 07:28 pm
Karma: 0 +/- 22 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Stairway to heaven
Current Mood: Shitty. PMS alert!!!!

VOTE 01 02 03

May 23 2004;
Drunk as a bitch;
Photos uploaded into the galleria.. Ok well I am home and hooray.. I am so proud of myself. I got 1st in every dance comp I competed in and my dance troupes I taught got 4 firsts and 2 seconds. How cool.. Me being the talented one I am had to get dancer of the festival (that's the person with the most points made through out the comps) and I had to get up in front of like soooo many people and make a speech. Ok so making a speech is no differant to singing or dancing in front of shit loads of people but I hate speeches coz I got nothing to say :hehe:

Well yesterday was the last day of comps and today was presentation day. Last night I decided to party, I didn't expect to get drunk but oh my gawd I got blind drunk. I was gonskies, down, hammered, off my head. I drank a whole bottle of Wild Turkey strait and a whole bottle of Bombora strait. I can't remember much but I can remember falling over in the middle of the road because the alcohol had hit me, passing out on Binno Ovel in Jarad's arms and Callan, Jarad, Trent and Long haired Chris trying to carry me back to Jarad's house.. I crashed at Jarad's for the night in his bed, I threw up all over his bed and his floor and I remember saying to everyone over and over again "I'm alright man, I can walk" HAHAHA man what a fun night but holy shit I felt like crap and I still do!! Hangovers are a drag man. Oh and I remember Susie help me have a piss - HOW EMBARESSING!!!!!!!!

Anyways I got a free Siemens camera phone. It's such a piece of shit though. The photos are crap quality and I really have no idea how to use it and I got no phone charger. I'm giving it to my brother tomorrow because I only use Nokia phones and I am getting the new Nokia camera phone in a few weeks. Jeez I always wanted a camera phone and I finally get one and it has to be the gayest phone ever made. Ha ha ha just my luck eh!!!

Well I have a really sore head but I am not really tired so I am going to work on my sub pages and shit.. I actually want to make a new layout thats full colourful.. With like green, yellow, orange, grey, pink, blue and purple. Ha! Sounds dumb but I will make a layout with those colours, You just wait and see. Could be ages but still . . Well I am off to work on my subs and add some more links. Cheerio spaghettios!
Tabbie 07:52 pm
Karma: 3 +/- 17 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to:
Current Mood:

VOTE 01 02 03

May 21 2004;
Tired as shit;
I am so effin' tired man and I have comps in less tha 3 hours :crazy: Ok well I had comps yesterday afternoon and I got 2 firsts for solos and my dance troupe that I teach got first so all was cool. Last night I chilled with Susie, Jarad, Trent and Davyn. We went to Binno oval and smoked. Actually I am pissed off at myself because I did smoke. I haven't smoked for nearly 6 months and I couldn't resist last night because of all the stress I'm under with these comps. Argh. I got here to Dan's at something like 11pm and Trent had to stay here too the night and we had no where to sleep so we both tried to sleep on the couch but it was too small so I moved into Leah's room and layed next to my Mum coz my Mum was on a blow up mattress It was cool coz I had heaps more room but Leah's bedroom is like Antarctica. It is so freakin cold in that room at night. My Mum and I couldn't sleep because it was so cold and then Leah cried and shit and then we finally got an hours sleep and then Leah screamed and shit and then we couldn't get back to sleep because it was cold then we moved into the lounge room - by that time it was 4:45am. Trent woke up and my Mum, Trent and I had this full conversation at 5am. Haha anyways I have to go. I am so tired. I don't know how I am going to cope today because the comps go to 11pm tonight. I am gonna die by the end of the night.. Oh if your wondering about the cam image. That's Jarad smoking cones in a tree.. Don't ask. . .
Tabbie 10:24 am
Karma: 4 +/- 18 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to:
Current Mood:

VOTE 01 02 03

May 19 2004;
Uploading pics;
Yes the subject title says it all. At this very moment I am uploading pics into my galleria. Most of them are just random pics taken out of boredom and some are of Leah and some taken with my new webcam. Well my Mum told me today that we are moving in roughly 6 weeks. I don't want to move because I like the area I live in and I'm right next to the beach but it will be good in a way because I will get a bigger bedroom and where ever I move I will be near the beach anyway.

