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The Coming of Fall

I was looking out my window at the mountains earlier tonight. (How I love our Tennessee Mountains!) A light rain was falling; the mountains were shrouded in a misty veil of white. It's hard to believe that fall has arrived so quickly. The vivid colors that we should be seeing are not as visible this year. There are some shadows of reds, yellows, and golds, although not as vibrant as in years past. A lot of browns are visible already. Bare limbs can be seen in places where tiny remnants of what once were leaves in various shades of green spent long hours swaying in the summer breeze.

It's as if Mother Nature is tired and has grown weary. She's tired of pushing herself to move past the hard work, weary of the long and endless days of summer. She has nurtured, sustained, and promoted growth and development; she has done her duty; she has given all she has to give. She longs for cooler weather, longer evenings and nights. She dreams of lying down, resting; knowing that all is well in her household. Her watchful eyes are alert as she awaits the slumber of all in her care and then rest; ...... sweet, peaceful, comforting rest.

October 7, 2005

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