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Last month didnt consist of many photos, its alittle bit harder to upload them with this new computer. But here are some anyway for April...

Ive been to two hockey games so far and they are so much fun! I can see why its Canadas nation sport...much more exciting then Australian Football. I even scored a official puk from the game!

This is a really big old church I went to on Easter. Its so beautiful inside and more then 15 000 people pass through the church on Easter Sunday.

Laura is a really good friend of mine visiting from Germany at my college - unfortantually she left this month to return home - but she will always beremembered!

This is my college and sometimes dancing place. Its stuck up in the mountains close to Quebec City. It use to be a ski resort so it has some really cool veiws of the area.

Just some friends from all over the place!