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UPDATE July 2nd 2004:

- After throwing out the first pitch in a Toronto Blue Jays game, Show talked to He discussed his knee surgery/rehabing and the controversial John Bradshaw Layfeild nazi salute. He also gave a tentative date for his return sometime in August or September to Smackdown. He also mentioned he has dropped 30 pounds. Click Here for the interview.

- Added an article Here from about Big Show.

- Big Show's new shirt Chick's Dig It BigWWE Shopzone

- DOWNLOAD Big Show's Titantron.

Its Showtime!




Smackdown April 15 Results: In a match signed by Kurt to punish Eddie Guerrero. Big Show said he was not doing this for JBL, he was doing it for himself and if he were to lose, he would quit. In the match of the night, the ending came when Eddie lowblowed the Show and won via frogsplash. The fans chanted "Nah Nah Nah Hey, Goodbye!" The Show had a sad face on and asked why the fans were laughing at him. After the break, Torrie was laughing with the makeup artist and Show threatened her as he thought they were laughing at him.

After the next match, while Torrie was trying to leave in her car. Big Show showed up and kicked and punched out all the windows then proceeding to flip the car over. After the main event, Show was shown holding Torrie by the throat on a rafter backstage. Kurt tried to stop Show but instead he got chokeslamed off the platform. End of show.


Wrestlemania XX Results: In the opening match, Show controlled for the most part untill Cena clocked Show with a pair of brass knucks then a second F-U for the victory and the U.S. Title.

Big Show clip of the Week...Big Show chokeslams Undertaker through a ring!


Picture of the Month

The Giant!.  Click on the picture to view the full size version.  If you have a picture you would like to see in this spot, sent it in to

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