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HB House

Return of the Spud

As we check in on HB House, we see Yogi, Dynomutt, and Howler in the living
room sitting on a couch in front of the TV set eating snacks. "There's nothing
like chips along with a family of dips.  Hey Hey Hey!" smiled Yogi as he was
grabbing a whole handful of potato chips from his bag and dipping them in a
bunch of dips spread out on the table. "You guys want some chips?" asked Yogi.

"No thanks Yogi", said Dynomutt. "I've got enough chips inside of me, see."
And he opened up his chest and showed Yogi all the different computer chips
inside him.

"And we carnivores prefer pork rinds", said Howler. "Along with some couch
stuffing on the side", and he started pinching some stuffing off the couch
while mixing it with his pork rinds.

"And I prefer my can of assorted nuts", said Dynomutt holding a small
cylinder shaped can.

"Assorted nuts?!" said Yogi. "That's one of my favorites.  Do you mind
sharing Dyno?"

"Be my guest", smiled Dynomutt as he opened his can and let Yogi take and
bite into a nut.

"OOCH!" wailed Yogi as he took the nut out of his mouth and rubbed his jaw.
"What kind of nut is this?" asked Yogi as he studied it and found out it was
a metal screwing nut.

"It's pure silver", smiled Dynomutt showing Yogi the can of different colored
metal nuts. "If you'd like, I can give you the copper nuts.  They taste yucky
and make my teeth yellow."

"No thanks", said Yogi. "I'm sticking with my potato chips!" and he reached
into the bag and scooped out a handful of chips and continued watching the TV.

"Cool, it's time for the Couch Potato Hour!" smiled Dynomutt as a remote
control popped out of his nose and changed the channel.

"I love that show!" said Howler. "I wonder what poor lazy slobs are gonna be
on the couch today."

"And I wonder what snacks they're gonna be eating too", said Yogi.  The bear,

dog, and werewolf tuned in and saw a couch facing the screen and on the screen
were another bear, dog, and werewolf sitting on the couch eating potato
chips, assorted metal nuts, and pork rinds with couch stuffing.

"Now that's new", said Dynomutt.

"I don't think anyone's ever seen a bear, dog, and werewolf vegge out on a
couch eating unhealthy snacks", said Howler as he stuffed a pork rind in his
mouth while the TV werewolf did the same thing.

"Just what are you three doing?" said Wendy as she entered the room.

"Just watching some TV and eating snacks", said Yogi.

"It looks you're watching yourselves in a mirror", said Wendy as she saw the
spitting images of the couch dwellers.  Then it showed a girl appear on the
screen nagging at the TV characters.

"Now it's like a mirror", sighed Wendy.

"There's room for one more if you know what I mean", smiled Howler patting
the couch seat while winking.

"Yeah, I know what you mean!" said Wendy annoyed. "And I'll do what that

girl's doing to that werewolf if you don't watch yourself!" Howler looked at
the TV and saw the girl bonking the wolf on the head for doing something
fresh to her.

"YIKES!" cried both Yogi and the bear on TV.

"What is it Yogi?" asked Dynomutt. "Is there any superheroing you need?"

"No, not really", said Yogi shaking his empty potato chip bag while the TV
bear did the same. "It's just that I'm all out of chips!"

"Oh, that!" sighed Dynomutt while the TV dog sighed as well.

"No matter", said Yogi getting up from the couch, which was hard for him
since he was full of snacks. "I'll just go into the kitchen and get me
another ration of chips!"

"Oh no you don't!" said Wendy pushing him back down. "I'll be starting dinner
soon and I don't want you spoiling your appetite with more snacks!"

"What's for dinner tonight?" asked Howler.

"We're having pot roast, carrots, salad, and black eyed peas", said Wendy.

"What about French fries?" asked Yogi.

"No French fries!" said Wendy. "You've spent the entire day eating potato

"What do French fries have to do with potato chips?" asked Yogi.

"French fries are made from potatoes!" said Wendy. "And you don't need any
more of that starchy stuff today!"

 "Surely you don't want to deprive this cute cuddly bear his love of potatoes?"
pleaded Yogi while trying to make a cute face but failed.

"No more potatoes!" scolded Wendy. "And don't even think about sneaking
some out of the kitchen!  I'll be watching it like a hawk!" And she left the
living room and entered the kitchen staring at it while two vicious looking
hawks in army suits appeared in her eyes.

"I guess this means no more potato chips for you Yogi", said Dynomutt.

"How can Wendy be so heartless?!" wailed Yogi. "All these poor dips
surrounding me without a chip to massage!"

"You want some of my pork rinds?" asked Howler. "They're just as crunchy
and deadly as potato chips."

"No, thanks Howler", said Yogi. "The only thing right now that'll make my
soul trip, is a nice salty, crispy potato chip!  Wait a minute!" He thought
to himself. "I think Huck has a whole supply of snacks in his room.  I'll
just ask if I can borrow some." And he got off the couch.

"Where are you going Yogi?" asked Dynomutt.

"To do a little business upstairs", said Yogi innocently as he left the living

"I hope he remembers to flush his business when he's done", said Howler.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Yogi was now knocking on Huckleberry Hound's door. "Hey Huck, are you in
there?" asked Yogi. "I want to know if I can borrow some extra potato chips,
if you got any." But no one answered. "Oh yeah, now I remember", said Yogi.
"Huck's out of town visiting his sick mother.  I guess he won't mind if I
just go in and take a small bag.  Huck never minds at all!"

Yogi stepped into Huck's room and started searching for his snacks until he

finally found them.  In a black box marked, HUCK'S SECRET SNACK BOX.
"I hit the jackpot!" smiled Yogi. "Which will hit my spot!  Hey hey hey!"
Yogi opened the box, but instead of snacks, he found a tape recorder.  Yogi
curiously clicked it on.

"Hey there Yogi", said Huck's voice. "I've known you for years and I figured
that about this time, Wendy's keeping you from eating any more snacks before
dinner.  So I hope you don't mind that I'm taking my entire potato chip
supply to my sick mother to help her get better."

"How are potato chips supposed to make a sick mother get better?" wondered

"Actually, they're to keep you from getting sick!" continued Huck's message.
"Sorry I had to lie like that."

"Even in his messages, Huck has to stay honest", sighed Yogi. "Now how am I
gonna get more chips?!" and he banged the wall with his head causing Huck's
framed picture of Elvis to fall down.

"Hello, what's this?" gasped Yogi as he saw a safe on Huck's wall and below

it was some kind of small piano keyboard. "This must be one of those music
type vaults like the one from that chocolate movie", said Yogi. "And knowing
Huck, I bet this is the song that opens it." And Yogi played, Oh My Darling
Clementine, on the keyboard and the safe popped open. "Maybe Huck's keeping
some spare snacks he's hiding from this bear", smiled Yogi.

"Oh yeah, one more thing Yogi", continued Huck's message after a long pause.
"Knowing you also, you've probably banged your head on my wall out of lack
of snack frustration.  I just hope you haven't knocked down my Elvis picture
and found my hidden musical safe and played, Oh My Darling Clementine, on
the keyboard.  Because what I got in that safe is really im....  END OF TAPE. 
REWINDING NOW." Said a different voice as the tape in the recorder started

"I guess Huck didn't realize that he was out of room when taping that warning
message", said Yogi. "Now I can't help wonder what's inside this safe." And

he slowly reached his hand into the darkness of the safe while scary music
started playing in the background.

"What the...?" said Yogi nervously as he looked around and found that it was
just the tape recorder all rewound and replaying. "Why would Huck want to
hear that scary sounding music on tape?" wondered Yogi.

"To give you a scary type warning about reaching your hand in that safe",
said Huck's recording. "Let's see. Where should I begin?  Oh yes!  Hey there
Yogi.  I've known you for years and I've figured that about this time,
Wendy's keeping you from...."

Then Yogi quickly turned the recorder off. "Sheesh!" he groaned. "All of
this recording confusion's working up my appetite!  Now I'll do what I planned
and stick in my hand!" And he jammed his hand into the dark safe and pulled
out something.

"A potato chip!" smiled Yogi delighted as he saw the single chip that was
glowing green like it was radioactive. "And it has a keen shade of green! 

