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Real Name: Sersi

Current Group Affiliation: Eternals of Earth, Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: Queen's Vengeance, God Squad

1st Appearance(as Circe): STRANGE TALES(v.1)#109 (1963)
(as Sorceress): AVENGERS(v.3)#2 (1998)
(as Mesmer): NEW ETERNALS: APOCALYPSE NOW#1 (1999)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.1)#314

Status: Thirty-ninth recruit, inactive member

Known Superhuman Powers: Sersi has complete mental control over her body, allowing her to project her lifeforce in blasts of energy from her body. She can also alter the molecular structure of objects, often transforming weapons into harmless objects, such as flowers.

Other Aliases: Mesmer, Sorceress, Circe

Issues of Avengers featuring Sersi:

#314-339; #344-347; #350-366; #368-375; Annual#18-22; VOL.3: #1-4, #501-502; AVENGERS ASSEMBLE#17; NEW AVENGERS VOL. 2: #7; WEST COAST#56, #101-102, Annual#6

(as an Eternal of Earth): #247-248; #308-310; VOL. 7: #4; WEST COAST Annual#4