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Real Name: Jericho Drumm

Current Group Affiliation: Avengers

Former Group Affiliation: Howling Commandos

1st Appearance: STRANGE TALES(v.1)#169 (1973)

Issue Joined: AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS#9

Status: One hundred & third recruit, inactive member

Known Superhuman Powers: Brother Voodoo is a mystic, able to tap the power of the Loa gods for a variety of effects including smoke creation, flame control, immunity to fire, mind control, and the ability to summon the spirit of his brother Daniel, who is able to possess and control the bodies of others.

Other Aliases: Doctor Voodoo

Issues of Avengers featuring Brother Voodoo:

VOL. 6: #675-678, #680-682, #684-685, #687-690; ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS#7-8; NEW AVENGERS VOL. 4: #12; SAVAGE AVENGERS#1-3, #7, #9-10, #12-13; UNCANNY AVENGERS VOL. 2: #1-2, #4-5; UNCANNY AVENGERS VOL. 3: #1-4, #7-12, #14-19, #21-30, Annual#1

(as non-member ally): NEW AVENGERS#28-30, #53-54

(as Doctor Voodoo, non-member ally): NEW AVENGERS#56, #59-60; NEW AVENGERS VOL. 2: #1-6

(as adversary): UNCANNY AVENGERS VOL. 3: #20