Hey, hey, hey!" And he left Huck's room and rushed downstairs.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Yogi had rejoined Dynomutt and Howler who were still on the couch. "Hey Yogi,
did you find any more snacks in Huck's room?" asked Dynomutt.

"Just this one little potato chip", said Yogi showing them the green glowing
chip. "It may be only one chip, but at least I'll satisfy my tastebuds with
one last potato treat for the day.  Hey, hey, hey!"

"Why is that chip green?" asked Howler.

"Yeah", said Dynomutt as some little telescopes popped out of his eye
sockets. "You'd better not eat that Yogi.  It could be toxic."

"Nyaah!  I don't believe that", smiled Yogi. "This is just one of those funky
colored green chips you find in every box of potato chips.  You guys have
seen them, haven't you?"

"I can't say that I have", said Howler, "I'm mostly a pork rind kind of guy
and I've hardly seen a green pork rind before.  Except when I found that

whole bag of green and fuzzy pork rinds with a 200 BC expiration date."

"Well, neither rain, slow, sleet, or green skin will prevent this bear from
eating any kind of potato chip", said Yogi opening his mouth and slowly
putting the glowing green chip in.

"Maybe you should dip it in something first", said Dynomutt. "To drown
any parasites that might be crawling all over it."

"Good idea Dyno", said Yogi looking at all his dips. "But what shall I dip
it in?"

"How about all of them?" said Dynomutt. "That way you can kill whatever
toxic flavor that is."

"You worry too much", said Yogi. "But I like the thought of a chip covered
with every single dip in the world.  It'd be like a rainbow in my mouth."

"A rainbow in your mouth?" asked Howler. "I wonder what that'll be like?"
And Howler imagined a violent thunderstorm crackling painfully in his mouth
and when he opened it up, a rainbow belched out along with some lightning
struck charred teeth. "Cool!" he thought.

"There we go!" said Yogi now holding a clump of guacamole, salsa, ranch
dressing, ketchup and other assorted dips. "The chip has now been dipped
and is ready for its digestive trip.  Hey, hey, hey!" But before he could put
it in his mouth, the dip ball suddenly exploded like a huge bomb causing
the three friends to get covered with splattered dip.

"What's going on here?" asked Wendy rushing into the room and saw her friends
covered with disgusting looking goo. "Did Sneezly have one of his sneezing
fits in here?"

"Nope.  Nothing like that", said Dynomutt injecting a vacuum cleaner from his
nose and sucking up the mess. "Just one little dip problem."

"It looks like three big dip problems to me", said Wendy sternly looking at
Yogi, Dynomutt, and Howler while trying to look innocent.  Then Wendy
saw the green potato chip in Yogi's hand. "And where did you get that Mr.
Bear?!" she demanded. "I thought I said no more snacks before dinner?!"

"Uh, it's just an appetizer before dinner", said Yogi sweating. "I promise
that this'll be my last chip for today." But then the chip suddenly fell out
of Yogi's hand and onto the floor cracking to pieces. "Uh, make that my
last 7 chips for today", said Yogi counting all the pieces.

But suddenly, the pieces started reforming themselves back into the chip.
"Hey, that's cool!" said Howler. "How did you do that Yogi?"

"It wasn't me", said Yogi surprised.  And then the chip started to grow
brown potato skin.

"Hey, that potato is unpeeling itself", gasped Dynomutt. "That's sure to
make a lot of army privates cry!"

And then the skin covered chip started to get fat and grow.  And to
everyone's surprise, it became a full grown uncooked potato.

"Jeepers!" gasped Wendy. "That potato chip has changed back into a plain

"What kind of spud is this?!" gasped Yogi as he picked it up and studied it.

"Where did you find that chip?" asked Wendy.

"I found it in a safe in Huck's room", said Yogi.

"Well then why did you take it out?" demanded Wendy. "I thought safes were
supposed to be private things?!  Huck must have had a reason to lock it away!"

"I didn't think an ordinary innocent thing like a green potato chip could do
such a stunt", said Yogi.

"I'd hate to think if a pork rind could do the same thing!" said Howler
imagining a plastic bag filled with squealing piglets.

"Well I'd say this is a blessing in disguise!" smiled Yogi. "Because now
instead of one measly chip, I got a whole potato to scarf down.  Hey, hey,
hey!" And he was about to bite down on it until Dynomutt snatched it from
him with tongs that popped out of his glove.

"Oh, no you don't!" said Dynomutt. "I don't want you eating something that
might give you injustice to your stomach!  This potato could be part of some
evil scientist's plan to rule the world!  And I think I see some eyes on it!"

"Of course", said Yogi. "Potatoes are supposed to have eyes.  A whole bunch
of them to be exact!"

"How about eyes with pretty lashes that blink?!" said Dynomutt.

"What?!" gasped Yogi, Howler, and Wendy.

"See for yourselves", said Dynomutt giving them a closer look at the potato. 
Sure enough, there were two huge eyes with pupils and eyelashes winking
at everyone.

"You mean potatoes were actually watching us all these years?!" gasped Howler.

"You mean I was gonna eat some eyeballs?!" cried Yogi. "YEECK!"

"I think I see a mouth growing on that thing!" gasped Wendy.  Sure enough,
a cute smiling mouth also appeared on the potato, along with some tiny arms
and legs.

"What's going on here?" demanded Dynomutt.  Then the annoyed potato managed
to pry itself free with its new arms and fall down on the couch. "Quick,
everyone off the couch!" shouted Dynomutt as he used his stretchable steel
arms to grab Yogi and Howler off the couch and put them down on the other

side of the room next to Wendy.

"You don't want us crushing that little guy?" asked Howler.

"No, I don't want him infecting all of us!" said Dynomutt. "This definitely
must be the creation of an evil scientist.  Maybe even Huck!"

"Now let's not start pointing fingers", said Wendy. "I'm sure Huck has an
important reason for this odd potato.  Maybe that's why he had it locked

"Too bad the Professor's attending that scientists' type convention in
Germany", said Yogi. "He could take one look at this little spud and give
us some explanations with his brilliant brainations!"

"Not one of your best rhymes Yogi", said Howler.

The little potato stared at the group with a funny face and then jumped off
the couch and slowly approached the nervous group.  But then the potato
smiled, took out a top hat and cane and started doing a neat Broadway dance.

"Is that potato dancing?" gasped Wendy.

"A potato that's edible and entertaining!" said Yogi with a smile.

"You don't think Huck and this dancing potato had a Broadway career together
once?" wondered Howler.

"I still don't trust this potato", said Dynomutt. "This showbiz thing must be
an act."

"But isn't all showbiz an act?" asked Yogi.

Then the potato approached Wendy and motioned his hand for her to bend down. 
She did and the potato took her hand and kissed it.

"My, you're as romantic as a French gentlemen", smiled Wendy picking up the
smiling potato and putting him on her shoulder.

"If he does that to you again, I'll make him a French fry!" grumbled a
jealous Howler.

"Hey guys, is dinner ready yet?" asked Sneezly who had just waddled into the

"Oh, that's right.  I have to get dinner finished", said Wendy. "Oh, by the
way Sneezly.  Meet our dinner guest", she smiled as she showed Sneezly her
new potato friend while the potato tipped his hat to the seal.

"I didn't know dinner and guests can be one thing", said Sneezly looking
puzzled at the living potato.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Soon, everyone was at the table eating dinner.  Wendy prepared a place at the
table for their potato guest.  He was sitting on a little doll house chair
with a doll house table on top of the real table. "I don't really know what
living potatoes eat, but I hope you'll like this thimble of fertilizer I
prepared for you", said Wendy as she placed the thimble onto the potato's
table. "And how about some plant juice to wash it down?" said Wendy taking
an eye dropper and squirting some plant food into another thimble and giving
it to the smiling potato who started drinking it happily.

"Wendy never served me plant food like that", groaned Howler.

"But you're not a plant", said Sneezly.

"Maybe Wendy would serve me if I roll around in fertilizer", thought Howler
while Wendy was watching the little potato chowing down on his fertilizer

"A potato at the table eating dinner instead of being dinner?" said Yogi.

"There is definitely something wrong with this picture!"

