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    My Favorite things about Angelfire.
    • Easy
    • Fast
    • Fun
    My Favorite Web Sites

    Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.  I started this page in late Janurary,2000, and any who have visited have seen it change over time.  Although I am a programmer by trade, when I started, I couldn't even spell HTML.  I think that now I'm beginning to get the hang of it. Some of my stuff is still pretty elementary, but some of it is beginning to get more complex.  Please do me the favor of sending any comments or suggestions that you may have.  After all, YOU are the target audience for all of this, and it is difficult to know how one is doing without feedback.  By all means, please come back and visit again!

    Any eMail may be sent to and your comments will be very much appreciated.

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