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Real Name: Stakar Ogord

Current Group Affiliation: Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: Guardians of the Galaxy (of Earth-691)

1st Appearance: DEFENDERS(v.1)#27 (1975)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.1)#168

Status: Honorary member

Known Superhuman Powers: Starhawk can generate and control light energy for varying effects, including energy blasts, light speed flight, converting his body into light and creating light constructs. He also has superhuman strength, which he can augment by absorbing light, superhuman reflexes and agility, immunity to disease and radiation, superhuman longevity and Cosmic Awareness, allowing him superhuman senses.

Other Aliases: None


#168, #170, #173, #175-177

(as member of the Guardians of the Galaxy): #167