"I agree", said Dynomutt keeping his suspicious metal eye on the potato while
chewing on a metal knife thinking it was a carrot.

As they ate, the potato was watching his new friends eating and noticed
something that seemed to bother him.  He saw Yogi eating a carrot, Sneezly
eating some parsley, and Wendy eating a salad filled with lettuce, tomatoes,
and all sorts of assorted vegetables.  All this vegetable chomping made the
potato very uncomfortable for some reason.  He then turned to Howler who
was just eating his roast beef and that seemed to calm the potato down a

"Howler, you haven't eaten your black eyed peas yet", said Wendy.

"Oh, all right", sighed Howler. "I'll eat them for you my sweet potato." And
he picked up his plate and let the black eyed peas drop down his werewolf
throat.  Not wanting to experience the taste of vegetables at all.

The potato became suddenly queasy for those black eyes Howler was
eating made the potato think of potato eyes.

"Are you all right little potato?" asked Wendy as she saw the poor potato
looking green.  The potato said nothing and just sat there in his little
chair.  He started to have some strange flashbacks about a living potato
like him telling a bunch of lifeless potatoes to stand up and take over the
world.  But when they refused to stand, the living potato started to grow
into a huge hulking giant and started terrorizing a city.

"Hey look!" smiled Yogi as he bent down and found something on the floor.
"One last potato chip!  This is my lucky day.  Hey, hey, hey!" And he bit
into the chip while the frustrated potato watched.

"Yogi!" complained Wendy. "You can't eat that!  That chip's been on the

"And should you really be eating that chip in front of our guest?" asked
Sneezly. "That could be his relative."

"You mean this could be a chip off the old block?" said Yogi giggling at the
joke he just made while everyone groaned.

That really steamed the potato.  In an act of violent rage, he jumped onto
the jello and bounced off of it grabbing Yogi's tie and started strangling
him to death. "GAWWK!  HAAAUGG!  What are you doing?!" gasped Yogi
turning blue in the face.

"Hey, stop that you crazy spud!" shouted Howler as he grabbed onto the potato
who was still clutching onto Yogi's tie causing poor Yogi to become bluer
than ever.

"Oh dear!" gasped Wendy.

"I just knew that tater tot was a troublemaker!" shouted Dynomutt as he
ejected some scissors from his hand and snipped Yogi's tie making Yogi get
his breath back and Howler to get tossed over in his chair.

"Aw!  What a relief!" said Yogi panting really hard.

"Yogi, are you all right?" asked Wendy.

"Yeah, I think this bear will survive", gasped Yogi. "But I can't say the
same for my new tie."

"New tie?" asked Howler getting back up. "It looks like the same green tie
you always wear!"

"Where is that potato?!" growled Dynomutt ejecting a bunch of weapons from
his body. "I'll make him pay for hurting Yogi!"

"If I tell you, will you put the weapons away?" called out Sneezly.

"But why?" asked Dynomutt.

"Because I don't want you firing all that hurtful stuff at me", said Sneezly
pointing to his nose.  And there was the little potato stuck in Sneezly's
left nostril kicking its feet while mumbling in a cute angry voice.

"That's sure to give someone nightmares", said Yogi.

"I wonder if there's a shampoo strong enough to get out snot stains?" asked

"Don't worry Sneezly", said Wendy taking some pepper. "I know how to get
him out of your nose.  With one of your special supersonic sneezes."

"Hold it just a minute!" said Dynomutt as he got in front of Sneezly,
crouched down, and ejected an iron baseball glove from his hand. "Now
pepper him!" said Dynomutt.

"I really hate to do this to you Sneezly and to all of us", said Wendy as she
sprinkled the pepper shaker over Sneezly's plugged nose.

"I understa... sta... STAH AH AH!" said Sneezly. "CHOOOO!" And he blasted the
little potato out of his nostril into Dynomutt's glove.

"Did you get him?" asked Howler.

"I don't think so", said Dynomutt as he sadly saw the hole that suddenly
appeared in his favorite baseball glove. "And it was autographed by Babe
Ruth too." Said Dynomutt as he saw the hole where the autograph used to be.

"Well, where'd he go?" asked Wendy.

"Right there!" said Yogi pointing to a nearby wall socket where the potato
was now stuck in. "And it looks like he's sucking on that socket!" Sure
enough, it looked like the potato was absorbing large amounts of static

"Is that potato absorbing electricity?" asked Sneezly.

"I believe so", said Wendy shocked. "It's been said that potatoes can produce

electric power."  Then all the power in the house started to go off.

"I think that potato's about to go on one major power trip!" gasped Howler as
he turned on a flashlight. "And I don't think to Hawaii!" Everyone looked in
fear as they saw the potato grow to the size of a human.  It started to growl
and beat its chest like a wild animal.

"And I was almost about to eat him!" gasped Yogi as he felt his stomach
shrinking in fear.  Then the potato monster smashed through the wall and
started rushing outside into the street.

"Follow that potato punk!" shouted Dynomutt as he and the others ran through
the hole in the wall the potato had made.  Soon they saw the potato run into
a busy street.  The cars quickly slammed their brakes at the strange sight of
this potato fiend, but instead of running over the potato and making it
mashed, the cars just got smashed.  All the passengers ran out of their cars
in fear as the angry potato picked up the cars and tossed them all over the

"It's like a child having a tantrum with defective Hot Wheels!" cried Wendy
as she saw a car fly over them.

"Hold it right there punk!" called out an angry voice.  The potato turned
around and saw Police Chief Dibble approaching it with an angry frown.
"I don't know why you're wearing that potato costume, but it's not Halloween!"
shouted Dibble. "And even if it is, you're still not allowed to do things
like egg houses, TP trick or treaters, or throw cars around like they were
toys!  I'm gonna have to arrest you and call your parents!" and he took out
his handcuffs and cuffed the potato's wrists.  But the potato, who happened
to be really greasy, managed to slip out of the cuffs and clip them on
Dibble's nose like a nose ring.

"OW!" whined Dibble. "By dose!  All reet!  I'm trowin da book at tu!" But
the potato just smiled an evil smile and started swinging the cuffed Dibble
around like a yo-yo.  Then tossed him way up in the air causing Dibble to

hit a skyscraper and causing the other end of the cuff to clamp onto a pole
sticking out of the wall. "Dis is nut punny!" wailed Dibble wiggling around
with his nose still cuffed while looking down nervously at the 10 foot drop
to the street below.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Then the satisfied potato dusted his hands and headed for downtown

"Where's he going?" asked Sneezly.

"Hopefully to find a Mrs. Potato Head doll", hoped Yogi.

"I don't think so", said Wendy. "I think that potato's planning on destroying
our town!"

"Not if Dynomutt Dog Wonder has anything to say about it!" shouted Dynomutt
as he used his spring legs to jump up in the air and land in front of the
potato. "Hold it right there protein puss!" said Dynomutt as he coiled his
steel arms around the potato capturing it. "I just knew you were trouble the
minute I saw you as a mutant green chip!  I'm taking you to jail where you'll

probably spend the rest of your days peeling your own kind!"

The potato just snickered and started glowing green.  "Resistance is, YAWN,
futile!" said Dynomutt suddenly getting sleepy. "Are you going to come along,
YAWN, quietly?  Yes, YAWN, quiet is nice.  Makes we wanna go to sleep! 
ZZZZZZ!" said Dynomutt as he plopped down on the sidewalk loosening his
grip on the potato.  The potato just laughed wildly while static sparked from
the eyes on its skin then started to walk off.

"Dyno! What's happened to you!" cried Sneezly as the others rushed to their
fallen friend.

"Did that potato hypnotize you or something?" asked Howler.

"Look guys", said Yogi opening up a hatch in Dynomutt's right arm and showing
a meter. "Dyno's just been drained!"

"I was afraid of this", said Wendy.

"What's wrong Wendy?" asked Howler.

"I think that potato just absorbed all of Dyno's electricity." Said Wendy.
"Just like how it got a charge from that wall socket earlier."

"But that potato was really teeny when it absorbed the socket's power", said
Sneezly. "Won't it grow even bigger from absorbing a superhero like

"He looks the same human-type sized potato to me", said Yogi watching the
potato walk away.  But then, the potato started to grow!

