Daily News; Conservative Christian News; Gender Issues; Life Issues;
Anti-Pornography Groups; Christian Groups; Spiritual Counterfeits



From Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers!

If you're a parent and think pornography is simply a problem affecting men, think again! Pornography is invading your home and the lives of your children!

Frank York and Attorney Jan LaRue show you how to protect your children in an X-Rated World! Order from Concerned Women for America. Suggested price: $15.00


What happened when a San Francisco pastor and his wife spoke out against the gay rights movement? Answer: Their church home was set on fire in the middle of the night and they had to flee for their lives!
When the Wicked Seize a City tells the dramatic story of Pastor Chuck and Donna McIlhaney and their courageous stand against the gay rights movement in San Francisco. Their story describes the rise of gay activism and the efforts of gays to homosexualize our nation. Wicked exposes the gay agenda and shows why we must oppose it. Order from IUniverse for $12.95.

     Homosexual activists have been working with their pedophile allies to lower the age of sexual consent so they can gain access to children for sexual seduction. This study documents that agenda and the efforts of media elites and those in academia to normalize adult/child sex. Click on the cover to download the report, "Homosexual Activists Work To Lower The Age Of Sexual Consent" by Frank York and Robert Knight.

by Southern Baptist Convention Leader Dr. Richard Land and Frank York -- Learn why the Southern Baptist Convention is boycotting the Disney Company--and how this entertainment industry is promoting homosexuality and pornography. Order from Barnes & Noble for $4.99.

Adventure in Ezzoland by Frank York describes his two-year experience working with Gary Ezzo, a self-appointed "Christian" parenting expert and founder of Growing Families International. This article was published by Midwest Christian Outreach, a cult-watch group based in Illinois. While on staff, York learned that Ezzo engaged in unethical behavior and provided unsound medical advice for young parents of newborns. Ezzo has been publicly rebuked by his two former pastors for being a liar yet churches continue to invite him to speak on biblical ethics and parenting. This article is must-reading for discerning Christians! For more information, access: ezzo.info.

CARING FOR AGING LOVED ONES was published by Focus on the Family and Tyndale Publishers in 2002. Frank York was on the team of writers producing this encyclopedia of helpful resources on caring for the elderly.

Order a copy of this excellent resource from Focus on the Family for a suggested donation of $25.

Frank York currently works as a freelance editorial director for TVC.

Frank York's WorldNetDaily Articles are available here.