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FOASYS - The Official Webpage

created by Anurad - who has nothing better to do

This Webpage will be used to update members of the Foasys Project (which is only Florence , Slyvia, and Anurad )
and to share files concerning the Foasys Project - especially from Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and blah blah bah ....
No intruders allowed

I hope you can make this your homepage - just for this month

   Message Board   
Here you can write whatever you want
You can tell the progress of your experiment, new findings, which fiile you put your stuff in or just chit chat.
Plese check this message board to keep updated
(Easier than using the telephone and calling back and forth)

Powered by TagBoard Message Board

URL or Email

Messages( smilies )

here are the links you'd need
tell me if there are others to put up

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
    The List - like teacher's one
    Search for plants with activity

   Foasys Files  
A must have for everyone. This includes YOU
If you want to upload the files just go
HERE and upload it
then change the name to the name of the link


Let the balls bounce away
If there's anything not working thell me
I didn't know what to put as the background so I just add this Matix one 
If you want a different background let me know

To upload, browse through the link I gave you and search for the upload button
Add the destination of your files to the collum near the button
Then click Upload
Forgot your password? Just remember Slyvia......

All Copyrights Reserved