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Flaming Nahd Pics!

Here's some pics from our first show last year, at Joe's Diner. We are Pope Lojaque the 1st , yours truly The Reverend Lemonjello Jones , "The Original" Mr. Chicken , w/ Dirty Sanchez and Khaaliib. Two of the guys,(Dirty Snachez & Khaaliib Mustafa Saed ), are no longer in the band, thanx for the time served guys! We'll have some pics of our current line-up complete with Inspecta Phunc & Blowpop Jolly up soon!

Hey, you fuckers said you sounded like Creed!

Damn, they scared off all the kids in the Matchbox 20

And they brought in all these people to trash the place! Damn you Nahdbits! Damn you to hell! : On a side note, after hearing "Spanish Love Song", Joe decided to renovate this joint into a Mexican restaurant.