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Gender: Male
Age: 20
Alignment: Good
Team: Guardians of light

Battles won: 1
Battles lost: 7
Monsters slayed:

level: 4

Exp to next level: 216

Hp: 206
Mp: 103

Attack: 37
Defence: 24
Magic: 10
Magic defence: 10
Speed: 20
Stats to be added:5

Class: Knight Weapon Master: lvl-2 (Swords)
Weapons: Broad Sword+17A
Unequiped Weapons:
Armor: Cloth Shirt+4D
Unequiped Armor:
Special Tactics:chocobo lure, doublecut

Gil: 609
Jp: 146
Job: S.E.E.D.
currently doing:moveing to chocobo ranch(11/30-12/07)
Current Town: Midgar
current limit break:Element Reels(64DMG)

AOLIM: kylemack1262

used to live a peaceful life. Until evil came to the lands. Then he was asked to protect his land and fight the evil.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1: Element Reels: Attacks with an elemental attack that hits all opponents.
[Roll 1-9 = Fire Damage]
[Roll 10-19 = Lightning Damage]
[Roll 20-29 = Water Damage]
[Roll 30-40 = Ice Damage]

Level 5: Attack Reels: Attack 1 foe or multi foes.
[Roll 1-20 = 1 Foe]
[Roll 21-40 = Multi-Foes]

Level 10: Status Reels : Attacks that cause a 100% chance of a status effect that effect one opponent.
[Roll 1-9 = Curse] [Roll 10-19 = Sleep] [Roll 20-29 = Zombie] [Roll 30-40 = Confusion] (+200%)

Level 15: Auroch Reel: A mix of the 3 reels.
[Roll 1-9 = Curese (Effects 1)]
[Roll 10-15 = Lightning Damage (Attack all)]
[Roll 16-23 = Normal Attack vs 1]
[Roll 24-28 = Zombie (Effect 1)]
[Roll 29-34 = Multi Attack]
[Roll 35-40 = Water Damage] (Attacks all)]