"You spoke too soon Yogi", said Howler as they all watched in fear as the
human sized potato started to grow and grow and grow into a huge 40 foot

"Jeepers!" cried Wendy seeing the now giant potato beat its chest while
growling a loud growl shaking up the entire town.

"Talk about super sizing your fries!" gasped Yogi.

"Now that's one potato that'll dominate the meat!" gasped Howler.

"It's like something from a bad killer vegetable movie!" cried Sneezly as
they watched the giant potato stomp into downtown knocking down buildings
while the citizens were scattering around in fear.

*      *      *      *      *      *

On the other side of town, Huckleberry Hound had come back from visiting
his mother and was riding home on his motor scooter. "I'm so glad my Mom's
all better", smiled Huck. "I sure do love my Mom. And he took out a photo of
his Mom who looked exactly like him.  Only she was wrinkled and had a gray
beehive hairdo on top. "I hope that Queen Bee and her swarm will leave her
hair someday" said Huck.  But he wasn't looking where he was going and
crashed into a dented lamppost.

"Let this be a lesson to all your readers", said Huck while seeing stars.
"Always keep your eyes on the road when driving.  And your ears too!  Put
down those cell phones whenever you're driving!  I mean it!" He said in a
polite, but annoyed voice.  Just then, he noticed a bunch of people running
around screaming in fear.

"Hey, what's going on?" Huck asked a screaming Japanese guy.

"A giant monster potato is destroying Yabbadabbaville!" said the man in a

badly dubbed Japanese accented voice. "Run, or you will be dead!" And
he quickly ran off.

"A monster potato?!" asked Huck. "Uh oh!  I guess Yogi decided not to heed
my warning tape", he said calmly and was about to rush home.  Until he bumped
into the eye covered foot of a huge potato monster.

"Howdy Mr. Spud", said Huck. "Long time no see.  Especially with all those
eyes you got." The potato picked up the blue dog and studied him.  It then
had flashbacks about the same dog luring it into a rocket ship blasting it
into outer space.  The potato let out a loud growl into Huck's face. "I'm
glad to see you haven't changed", said Huck rubbing his sore ears. 

Then the potato tossed Huck high into the air causing him to fly into outer
space. "I guess he wanted to do that to me for a long while", said Huck. "I
hope I don't land on the sun.  I burn easily." But luckily, he bounced off a
traveling alien spaceship causing him to fall back down to Earth.

"Watch where you're flying dum dum!" called out the Great Gazoo from his

"Hey, I'm coming home", smiled Huck seeing the Earth coming closer and
closer. "And I'm landing back in my town!  What are the odds I'd be landing
on the exact same place?  I guess it's a small world after all." But he then
felt himself catching on fire. "Uh oh!" said Huck looking at his flaming
paws. "I forgot about burning up whenever you enter the Earth's atmosphere!"
And he started to fall down like a flaming meteor.

"Hey, look up in the sky!" said Wendy. "It's looks like a meteor."

"Did someone say meatier?!" said both Yogi and Howler holding knives and
forks while salivating.

"No, not meat!" said Wendy. "Meteor!  That fiery thing up in the sky that's
going to land right on us!"

"It looks more like a hot dog to me", said Sneezly.

"Didn't I just say that wasn't meat?!" scolded Wendy.

"But it is a hot dog!" cried Sneezly. "Actually a hot hound!" Wendy looked

closer and saw who the falling burning dog was.

"HUCK?!" cried Wendy. "He's on fire and he's falling!  We gotta get some
water so he can land in!"

"I'm here to serve!" said Howler as he grabbed a nearby hose and started
watering the sidewalk.

"Howler, what are you doing?!" asked Wendy puzzled.

"Just giving Huck the water to land in like you requested", said Howler.

"But on the sidewalk?!" asked Wendy. "What about putting it in a tub or a

"Yeah, Huck could break his collarbone if he lands on a wet sidewalk", said
Yogi. "Not to mention his flea collar!"

"Uh oh!" said Howler. "Maybe if Huck falls slower, I can water the sidewalk
enough to make it..."

"Oh, never mind!" groaned Wendy. "Give me that hose!" And she took the
hose and grabbed onto the neck of it causing the water to stop and the hose
to expand.

"What are you doing?" asked Sneezly.

"Do you know what it's like when you try to plug up one of your really
powerful sneezes?" asked Wendy.

"Oh, I see", said Sneezly getting the big picture.

Then Wendy aimed the hose in the air and released the water causing a huge
gusher to shoot out.  And Huck landed safely on the gusher as well as putting
out the fire surrounding him.

"Much obliged Wendy", called out Huck who was still getting bounced around
the gushing water. "You would've made a great Superfriend."

Wendy just turned sour and plugged up the hose causing Huck to land on the
hard sidewalk. "Oops, sorry Wendy", said Huck. "I forgot how you feel about
that word."

"No problem", said Wendy as she squirted a tiny bit of water putting out the
last bits of flames on Huck's fur.  Then Huck looked at Yogi with a stern
doggy face.

"You opened that safe, didn't you Yogi?", said Huck politely.

"Hee Hee", said Yogi sweating. "So, how's your Mom doing now?"

"Much better than the poor citizens of this town", said Huck pointing to the
giant potato still rampaging the town.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Everyone was back inside the house with lit candles all over the place so
they wouldn't be in the dark. "That potato sure drained all the power in my
cozy little house", said Huck. "I never knew Mr. Spud was capable of doing
such a thing."

"Mr. Spud?" gasped Wendy. "You mean you know that monster potato?!"

"Yep", said Huck sadly. "Me and my bud Spud had a not too pleasant history
together.  It happened back in the early 60s." And Huck started telling them
the story on how one day a small potato suddenly grew a brain along with a
body and got fed up with people always feasting on helpless innocent
potatoes.  So he grew into a giant 40 foot monster and started a rampage
on all non-vegetable life.

"I think I remember reading about that in an old newspaper back in
Jellystone", said Yogi. "I always thought it was just one of those phoney

"Nope, it was true", said Huck. "And I had the fortunate luck to be the
famous Spud's arch enemy."

"How did you get rid of him?" asked Wendy.

"I lured him into a rocketship and blasted him into space", said Huck.

"But why is he back here?" asked Wendy. "Did he find some way to turn that
rocket around?"

"Yeah, but that happened a long time ago", said Huck. "But luckily, the rocket
blew up and turned the sinister Mr. Spud into a storm of harmless potato
chips.  I put all those chips in little bags and had them shipped off to poor
starving people in foreign countries."

"That's so sweet of you Huck", smiled Wendy. "A little sick that you'd send
the remains of a monster to feed starving people.  But still sweet."

"Was that one green potato chip I stole, I mean, found part of the Spud?"
asked Yogi.

"Unfortunately, yes", said Huck. "Once I had gathered every last chip, I've
noticed one green glowing chip.  I did some scientific research on it and
discovered this chip was the actual brain of Mr. Spud."

"You mean I was gonna eat someone's brain?" gasped Yogi. "YECH!"

"Haven't you ever heard of brain food?" giggled Howler.  Everyone just
groaned at that bad pun.

"Anyway", said Huck. "I realized that if you exposed this chip to every
possible kind of dip there is.  It might reform into a Spud Jr.  So I had to
keep it locked away forever.  These days I've been keeping it locked up in
a hidden safe in my room for many years.  Who would've thought a dear
bear friend of mine would end up finding that not so nice chip and causing
the chain reactions that would bring my old nemesis back to life, plus a
possible destruction to all life on Earth?"

"Heh heh!" said Yogi twiddling his snipped tie trying to look innocent.

"I just wish we knew what that evil Spud is doing right now!" moaned Wendy.

"Why don't we turn on the TV?" asked Howler. "I'll bet every channel is pre-
emptying people's favorite shows to bring them a news bulletin about a giant
monster potato!"

"Have you forgotten?" asked Wendy. "The entire house has been drained of our

electricity.  There's no power to turn on the TV.  There's not even any to
recharge poor Dynomutt's battery!" And she pointed to the motionless Dynomutt
sitting in the corner with a lampshade on his head. "And why is he wearing a
lampshade?!" demanded Wendy.

"Sorry", said Huck giggling as he took the shade off of Dynomutt's head. "I
just couldn't resist."

