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The Abduction Of Corinne

By Tammi

Samson and Goliath set out to rescue Samson's girlfriend.

Disclaimer: Samson And Goliath are owned by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

"It's good to be back home, eh, Goliath?" Samson asked as he got off his motorbike.

"Arf!" Goliath answered. The boy petted his dog.

"It'll be good to return to a normal life," the boy remarked. "I'll be able to chat with Mom and Dad again. Maybe I can even take Corinne out on a date."

His parents welcomes him. "It's so good to have you back, son," his father said.

Samson told his folks about the many adventures he and Goliath had had in their travels. "Those bad guys were a formidable lot," he revealed. "But my dog and I showed them what we're made of."

"Well, I'm glad you're both taking a break from superheroics," his mother remarked. "Now go wash up. I prepared a special dinner in your honor."

The family soon sat down to delicious fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits.

The next morning, Samson and Goliath decided to pay Corinne a visit. When they got to her house, she greeted them with a frown.

"You've got some nerve!" she said. "Why didn't you take me along on your adventures?"

"You don't understand, Corrine," Samson answered. "The villains we dealt with were difficult enough without a third party tagging along."

He described each of the experiences to the girl. "So you see, if you had come along, those criminals and monsters would have made short use of you."

"You're probably right," Corinne agreed.

"Well, we'd better be going," Samson said. "Come on, Goliath."

But just as the duo prepared to leave, they heard Corinne scream. A pair of strange men had seized her, and were dragging her to their car.

The heroes got on their motorbike. "Let's follow them, Goliath," Samson said.

They followed the criminals to a rundown shack. They looked inside, and saw Corrine tied to a chair. Goliath whimpered.

"Quiet, boy," Samson whispered. "I want to hear what they're saying."

One of the kidnappers got on the phone. "You heard me," snarled. "Ten thousand dollars for the girl."

"We'll have to break in," Samson realized. "This calls for Samson power!"

He struck his bracelets together, and transformed into Samson. "Now for Goliath power," he said.

He struck his bracelets again, and Goliath became a lion.

Without hesitation, Samson broke the door off its hinges. Then he and Goliath entered.

"Release the girl at once," the strongman ordered.

"Not on your life," the boss replied. "Fire!"

But Goliath fired laser beams from his eyes. The guns melted.

Samson untied Corinne, and told her to leave with Goliath. "I'll handle these guys," he assured her.

He grabbed them, and lifted them in the air. "Put us down!" they shouted. "We give up!"

Samson set them down. Within the hour, the kidnappers were arrested. Samson and Goliath returned to their normal forms.

"You saved me," Corinne said gratefully. She threw her arms around Samson and kissed him.

Goliath started whining.

"Oh, I didn't forget you, boy," Corinne said. She petted the dog.

"So how about a date tonight?" Samson suggested. "There's a new movie playing downtown. Tickets and refreshments are on me."

"I'd love it," Corinne answered.

The superheroes left. "I'm so lucky to have a girl like her," Samson declared. "Right, Goliath?"

"Arf! Arf!"

The End