
S.P.E.W. - the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare - is Hermione's attempt at promoting Elfish rights and giving the rest of Hogwarts a social conscious, so to speak. Well, here is my own little S.P.E.W. - I decided that since I had such a lovely public forum and so many wonderful people's attention that it would be quite remiss of me not to bring to your attention some very important issues in our world. Below are links to causes that are near and dear to my heart among others - many of them are helped simply by the number of hits they get, so click on a few: Hermione will be proud of you! (And so will I!)
If there is a cause that is important to you and you know of a website promoting it - send me the address and I'll probably put up a link to it here!
Save the Rain Forest - FREE! You can help - if you sit there and do nothing you are a part of the problem, but with just a click of your mouse you can help be a part of the solution.

Save The Big Cats - FREE!You can help - if you sit there and do nothing you are a part of the problem, but with just a click of your mouse you can help be a part of the solution.

The Hunger Site Help Feed Hungry People - FREE!

The Kids AIDS site Help Children with AIDS - FREE!

The Child Survival SiteHelp Give Medicine to Unvaccinated Children - Free!

Breast Cancer Awareness Site Help Save Women from Breast

The Land Mine SiteHelp Save Land Mine Victims - Free!

St. Jude's Children Research Hospital Visit St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and learn about childhood cancer.

Adult Illiteracy Every person who loves to read ahould find out about how to help those who can't.

Justice Denied An online magazine about the wrongly convicted. They also have a mailing list. (Submitted by RavenLady)

Falun Gong Information on the crackdown by the Chinese government on a religion called Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, and how to take action. They have a petition online. (Submitted by RavenLady)

Youth Power Help reform schools and learn how to start the process of change in your own. It has information, a message board, and tools for action on both school reform & life without school. Free the kids!!! (Submitted by RavenLady)

Email: annesparkles@hotmail.com