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Real Name: Nadia Pym

Current Group Affiliation: Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: None

1st Appearance: FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2016: CIVIL WAR II (2016)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.6)#1

Status: One hundred & twelfth recruit, inactive member

Known Superhuman Powers: None...Wasp wears a suit of insect-like armor capable of flight and uses Pym Particles to shrink herself down to insect size.

Other Aliases: None

Issues of Avengers featuring Wasp:

VOL. 6: #1-8, #11, #672-676, #679-680, #682-684, #688-689

(as non-member ally): ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS#9-10, #12, #14, Annual#1

(as Nadia): VOL. 6: #690