I am revamping my sub pages. I am adding allot more subs and a big dancing section with multimedia and shit. It will be up hopefully next week or the week after along with my makeup page and downloads. It's looking pretty good so far, I started working on it last night. Well I am going to keep uploading these pics and then work on the subs a bit more then get my shit packed for Sydney tomorrow big grin
Tabbie 04:54 pm
Karma: 0 +/- 18 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: God is a DJ
Current Mood: I'm so cold

VOTE 01 02 03

May 18 2004;
Got my webcam :);
Hey ladies and germs. New layout - again! I like it. I think it's differant. Hope ya love it as much as me razz Oh, and no I am not a fan of Christina Aguilera but I liked the picture. Even though it is slutty and it went well with the colours pink and grey. I finally got my new webcam. My Mum gave it to me tonight when I got home from dancing. It is so effin' clear. I love it. It shit's all over Logitech. Lookie how clear it is..

How cool is that. Excuse the photos but Aaron and Trent are just chillin in here playing the Xbox and we all got bored!! I finally found a descent program to run the camera off. It's Biromsoft Webcam. It's aight. I like the setup of Quickcam but I can't get my camera to work on that but hopefully I will find a better program than what I'm using. Any idead let me know what it's called in my comments - I'm looking for a program that take pics on a timer and archives the images on my computer!!

Dancing is hectic as I said it would be. I spend my days at the concert hall rehearsing. I come home and spend like an hour on this and then I go to bed to do it all again the next day. It's fun though. I am lookign forward to the competitions. I have perfected my dances and all my costumes are ready. Tomorrow Trent and I are putting the finishing touches on props and backdrops and yeah - everyone flies over from Perth tomorrow night LOL Well I am off to bed.. Got another early start. Goodnight *hugs*
Tabbie 09:33 pm
Karma: 4 +/- 28 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Take me to the clouds above
Current Mood: ooOOoo *huggies*

VOTE 01 02 03

May 16 2004;
Stupid bother;
Sorry once again for the lack of everything. I was going to work on my site late last night but my stupid brother Aaron had to fall off the chair and as he fell his big glass of water landed in my keyboard and he screwed it up. Dan bought me a new keyboard just now and it's a feral ugly mongolated piece of shit. It is so small and yuck crazy but at least it works. It's just hard to type on coz I'm so used to my other keyboard! Sorry for the spelling mistakes if there are any?!

I went go-karting today and I slammed Dan into the wall and he literally turned in the air and landed on top of my go-kart. Hahah it was so cool. if only Trent had the camera. He couldn't go coz of his arm. Poor baby.. Oh and Tash went go-karting and slammed me into the wall and I had a gay steering wheel with tape all over it and it took a chunk out of my right hand and now I can't shut my hand coz it stings like shit sad We went to the markets after go-karts and there was nothing there to interest me so I just came home with Trent.

I went shopping yesterday and bought myself $300 worth of clothes in Kaos Surf and a cute new handbag. I'm going shopping again tomorrow with Trent coz he wants to buy himself some clothes and wanna go buy these cute little Emily Strange pins. Haha yay Australia finally has some Emily Strange stuff - IN A SURF SHOP!!! Haha go figure.. But I guess the surf shop is punk/surf.

I entered the lottery today. Haha yeah, my first lottery I have ever entered. I couldn't resist, it's worth over 9 million $$$. Omg if I won (which I won't) I would so go on a trip around the world and go to Paris to go shopping and go to Six Flags in Los Angeles and give everyone in my family a million and buy 3 houses and nice cars and OMG.. Ugh I can dream - That's free smile

I have dancing competitons this week starting Thursday so this week is going to be pretty hectic with full dress rehearsals and sorting out my dance classes that are entering the comps and trying to get Trent to finish painting the backdrops and props with his right hand (trust him to break his left hand) and sorting myself out and my costumes and omg. I satisfied comps but it ends up in a mad rush. I'm competing against all my friends in Perth. Haha that's always a laugh. I'm looking forward to seeing them and Callan *huuugs* is also coming over here to Sydney to watch. OMG YAY!!! I'm so excited LOL LOL LOL I miss Cal sooooooo effin much. Oooooo!! Don't mind me if I end up all goo goo gar gar over him but he is absolutley gorgeous and I love him to death. If I didn't move to Sydney and he didn't move to Canada for ice hockey (he lives back in Perth now) we woulda got married man. Seriously. But... I love Trent now. He's my baby *cuddles*

Well I'm off to go jump around and scream. I'll keep you posted on what's happenning. Everyone goes home tomorrow so I will have sort of more time to do what I want to do. Bye sexy babies *kiss* and leave a comment if your visiting here so I can visit your site and harrass you. Harrassing comments is fun. Woo woo razz
Tabbie 05:53 pm
Karma: 3 +/- 64 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Nothing. Cartoons on tv
Current Mood: Snorefest. Tired!!

