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Real Name: Richard Rider

Current Group Affiliation (at time of death): Avengers, Nova Corps

Former Group Affiliation: United Front, New Warriors, Secret Defenders, Champions of Xandar, Avengers (Earth-9105)

1st Appearance: (as Nova I): NOVA(v.1)#1 (1976)
(as Kid Nova): THOR(v.1)#411 (1989)

Issue Joined: SECRET AVENGERS(v.1)#1

Status: Sixty-ninth recruit, deceased as of THANOS IMPERATIVE#6 (2011)

Known Superhuman Powers: Nova existed as host to the Nova Force energy, allowing him to channel the energy into superhuman strength, durability, healing, warp speed flight, as well as energy projection and manipulation. He was also mentally linked to the Xandarian Worldmind computer, containing all of the combined knowledge of the Xandarian people.

Other Aliases: Kid Nova

Issues of Avengers featuring Nova:


(as member of New Warriors): #332; VOLUME 3: #13, #25