"Don't worry guys", called out Sneezly bringing in a smaller TV. "We can use
my portable TV.  It runs on battery power."

"Good Sneezly", said Wendy taking the TV from the smiling seal. "Now we can
see what's happening with that potato on the news." And she put it on the
table and clicked it on.

"This is top news reporter Top Cat speaking from downtown Yabbadabbaville",
said Top Cat who appeared on the screen while a bunch of familiar Hanna-
Barbera characters were running around in the background in a panic with the
huge potato smashing down buildings. "We're here at hour two of what I like
to call The Great Potato Mash."

"This is really bad!" gasped Howler. "Somehow that Spud has drained all the
color out of our town!"

"It's a black and white TV, Howler", said Wendy shaking her head in grief.

"No it isn't", said Howler. "It's a blue and yellow plastic coated TV."

"ARRGH!" groaned everyone fainting.  Even Top Cat on the screen.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted by stupidity", said Top Cat getting
back up. "So far this 40 foot potato man is destroying everything he can get
his eye covered hands on.  Cars, trucks, buildings, and schools!"

"YAAAAY!" cried all the kids dancing around the destroyed school.

"It looks like these poor unfortunate tykes will have to make up for the lost
school days on their summer vacation", said Top Cat.

"AWWWW!" moaned all the kids who stopped their dancing.

"You kids at home think about that whenever you see a school destroyed on
TV", said Top Cat. "Anyway, it looks like this monster potato is now climbing

on top of the huge satellite tower that allows all us townspeople to watch
good quality TV shows, like yours truly.  And now he's tearing off the big
dish!  And I don't mean Jennifer Lopez!"

Just as our heroes were watching the Spud tear off the huge satellite dish
from the tower, the screen suddenly went fuzzy. "Now it's starting to snow",
said Howler. "Hey, maybe all that cold snow will kill off that overgrown

"I was wrong", sighed Wendy. "You definitely need to watch more and more TV."

"Hey look, the picture's coming back on", said Sneezly as they saw the potato
appear back on the screen, with a sinister looking face and a huge satellite
dish sticking out of his head.

"I didn't know potatoes go for body piercing", said Yogi.

"Attention all you lowly members of the animal kingdom", said the Spud.

"He can talk?" Wendy asked Huck.

"Only when he feels like it", said Huck.

"Do not bother changing the channel", said the Spud. "I'm using my potato

power to broadcast this message on every channel on every TV on Earth."

"He's right!" gasped Sneezly as he started turning the knob and the same
potato picture was on the same channel.

"Hey, stop that!" shouted the Spud causing Sneezly to jump back. "I can tell
that every Earthling on TV is switching channels!  And I won't stand for it

"Okay, I'll be good", said Sneezly nervously.

"Good little seal", said the Spud while the HB gang looked in surprise.

"As I was saying", said the Spud. "For many centuries, you people and animals
have picked, peeled, boiled, baked, and deep fried us motionless, innocent
vegetables for a long time.  And as the only vegetable on this planet that
can now speak, I'm gonna fight for the rights of my vegetable race!"

"Was he like this before?" Wendy asked Huck.

"Oh yeah", sighed Huck.

"But first, I want all of Earth to know which is the more superior kingdom",
continued the Spud. "Either the vegetable or animal kingdom.  So I'm

challenging all the greatest non-vegetable warriors to come and try to defeat
me.  If you win, I'll surrender and leave Earth forever.  But if I win, I
want every creature of the animal kingdom, which includes humans too, to
surrender Earth to the vegetables and leave this planet forever.  And just to
be generous, I built you all a little rocket so you can all leave Earth in
style!" And he held up a tiny model rocket that was no bigger than a
person's leg.

"He expects the entire world to fit in that tiny rocket?" gasped Wendy.

"I guess this means I'll have to leave my new camera behind to make room",
sighed Huck.

"This great battle will last 12 hours", said the Spud. "So I'll be waiting
here by this satellite tower here in Yabbadabbaville, USA.  So come forth
and protect your pathetic race you non-veggies!" And the Spud started to
lean against the tower while twiddling his eye covered thumbs.

"It looks like we only got 12 hours to say goodbye to our beloved Earth",

said Sneezly. "I'm gonna miss it terribly!"

"Don't give up hope yet Sneezly", said Wendy. "Earth does have some
mighty strong heroes.  I'm sure one of them will be able to stop that Spud."

"You mean like your old team, the Superfriends?" asked Huck.  Wendy just
looked mean eyed at Huck for saying that dreaded word of her past.

"Oops, sorry Wendy", said Huck. "I keep forgetting you don't like
remembering the S word."

"Besides", said Wendy. "Those superegoed snobs probably don't want to mess
with a silly thing like a talking potato.  They'd want to deal with a more
serious evil."

*      *      *      *      *      *

Meanwhile in the Hall of Justice, the Superfriends were watching the news
on their viewscreen while relaxing in a hot tub. "Holy hash browns!" said
Robin. "That's one big potato."

"Should we go and try to stop this menace before the world is doomed?"
asked Wonder Woman.

"Nyahhh!" said Batman. "That potato man is not in our league.  Let some

other hero with a low status get the experience."

"Yeah!" said Aquaman relaxing in the tub, then noticed that the bubbles
were ceasing. "Hey, Supie", said Aquaman. "We're running low on bubbles

"No problem", smiled Superman. "Super gas power away!" and he crouched
down in the tub and made a loud honking sound causing more bubbles to flood
the pool. "I love Superfriend Burritos", smiled Superman as he held up a
burrito wrapped in paper with the Superfriends' pictures on them.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"Superfriend Burritos?" gasped Wendy holding an exact copy of the burrito.
"I'm glad I got out of that group in time.  I don't want to think of my face
plastered on this gasbag." And she threw it away.

Just then, the house started to shake and the HB gang started to rattle.
"What's that?!" asked Howler.

"That potato's not coming back here!" cried Sneezly.

"Nope", smiled Huck looking at the TV. "I think we might have our first

hero." They all looked at the screen and saw a huge 40 foot gorilla walking
down the street shaking up the buildings. "Grape Ape.  Grape Ape!" said
the ape.

"Hey Huck, it's one of our old teammates from our Laff-A-Lympics days",
smiled Yogi. "If anyone can beat that Spud, good old Grape Ape can!"

"Why do they call him Grape Ape?" asked Howler. "He looks gray to me."

"Black and white TV, remember?" sighed Wendy.

"Oh yeah", said Howler. "You know, they should call these things a black
and white and gray TV.  The poor gray seems to keep getting left out."

*      *      *      *      *      *

Grape Ape was finally face to face with the Spud. "So, it looks like I got my
first challenge", said the Spud. "Have you come to defeat me oh big and furry

"Nope", said Grape Ape. "Just passing through. Grape Ape. Grape Ape!"

"How dare a filthy animal like you give yourself the name of a noble fruit!"

shouted the Spud. "Prepare to defend yourself!" And the Spud started to make
some fists and tried to scare the big ape with some shadow boxing.

"You're funny!" giggled Grape Ape as he took out a huge banana and started
eating it.

"How dare you eat one of my vegetation brothers right in front of my many
eyes!" growled the potato while steam came out of his eyes. "Let's see how
much you laugh with your mouth filled with sour cream!" and he opened up
his mouth and belched out a tidal wave of sour cream all over Grape Ape
causing him to harden into a motionless statue. 

*      *      *      *      *      *

"You mean that Spud can shoot sour cream too?!" Wendy asked Huck.

"I never seen him do that before", said Huck. "He must've learned something

"At least I don't see any chives in that sour cream", said Yogi. "Those
things can sting."

*      *      *      *      *      *

Then the Spud managed to free the half eaten banana from Grape Ape's grip.

"Don't worry my banana brother", said the Spud as he tried to peel it back up
with some tape. "Just keep your skin covered and you should heal quickly."
But then the Spud tried to listen for a heartbeat in the banana, but found it
was quiet.

"NOOOOO!" cried the Spud as he started digging a hole, putting the unfinished
banana in and burying it.  Then the Spud looked in rage at the sour cream
covered Grape Ape. "This is for all the innocent vegetable lives you animal
fiends have taken!" growled the Spud as he punched Grape Ape causing him
to fly all the way to the other side of the country.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"Poor Grape Ape", cried Wendy. "I hope he'll be all right."