VOTE 01 02 03

May 14 2004;
Kodak Cx7300;
Woo I finally got my new digital camera and holy shit it's so much better than my old one. It's so small and light where my old one is big, clunky and heavy. Ha ha and it takes much better quality photos and it's a 3.2megapixer where my old one was 1.3megapixel. It has this video thingy on it where I can record videos not that I need that coz I got my camcorder) and it has like a timer on it and all sorts of cool things. Jeez I'm so behing in technology now days! It only cost my Mum $311 with the 64MB memory card. I'm 'effin rapped. Woooo!!! Well I just watched the Lion King 3 Hakuna Matata and omg it's such a cute movie. I couldn't resist I saw it in Kmart tonight when I got my camera and I sooo had to buy it. Haha Timon and Pumba rock!!! Ok so anyhoo enough with me blabbing on. I got some photos' tonight before I went shopping and aaaw they are so cute. I'm going to add them all to my galleria tomorrow if I have time. Argh I have time for nothing really until next week when everyone leaves me alone and I have well . . . time!!! Neh well I bought this cd label kit razz
and it's so cool. It cost me a whole $12.99 and you design the cd label you want and print it on this sticker and it goes on the cd. When I make one I'll gat a photo and show you. Ha ha I think it's cool man. Eh! Below are some photo's I took with my new camera and there's one I took with my old camera. It's obvious what's what coz of the difference in the quality and shit! I just have to learn how to use the new one properly. Argh I hate learning but I'm a fast learner so yeah! Btw read my post below if you haven't already read it. I did it earlier today. Well yesterday Click to enlarge
Well I'm off to bed. Gotta get up early coz of Leah. Goodnight all *hugs & kisses*
Tabbie 01:30 am
Karma: 1 +/- 52 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Summer of 69
Current Mood: Doot Deeee Doot

VOTE 01 02 03

May 13 2004;
Booooo. Did I scare ya?;
Hey babes how are you all? I'm just peachy keen. I'm actually quite happy today coz I got a good nights sleep and I banked all my money orders that I recieved from buyers off Ebay so hopefully I will get the money Tuesday or Wednsesday. Well trent and I took Leah out today for a while and it was fun. We got her ice cream and she ended up feeding her top more than herself but you get that. We also got her a balloon and some coloring pencils and a book. Aw it was fun. My little munchkin has to go home on Saturday or Sunday. Not sure yet! Well my Mum's going to be home soon and we are going out to buy my new camera and shit so yay! Oh well I was surfin the net today and I found some layouts that caught my eye so I have to plug them. Omg you will love their layouts. They are simply adorable.

Lime Lauren Angel Rachel

Hugs to all those girls and their creative talent.. Damn I'm still having a mental block where I can't think of a layout. I used to be really good at them when I had my domain but the year and a half break kind of screwed me up and I have lost my creative touch and what I want to do so many peopel have layouts like it or I can't seem to get it to look how I want it to look. I want to think of something unique and original that will catch your eye. Hmm crazy It will come to me when I least expect it knowing me.

Well I still haven't made a descision about dancing. It's been playing on my mind for days. I even dreamed about it last night and how cool it would be to go back. I really want to go but I'm the sort of person where I will go without to make other people happy and that's what I'm doing and it sucks. I can't think of how much damage I will do to my Mum and Trent and Aaron if I move back to Sydney. I will post again tonight and hopefully get some photos with my new camera. Cheers all and thank's to the darlings that are commenting and leaving their sweet advice and thoughts satisfied
Tabbie 05:31 pm
Karma: 1 +/- 33 undi35
HotTopic | Delia*s | Galleria

Listening to: Toxic
Current Mood: Happy as they come baby

VOTE 01 02 03

May 2004;

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