Shazzan Vs. The Crone.

By Tammi

Shazzan must rescue Chuck, Nancy, and Kaboobie from the one who stole the rings from their owner.

Disclaimer: Shazzan is owned by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The Crone is my own character.

"I can't believe we're finally within sight of the Seventh Mountain," Nancy said as she and Chuck flew along on Kaboobie.

"Yeah," Chuck agreed. "It certainly took long enough. Think of all the villains we've had to deal with."

"And we couldn't have handled them without Shazzan," Nancy added.

As they flew toward their destination, someone was secretly observing them. A gnarled old hag saw them in her crystal ball.

"So the young ones and their flying camel seek the Wizard of The Seventh Mountain," she cackled. "Well, first, they'll have to meet his arch enemy, the Crone." She burst out laughing maliciously. "That's me!"

She called on her magic to capture the trio. "Demons of evil, bring the youngsters and the rings to me!"

The demons flew out of her castle, and went after the siblings.

"Chuck!" Nancy exclaimed. "Look what's coming!"

"I see them, sis," Chuck replied. "I don't know what they want, but I know what we have to do. Ring time!"

"Shazzan!" they called as they touched rings.

"Ho ho ho, little masters!" Shazzan bellowed as he appeared. "Did someone send demons after my friends? Well, I shall send them back to where they came from." He used his magic to get rid of them.

"I see I'll have to take matters into my own hands," the Crone realized. "Magic mist, engulf the three, and bring them directly to my lair."

Before Shazzan could take further action, the mist enveloped Chuck, Nancy, and Kaboobie. They disappeared.

"The only one who could have taken them is the Crone," Shazzan told himself. "I must save them before she can do them terrible harm." He headed for the Crone's castle.

Meanwhile, the trio found themselves in the Crone's chambers. "Who are you?" Chuck demanded to know.

"And where are we?" Nancy asked fearfully.

"I am the Crone. And you are in my castle, young ones. Before I destroy you and reclaim the rings, I'll tell you about myself."

"Reclaim them?" the twins echoed.

"Yes." She began her story. "Long ago, I stole the ring from the Wizard of the Seventh Mountain, hoping to gain control over Shazzan. But his friend Baharuum The Befuddled came, and tried to get the rings back. In so doing, he accidentally broke them in half. Desperate to prevent me from using them, he made them disappear, but refused to tell me where he'd sent them."

"The chest!" Chuck said. "He sent them to the chest Nancy and I found, and then must have made the chest disappear, too."

"No wonder we found them where we did," Nancy realized.

"Where did you find them?"

"In a cave off the coast of Maine," Chuck answered.

"I know nothing about this place you call Maine," the Crone said. "But I do know that you'll soon be destroyed, and the ring will be mine once again."

"What about Kaboobie?" Nancy asked.

"I'll just keep him as a pet."

"You'll never get the chance, Crone," Shazzan said as he entered. "My magic will defeat you."

"We shall see." She used her magic to destroy Shazzan. But all her efforts failed.

"Now let an experienced magician show you how it's done," Shazzan said. He used his powers to turn her into an ice sculpture, and then made her vanish.

"Where is she?" the kids asked.

"Come outside, and I will show you."

They followed Shazzan outside. The ice statue was out in the hot sun, melting.

"Those with cold hearts meet with a fitting end." Shazzan explained.

"Neat!" Nancy cried.

"Now let's move on to the Wizard's palace," Chuck said. Once again, he and Nancy got on Kaboobie's back, and flew off. This time, they reached their destination.

"Thank you for ending the threat of the Crone and returning my ring," the Wizard of the Seventh Mountain said gratefully.

"You're welcome," Chuck replied.

"But we couldn't have done it without Shazzan," Nancy added.

"True. Well, now, Shazzan is once again my faitful servant."

"And now I will perform my final service for my little masters," the genie said.

The twins knew what it was. "Good-bye, Shazzan. Good-bye, Wizard. Good-bye, Kaboobie," they said.

In an instant, they were back in Maine with their parents. But they decided not to tell their incredible story. After all, who'd believe it? The End.

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