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Real Name: Unrevealed

Current Group Affiliation: Eternals of Earth

Former Group Affiliation: Avengers, Gods of War

1st Appearance: (as Forgotten One): ETERNALS(v.1)#13 (1977)
(as Hero II): THOR(v.1)#287 (1979)
(as Gilgamesh): AVENGERS(v.1)#300 (1989)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS(v.1)#300

Status: Thirty-second recruit, former member due to "death" in AVENGERS(v.1)#391 (1995)

Known Superhuman Powers: Gilgamesh has levitation/flight, longevity, invulnerability, illusionry, matter transmutation, superhuman stamina, strength, and the ability to project energy from his eyes and hands. Also, anyone who comes into contact with him quickly forgets the encounter.

Other Aliases: Hero II, Forgotten One

Issues of Avengers featuring Gilgamesh:

#300-310; #345; #391; WEST COAST#81

(as an Eternal of Earth): #299