"And I hope the town he might land on will be all right too!" said Howler.

"Say Howler", said Yogi, "You used to belong to a superhero team.  Why
don't you use some of that werewolf magic to rip that potato to shoestrings?"

"You see, it's like this", said Howler blushing. "We werewolves are

carnivores and we're great at sinking our teeth into something meaty. 
But we normally shy away from vegetables."

"I hate to think what a werewolf's colon looks like", said Huck.

"Hey look!" cried Sneezly. "Here comes another hero."

"Where?" asked Wendy. "I don't see anyone on the TV.  Just sky and some
tiny little speck."

"Look more closely", said Sneezly as he took a magnifying glass and showed
them the enlarged speck.  It was a little ant dressed like a superhero.

"Hey, it's Atom Ant!" smiled Huck. "The world's tiniest superhero."

"How's that little mite gonna stop that huge 40 foot potato?" asked Howler.

"Hey, never underestimate the little guy", said Yogi. "That little ant has
saved the world countless of times.  Even before you were housebroken."

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I wonder who'll be my next unworthy opponent?" said the Spud.

"UP AND AT 'EM, ATOM ANT!" called out a voice from the sky.

"Who said that?!" shouted the Spud with his eyes looking in all directions.
"Show yourself and face me!"

"Right here Curly Q!" said the voice.  The eye on the Spud's groin saw the
little superhero ant looking bravely at him. "I'll defend the Earth for all
human kind, animal kind, and especially ant kind!"

"You, a mere ant?!" laughed the Spud. "What can you do to stop a big spud
like me?!"

"My ancestors happen to be potato bugs", answered the ant as he started
chattering his teeth and started chomping his way through the Spud's skin.

"OUCH, OWIE!" cried the Spud as he started dancing around trying to
scratch himself but couldn't because the sensation was coming from the
inside. "I hate when this happens to us potatoes!"

"Are you ready to surrender or do I have to make you really antsy?!" called
Atom Ant who was getting close to the Spud's brain.

The Spud just said nothing and smiled a wicked smile.  He then took a deep

breath and started puffing himself up.  Suddenly hot steam started to blow
out of his eyes and out popped Atom Ant who looked like a flaming firebug.

"YIKES!" cried the flaming ant as he flew around trying to put the fire out
while spelling the letters S.O.S.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I've heard of fire ants, but this is ridiculous", gasped Yogi.

"That potato can shoot out steam too?" asked Wendy.

"It appears so", said Huck. "I think I'll avoid saunas for a while."

*      *      *      *      *      *

Atom Ant was still flying around trying to put out the fire until he finally
dove into the Pacific Ocean.  But he was so hot that the world's largest
ocean started to turn into steam leaving nothing but a huge pit of mud
and millions of fish out of water. "Heh heh!  Sorry fellas", said Atom
Ant looking at the angry flopping fish he was near.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"That sure was one hot potato!" said Yogi as he and the others were watching

the horror and destruction this Spud was causing to the Earth.  Wendy was
just looking at Dynomutt who was still drained of his energy.

"Poor Dynomutt", said Wendy. "If only he was fully charged.  He'd be just
itching to fly on out there and be a superhero!"

"Hey, maybe the batteries from my portable TV will help", said Sneezly
turning off the TV and taking out 2 skinny batteries.

"Gee, I don't know", said Huck studying the batteries. "These are double-A
batteries.  They may not be able to keep Dynomutt juiced up for very long. 
I estimate 15 minutes."

"What else have we got to lose?" asked Yogi. "Except our lives that is!"
And he took the batteries and inserted them in Dyno's nostrils.  Suddenly,
Dynomutt woke up and made his superhero pose. "Dynomutt. Dog Wonder,
slayer of naughty potatoes, Away!" he shouted as a rocket popped out of his
back and blasted off leaving a hole in the roof.

"Wait Dynomutt!" cried Wendy. "We haven't told you that your power might

run out during battle!"

"It looks like he's long gone to know about that", said Howler looking at the
hole in the roof.

"He'll find out sooner or later", said Huck. "And he'll also find out that
his rent's gonna increase this month for blowing a hole in my roof."

"If a month ever does come for us", cried Sneezly looking out the window
and seeing the Spud battling his next opponent.

*      *      *      *      *      *

It was the world's first superhero, Captain Caveman.  He was on top of the
Spud's forehead trying to bang it hard with his club while the Spud looked
at him unimpressed.  He reached out and grabbed Captain Caveman by the
spotted cape and looked at him. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
the Spud asked the caveman politely.

"Unga-Bunga", said Captain Caveman. "You a bad potato so me have to turn
you into mashed potatoes", and he tried to whack the Spud right between the
eyes countless times like a woodpecker.

"Obviously some species of the animal kingdom haven't evolved at all", sighed
the Spud as he tugged the Captain by the cape and let go causing him to fly
off like a rubber band.

"UNGA BUNGAAAAA!" cried Captain Caveman as he zipped past the speeding
Dynomutt who was on his way to battle the Spud.

"Don't worry Cavey!" called out Dynomutt. "I'll take it from here!" And he
increased his rocket pack to full speed until he arrived just inches in front
of the face of the Spud.

 "All right you French fried fiend!" said Dynomutt. "You may have stopped me
once, but now I'm fully charged and at large!"

"Large?!" laughed the Spud. "Compared to me, you're just a little microchip

"Microchip Puppy?!" growled Dynomutt. "I'll show you what this microchip
puppy can do!" And he injected some kind of giant spinning kitchen utensil
out from his chest.

"Oh no!  That's...." gasped the Spud who finally now had a frightened face.

"Yep", smiled Dynomutt with wicked hero eyes. "It's the all purpose Vortex
Slicer, like you see in those infomercials!  It can slice, dice, and make
Julian Fries along with beautiful garnishes for the dinner table.  I bet
Wendy would love to have a whole year supply of curly garnishes.  And
estimating your size Mr. Spud, I'd say I can stock her up for about a

"NOOOO!" cried the Spud as he started running around in circles for his
dear life as Dynomutt rocketed after him while spinning his kitchen tool.

"HA HA!" laughed Dynomutt. "It looks like the big potato dumpling is
actually a chicken dumpling!"

*      *      *      *      *      *

"Hey, I think Dyno might actually pull it off!" said Huck as he and the
others were on top of the roof of their home while Huck was watching the
fight with his binoculars.

"Let's hope he can do it before his 15 minutes are up", said Wendy.

"He probably will", said Yogi looking at his Jerry Mouse watch. "He still has

5 more minutes left."

*      *      *      *      *      *

As the Spud was running, he caught his toe in an open manhole causing him
to fall down. "HA HA!" laughed Dynomutt bringing that spinning blade closer
and closer. "Your days of threatening animal and human kind are over!" The
Spud was on the street looking terrified at the blades while sweating grease. 

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I just remembered", said Yogi. "My watch has been running 5 minutes slow
since this morning.  So I'm guessing Dynomutt's power will end right about

"WHAT?!" cried the gang.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Just then, the blades on Dynomutt's slicer stopped spinning and Dynomutt
suddenly found himself falling. "Oh phooey!" said Dynomutt. "And I don't
mean Hong Kong!" And he landed on the street with no power once again.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"Hey guys", said Huck looking through his binoculars. "I think I see Mr. Spud

about to throw something this way."

"I hope it's not a tantrum", said Howler.

"Nope, it looks like a dog with a goofy embarrassed face", said Huck. "DUCK!"

"I thought you said it was a dog", said Sneezly.

"He means DUCK!" shouted Wendy ducking down while pushing Sneezly down
with her.  Everyone else ducked down too.  Then they heard a loud thud on the
roof.  They all got back up and found poor Dynomutt all drained of his power

"Poor Dyno", said Wendy checking the fallen dog's pulse.

"I guess it wasn't enough power for him", said Huck.

"Now how are we gonna stop that mad potato?" asked Howler.

"Hey, look up in the sky!" shouted Yogi.

"Is it a bird?" asked Huck.

"Is it a plane?" asked Sneezly.

