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The Dragon Queen Of Reptilia

By Tammi

Space Ghost is rendered powerless.

Disclaimer: Space Ghost is owned by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

As the Phantom Cruiser flew through the darkness of space, an emergency transmission came through.

"Calling Space Ghost!" a female voice cried. "This is an emergency!"

"Space Ghost here," the hero replied.

"This is Queen Dracona of the planet Reptilia. My palace is under attack from my prime minister, Harn. He's trying to overthrow--" Suddenly, she was cut off.

"What can we do, Space Ghost?" Jayce asked.

"We're just a short distance from Reptilia," he answered. "I can go there to investigate. You three stand by. If I'm not back in half an hour, leave the Phantom Cruiser, but turn invisible."

"Will do, Space Ghost," Jan said.

Space Ghost flew out of the ship, and headed for Reptilia.

Inside the royal palace, a creature resembling a trachodon approached a female dragon. "Eeverything's going according to plan, your Majesty," he told her. "Space Ghost has left the Phantom Cruiser."

"Excellent, Harn," Queen Dracona replied. "Send out the Pteranodrones."

"At once, your Highness!"

Several winged reptiles flew to meet Space Ghost.

"Here comes the welcoming committee," he commented. "Let's see if they can handle my heat rays."

He fired heat rsys from his power bands. A few of the Pteranodrones flew away. But three more came at him.

"Now for the freeze ray," he said. He froze his would-be attackers solid. But then, two more came along. One grabbed his right arm, and the other his left. They brought him into the palace.

"Are you all right, Queen Dracona?" Space Ghost asked when he saw her.

"Release him," the Queen said. The Pteranodrones let the man go.

"I've never been better," she continued. "I wish I could say the same about you." She turned to her prime minister. "Quickly, Harn. Remove his power bands and invisobelt before he has a chance to use them!"

Harn did as he was told. He put the power bands on his wrists, and Dracona put the invisobelt around her waist.

"What's going on here?" Space Ghost demanded to know.

"The answer is simple, Space Ghost," Queen Dracona replied. "I only pretended to be in danger to lure you here. I wanted your equipment so that I could conquer Earth. Now all I need is the Phantom Cruiser."

"You may have my gear, Dracona. But you will never gain control of my ship!"

"Oh, really. Look!"

Space Ghost looked out the window. He saw that the Pteranodrones had captured Jan, Jayce, and Blip. The winged creatures brought the prisoners in.

"Lock them up," Queen Dracona ordered. "Then make preparations for our conquest of Earth.

As the humans were locked in a cell, Blip managed to turn invisible, and slip away un-noticed. Harn teleported to the Phantom Cruiser, and brought it to the planet's surface.

"What can we do now?" Jayce wondered.

"Nothing," Space Ghost said. "Without my power bands, we have no chance of breaking out and stopping them."

"Wait!" Jan cried. "Where's Blip?"

"He must have used his invisopower to get away," Jayce realized.

At that very moment, the little monkey was making himself useful. He saw Harn take off the power bands.

"I'll put these on again when we're ready to depart for Earth," he decided.

Blip saw his chance. He grabbed the bands, and ran off, still invisible.

"What is this?" Harn shouted. "It must be the monkey!" He started chasing Blip. "Come back here, you little pest!"

Blip raced to the cell, and handed Space Ghost his power bands. The man put them on.

"Stand back," he ordered Jan and Jayce. He blasted away at the bars, and they melted. "Now, let's recover my invisobelt. We can't let Queen Dracona use the invisopower for evil."

Just then, Queen Dracona and Harn appeared before them. "You will never use your invisopower again, Space Ghost," the Dragon Queen boasted. She turned invisible.

"How do we find her?" Jayce asked.

"I already have," Jan answered. She knocked their foe to the floor, and removed the invisobelt. Instantly, Dracona became visible again.

"Here, Space Ghost," Jan said as she handed him the belt.

He put it back on. "All right, Dracona," he said. "Your plans for conquest have been foiled. "Are you and Harn ready to surrender?"

"Never!" she retorted. She opened a panel on the wall. "When I pull this switch, the palace will blow up, and destroy you all!"

Jayce punched out Harn, and he blacked out.

The team quickly turned invisible.

"You can't save yourselves that way," Dracona said. "I'll pull the switch before you can escape!"

She pulled the switch. But she failed to notice that the foursome had fled moments before. As they flew away in the Phantom Cruiser, the palace blew up, destroying everyone inside.

"So much for the evil Dragon Queen," Jan remarked.

"She and her horde were villains from the start," Space Ghost said. "I can't believe I was so easily duped."

"We were fooled too," Jayce reminded him.

The four flew back to the Ghost Planet.

The End