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Real Name: Adam

Current Group Affiliation: Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: None

1st Appearance: (as Adam): AVENGERS(v.5)#3 (2013)
(as Blackveil): AVENGERS(v.5)#5 (2013)
(as Nightmask): AVENGERS(v.5)#6 (2013)

Issue Joined: AVVENGERS(v.5)#17

Status: Ninety-fifth recruit, inactive member

Known Superhuman Powers: Nightmask can generate energy from his body, which he can project or utilize for teleportation or flight. He can also communicate with and manipulate machinery.

Other Aliases: Blackveil

Issues of Avengers featuring Nightmask:

VOL. 5: #17-20, #24, #34.2; AVENGERS ASSEMBLE#18-19; AVENGERS WORLD#1, #4, #8, #12, #14, #18-19

(as Blackveil, non-member ally): VOL. 5: #5

(as Nightmask, non-member ally): VOL. 5: #6-9, #14, #16