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Invisible Monster Resurrected.

By Tammi

The invisible monster has been revived, but by whom?

Disclaimer: Jonny Quest belongs to Hanna-Barbera Productions.

"I just know Dr. Zin is after something," Dr. Benton Quest said as the scientists gathered in his drawing room on Palm Key.

"But what could it be, Dad?" Jonny asked.

"That's what we intend to find out," his father replied. "I called all my friends here to offer their theories."

"It could very well be Dr. Ashida's dragons," Professor Erickson suggested.

"Or that weird creature you encountered while stranded on the freighter," Professor Gunderson added.

"Maybe even the giant crab and spider that Chu Sing Li grew," Dr. Hartman said.

"Possibly," Benton replied. "But I doubt it. What do you think, Race?"

"Well, Doctor," the handsome bodyguard answered. "There's one monster no one here has mentioned yet."

"You mean the invisible monster from Cave Island?" Hadji exclaimed.

"That's the one," Race said. "I heard on the cable news channel that Dr. Norman's notebook had mysteriously vanished."

"And since those other scientists are long dead, Zin's the only one who could have stolen it," Benton concluded.

"Can't we just paint the monster and destroy it the way we did before, Dad?" Jonny asked.

"No, son. We have to get to Zin and reclaim the notebook before he can revive the monster."

Bandit barked as the door swung open. A lovely woman entered the room. "I can get the notebook back," she said. "But it'll cost you."

"Always a price for her services," Race joked. "Ok, Jade. Try and get the notebook."

"No problem for a woman who's rescued her man twice," Jade replied. She left immediately.

While the men and boys continued talking, Jade found her way into Dr. Zin's lab. She saw the notebook lying on the table, and picked it up. But suddenly, she was attacked and knocked out by one of the robot spies.

"Did you really think that you, a mere woman could stop me?" Zin gloated as he locked her up. "When the men come to find you, they will once again be at the mercy of the deadly energy monster. He used the same technique that Dr. Norman had used to bring the creature to life.

"It lives again!" he cried.

By now, the group was worried, and set out to look for Jade. They soon came upon Zin's headquarters, only to discover the monster had been revived.

"How can we get past it?" Dr. Hartman asked.

"We can't," Benton replied. "We've had it."

But inside the complex, someone was planning an escape. Jade had picked the lock on her cell with her hairpin, and was now free. She set the controls and stepped outside. She called to the monster.

It saw the flashlight she was carrying, and followed her in. She pulled the switch, and the monster was once again destroyed.

"No!" Dr. Zin exclaimed. "Beaten by a woman! I won't have it!"

"You'll have it, all right," Jade retorted as she pointed her gun at his back, and led him outside. The men cheered.

But Zin ran forward, and quickly captured the boys and Bandit. "Now you'll have to surrender," he told the adults.

"No way!" Jonny snapped as he used the judo Race had taught him to overpower the villain.

"I knew those lessons would pay off some day," Race chuckled.

The group took Zin into custody. He was locked up.

"If he breaks out, we may have to deal with him again," Benton realized.

"Right, Dad," Jonny answered.

The End.