"Is it Su...", but Howler stopped his sentence when Wendy looked mean-eyed at
him. "Is it a soup can?" said Howler quickly trying to think up something
that didn't have to do with Wendy's Superfriends past.

"No, it's just the Professor", said Yogi as they saw Prof. Pat Pending in his
helicopter converted Convert-A-Car landing on the roof.

"Howdy Professor", said Huck. "You're back from your professors' convention
in Germany early, aren't you?"

"I had to leave it", said the Prof. "We were watching a Mr. Wizard's World
marathon until it suddenly got interrupted by that awful potato's live

"That broadcast really was world wide to reach Germany", said an amazed

"And what was really odd was that the broadcast interrupted a video tape
playing", said the Prof. "All the professors in the convention were totally
stumped about that and they were all discussing it non-stop instead of trying
to figure out how to defeat that potato.  Which is why I rushed home right

*      *      *      *      *      *

Meanwhile, the Spud was battling his next opponents.  The superhero team
known as the Impossibles.  "RALLY HO!" they all shouted as they charged

at the Spud.  Fluid Man tried to stop the Spud by transforming into a tidal
wave.  But the huge potato being a plant just absorbed all the water making
him stronger.  Then he picked up the drained Fluid Man and tossed him to
where the Pacific Ocean once stood.  But thankfully, Fluid Man's contact
with the dried up ocean caused it to reform itself restoring the Pacific
Ocean back to normal.

Next, Coil Man extended his steel coil arms hoping to snare the Spud.  But
the potato just laughed and belched out some curly fries causing Coil Man
to get tangled up in them and roll down the road.

Finally, Multi Man duplicated himself a hundred times trying to outnumber
the Spud.  But the potato just sneered and burped out a bunch of tater tots
with little legs and huge fangs.  They started chomping up the Multi Man
clones until the original, but shocked, Multi Man was left standing. "RALLY
YIKES!" he gasped as he zipped away.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I've heard of ankle biters, but these tots are life biters!" said Huck
looking through his binoculars.

"Is Dynomutt fully charged yet?" asked Wendy.

"Just a few more seconds", said the Prof. who had dragged his battery
recharger from his car and was recharing Dynomutt while checking the dog's
power meter.

"Hey, where am I?" shouted Dynomutt jumping up unexpectedly. "Where's that
Spud?!  So he ran off like the yellow bellied coward he is!  I'll get him!"
And he ejected his rocket pack once again and was about to blast off.

"Not again!" groaned Wendy.  But then Dynomutt got yanked back down thanks
to the Professor's magnet gun.

"Hey, what gives?!" shouted Dynomutt. "I was about to save the world!"

"Sorry Dynomutt", said the Prof. "But I feel that just rushing into battle
without a well developed strategy can lead to utter failure."

"Hey, that sounds like what my old partner B.F. would say", said Dynomutt.
 "Okay guys, let's strategize!"

"All right Huck", said the Professor. "Since you were the first to deal with
the Spud.  Do you remember if he had any weaknesses?"

"Gee", said Huck. "It's been so many years since that happened, I don't
remember much about it.  It's like that memory only appears on some kind of
network that certain cable companies don't think it's important enough to

"Well, then let's ponder this", said the Professor. "What do you suppose a
potato would hate?"

"Potato bugs?" asked Sneezly.
"Gophers?" asked Dynomutt.
"Acid rain?" asked Howler.
"Hungry-type bears like me?" asked Yogi.

"Maybe we should try to figure out what potatoes like and use that to
distract the Spud", said Wendy.

"Hmm", said Yogi. "Of all the potato and potato-type forms I've eaten, I've
never really stopped to ask them what they like."

"I think I might know", smiled Wendy as she took out a cell-phone and started
calling someone.

*      *      *      *      *      *

Meanwhile, the Spud was battling the Powerpuff Girls.  They were shooting
their heat beams at the Spud.  But his tough skin prevented him from getting
burned.  Then the Spud started belching out gobs of mashed potato balls
hitting the girls and causing them to fall right next to the other fallen
heroes like Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr, Godzilla and Godzooky, and
countless others who had appeared in short live superhero cartoon series.

"I guess that takes care of all the so-called heroes of the animal kingdom",
said the Spud as he dusted his hands. "And now..."

But before he could finish saying his evil idea, a huge truck drove in front
of him dumping a huge thing in the middle of the street then driving off.

"A giant couch?!" gasped the Spud eyeing the huge comfy BIG couch with soft
cushions and pretty flower designs. "No, I must resist!" cried the Spud
clutching onto the satellite tower.  But the eyes on his butt saw the couch

and his feet tried to charge at the huge trap of comfort while the Spud was
still clutching onto the tower.

"You were right Wendy", said Huck as he and the gang were hiding in an alley.

"Yep", smiled Wendy. "I figured that a spud would be a big couch potato at
heart.  I got the idea from watching certain members of our house."

"A giant couch as big as a town!" gasped Howler drooling while stamping his
foot. "I calculate 1000 years of chewing paradise!" And he was about to
charge at it until Wendy grabbed him by the tail stopping him.

"No you don't!" said Wendy. "That couch is a rental and I promised my good
friend from the upholstery factory that it wouldn't get wrecked.  Especially
from wild minded werewolves!"

"Okay, my sweet", sighed Howler. "I'll be a good boy for you." And he sat
down like a dog, panted, and wagged his tail.

"It looks like that potato has two brains that disagree", said Sneezly
watching the Spud now battling himself with his hands still clutching onto

the tower and his feet still wanting to get on the couch.

"Maybe I'd better sweeten the deal", said Dynomutt as he jumped in front of
the couch and transformed himself into a huge widescreen TV.  That was a
total final temptation for the Spud as he let go of the tower and plopped his
protein covered skin on the couch.

"Hey, where's the remote?" asked the Spud as he was about to get up while
the others watched worried.  Luckily, Dynomutt ejected a remote control from
his mouth and the Spud caught it happily and clicked onto the TV. "Let's see
how my vegetable comrades are doing on the farm report channel", said the
Spud as he watched a whole bunch of healthy growing vegetables. "Ooooh! 
I'd love to take those carrot tops out on a night on the town", said the Spud
drooling gravy.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"Hey, that Spud's finally been planted!" smiled Yogi.

"Now the next thing we have to figure out is how to get rid of him", said

"I have just the plan", smiled the Prof. "And Howler's going to be the one
who'll do it."

"But I told everyone earlier", said Howler. "We werewolves won't attack

"Not even one covered with bacon bits?" smiled the Prof.

"Bacon bits I can handle", said Howler drooling.

"Then say hello to my latest invention", said the Prof. taking out a huge gun
with a shaker attached. "The Bacon Bit Blaster!" And he blasted tons of
little bacon bit particles from the alley causing them to cover the entire
couch captured potato.

"Oh, great", moaned the Spud looking at all the bacon bits covering his body.
"This couch must have lice in it.  I should get myself disinfected.  But
right after this show", He said for he refused to get off the couch.

"Wendy was right", said the Dynomutt TV. "You are a couch potato!"

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I must say Professor", said Yogi. "That bacon bit blaster has to be the

greatest invention since the wheel!  And may I ask that you give me a blast? 
Hey hey hey!"

"Sorry Yogi", said the Prof. "But I used up all the juice from this blaster."

"Aw rats!" sighed Yogi. "And I was hoping for some juice to go with my
bacon too!"

"Look at all that porky goodness on that evil Spud!" gasped Howler as his
drool started gushing out of his mouth and into the sewer.

"Then Bon Appetit my hungry friend", smiled the Prof.

"And don't even think about chewing up that couch!" called out Wendy as they
watched Howler run off on all fours.

Suddenly, the Spud felt something nibble on his side.  He looked down and saw
Howler chomping away on his bacon covered skin. "First lice, now a furry
tick!" sighed the Spud. "If only this couch didn't have its control over me,
I'd show all these pests!"

"You know, these potato things aren't bad at all", smiled Howler as he
managed to rip off some of the Spud's skin, but the Spud still did nothing
to stop him.

*      *      *      *      *      *

"I sure hope Howler has a big enough appetite to finish off that huge potato",
said Wendy.

