Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

How can I express my undying gratitude to everyone who made (and continues to make) the Quidditch Pitch possible? Set up a thank-you section of course! And, without further ado, here it is... :drumroll:
Before I say another word, I must thank Ashlie profusely, because without her patient help in explaining the basics of angelfire to me, the Quidditch Pitch wouldn't even be here today. Ashlie sweetheart, thanks a bunch!

Next I'd like to thank all my family and friends who have encouraged me to write, and, as a result to set up this site - thanks you guys; I don't know what I'd do without you!

Of course I can't thank people in conjunction with the Quidditch Pitch without mentioning all the talented authors and artists who have let me display their fabulous work here. You guys really do have my undying gratitude!

In that same vein, I'd like to thank Haruka, for designing the picture for the QP's new trademark button and banner, and Lillian, for turning the fabulous picture into those two things! Thanks you guys - you are fabulous and I could never have done that without you!

Many thanks to Al and Wotan, my two wonderful beta readers, and to the beta readers/editors of all the authors archived here (if they have them) - you guys make all the difference in the world!

Last but not least, I must thank the people who keep the Quidditch Pitch going and continue to inspire me to work on it: you, the fans. Without you guys I would never have set this page up, and certainly would never have poured as much time, energy, and love into it as I have. Your encouragement has made all the difference in making this a fun place to visit on the web - thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