"Don't worry", said the Prof. "It is said that werewolves have very high

"Go Howler go!" shouted Sneezly cheering him on. "Go Howler go.. Ah,

"Uh oh!" said Yogi and Huck realizing what might happen.

"CHOOOOOOO!" shouted Sneezly letting loose one of his destructive sneezes
blowing the Spud and Howler off the couch and all the bacon bits off of the
Spud's body.

"Hey, I'm free!" smiled the Spud getting up while stretching his limbs. But
then noticed the tiny werewolf chewing on his leg.

"Wait a minute", gasped Howler realizing he was now chewing on a meatless
potato. "My meat sensation is gone!  I'm now scared of this potato once again! 
AHHHH!" And he was about to run away until the Spud grabbed him.

"So, try to poke a few more eyeholes on me, will ya'?" said the Spud in an

angry voice. "I wonder if werewolves will taste like chicken?!" And he
opened up his huge mouth and was about to throw Howler in.

"You can be sure that this wolf is now chicken on the inside!" said Howler
nervously as the others watched in horror as their friend was about to get

"I gotta do something before Howler's potato chow!" gasped Dynomutt who
was still a TV. "But first, I gotta change back into my superdog form.  Now
which button is it?!" and he used his extendable arm to reach for the remote
control and started pushing some buttons.  But the results were things popping
up on his screen like, Menu, English or Spanish, TV or Cable, Color
Adjustment, Timer Programming, SP, LP, or SLP. "Darn zillions of controls!"
grumbled Dynomutt still fiddling around with the remote, until he pushed a
last button and a TV show appeared on his screen.

"Today on the Nature Channel, we're gonna be learning about the marvelous

thing called The Food Chain", said a narrator.  The Spud suddenly ceased from
eating Howler and stared at the screen with curiosity.

"As you know, plants are the main food source for animals like rabbits,
horses, antelopes, giraffes, and hippos.  We call these plant eaters
herbivores", said the narrator.  The Spud watched angrily as he saw those
herbivores chewing up leaves, grass, and fresh vegetables.

"So you're a rotten herbivore, eh?" growled the Spud looking at Howler.

"Are you kidding?!" gasped Howler. "We werewolves hate being called that

"And once the herbivores are fattened up with vegetable goodness", continued
the narrator. "They become meals for the lions, tigers, panthers, jackals,
and hyenas.  These meat eaters are called carnivores!"

"Now that's what I am", said Howler. "An all American carnivore!"

"And when these amazing animals die", continued the narrator. "Their bodies
decompose into the ground which gives the plants their food." The Spud

watched amazed as he saw a computer generated image of a dead wolf decompose
into the ground and giving nourishment to a bunch of plants including a
little potato. "So you see", said the narrator. "The plants feed the
herbivores, the herbivores feed the carnivores, and they decompose feeding
the plants.  It's all part of the great food chain."

"Amazing", said the Spud and then looked at Howler. "So are you saying that
when you die, you'll decompose and feed the next generation of plants?"

"Yeah, you might say that", said Howler still trying to free himself from the
Spud's grip. "But I sure hope that won't happen to me anytime soon.  Like
right now!"

"Then that means if I make all animal life leave the world, we vegetable life
won't survive?" gasped the Spud causing him to drop the werewolf on the

"That's right my potato pal", said Yogi running up to him. "Take it from this
nature-born-type bear.  I know all about the Circle of Life.  And I have a

song about it!" and he took out a guitar and was about to sing his first
note, until a lawyer suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Bear", said the lawyer holding up a document. "The Circle of Life is a
copyrighted song from another animation studio.  If you even think about
singing it in this story, my clients will chew you to shreds!" And the lawyer
pointed to a direction and Yogi nervously looked into a dark alley and saw
shadows of lions with angry snarls.

"Well, I think you got the idea from that education-type program Mr. Spud",
said Yogi. "So if you make the entire animal kingdom leave, you can say
goodbye to all plant life on this planet."

"I think I understand", said the Spud. "At first I thought you animal forms
were all barbaric monsters devouring our leafy and starchy fleshes.  But
after seeing how some of you animals attack each other, and how you sacrifice
yourselves to keep our little seedlings fed.  I'm starting to see the animal
kingdom in a new light!"

"Yes", said Wendy as she and the others stepped in. "And we appreciate all
you vegetables for providing us with all our basic nutrients like vitamins,
minerals, and proteins for millions of years."

"Speak for yourself", groaned Howler who was still on the pavement trying to
wipe the vegetable taste from his tongue.

"We vegetables really provide you with those life giving nutrients?" asked
the Spud blushing with pride while the others smiled and nodded. "All right
then!" said the Spud as he jumped up and down happily causing the whole
town to shake. "I declare that the animal kingdom can remain on Earth with
the vegetable kingdom!"

"HOORAY!" shouted everyone.

"Yay.  Groan!" mumbled all the beaten up heroes who were still in that huge
pile up of injuries.

"And now I myself will go into my rocket and leave the Earth forever", said
the Spud in a sad voice.

"But why are you leaving?" asked Sneezly.

"Because there's no place on this planet for a 40 foot Spud that's now hated
by the world", said the Spud who was now crying all his 86 eyes out.
"Farewell my friends" and he tried to put his first toe into the tiny model
rocket he made but just ended up breaking it.

"Wait, Mr. Spud", called out Huck. "I think I have a solution to your

*      *      *      *      *      *

A few weeks later, everything was back to normal for Yabbadabbaville and
the residents of HB House.  They were as usual, sprawled out on the couch
eating snacks and watching the TV.  Wendy had just entered the room and
noticed they were watching something different than their usual mindless

"Veggie-Pals?" asked Wendy as she saw the popular kids' show with a
bunch of living vegetables singing and dancing.  Then she noticed a vegetable
that was very huge and very familiar. "The Spud?!" gasped Wendy. "What's he
doing on that show?!"

"I called in some favors and got Mr. Spud a job on that show", smiled Huck.
"He was really eager to give up his destructive ways and start teaching
morals and virtues from now on."

"I'm so glad he's now turned into a sweet potato", smiled Wendy. "What's
he supposed to do in this episode?"

"They're all acting out a famous story from the bible", said Yogi.

"Let me guess", said Wendy. "Mr. Spud's playing the part of Goliath, right?"

"Not exactly", said Huck. "He's playing King Solomon." And they all watched
as they saw the Spud sitting on a tiny throne with a tiny crown on his head. 
A carrot lacky came up to him along with a lady pea and a lady walnut each
holding onto a little peanut.

"Oh, great King Solomon", said the carrot. "These two ladies are having a
disagreement.  They claim this little peanut child is their son."

"That boy is mine!" said the pea. "Pea is at the beginning of peanut!"

"But he's a nut like me!" said the walnut.

 "Can you help them decide who is the rightful owner?" asked the carrot.

"Well, technically.  A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut", said the Spud.
"But I know how to settle this", and he took out a huge nutcracker and
snapped the peanut in two.

"There", smiled the Spud. "I divided the baby in half so each of you can
share him." The pea and the walnut saw their shell halves cracking and
found themselves each holding a little baby shell-less peanut.

"Thank you, oh great king!" said the two lady vegetables.

"You're both lucky that one peanut shell always come in twins", smiled
the Spud.

"You truly are a wise king", said the carrot.

"Well, my relatives are Wise potato chips", smiled the Spud.  And the
TV screen said, THE END.

"That was a cool story", smiled Howler. "For vegetables."

"And it was exactly like the bible too!" said Dynomutt.

"No, not exactly", said Wendy.

"Well, I'm just glad that our potato friend is happy and we don't have to

worry about any more animal and vegetable kingdom conflicts", said
the Professor.

"And I'm happy too", smiled Sneezly as he took out a round gray rock. "I
found this neat little rock for my collection."

"HA HA HA HA!" said an evil laughing voice.  They all looked at Sneezly's
rock and saw that it grew eyes and a creepy mouth. "All you feeble members
of animal and vegetable kingdoms will soon feel the wrath of the mineral
kingdom!  HA HA HA HA!"

"Here we go again!" said all the HB House residents.


"Ha ha!  Fooled you all!" laughed Sneezly showing that evil rock was just a
foam puppet he was controlling while the HB gang started beating him with
couch pillows.