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Shari's World

Hi, my name is Shari, and welcome to my page.

Winnie the Pooh is my favorite Disney Character. That's why the picture of him is at the top of my homepage.

Now I'm sure you want to know all about me, well then you've come to the right place. I live in Tennessee, I'm 27, birthday is July 20. My basic stats are 5'0", blonde hair, brown eyes. My favorite color would have to purple, reason for the color of the background. Now about food, I'm not a picky eater, I'll try almost anything once...except sushi, just can't do that. One of the best things that is current in my life is my boyfriend Chris. We've been together for 9 1/2 months now, and we're really happy together.

I like sports, but I'm mainly a spectator. Favorite teams would be the Tennessee Volunteers and the Titans.

I like spending time with my friends going out to movies, bowling, or we just hang out and relax at someone's house watching movies. I have a very close knit circuit of friends, they're great people. Before I met them in college I was a shy person, now I'm a very outgoing girl who likes to have fun. I love to go dancing at clubs from time to time, don't get to do it often enough. I also like spending time outdoors, and going to the beach. I never went to the beach until I started college, but now I try to go every summer. I spend a lot of my days working, but I have most weekends off to goof off and have a good time.

I love music, love listening and dancing to it. I like country, Faith Hill is a good example, and I like groups like No Doubt and Bon Jovi. So I guess you could say my tastes in music is a wide range. I also listen to some of the oldies, ya know the Beatles and such. I don't care for rap and heavy metal much, but will listen to it at times when the mood hits me.

I like to read when I get the chance to. I would have to say that my favorite books are the ones by VC Andrews, I have most of the collection. I like to read Shakespeare from time to time, and enjoy some forms of poetry. I take the time out to read, curled up on my bed, when the time permits.

Now a little bit about my family. I'm the oldest, and have 3 siblings...2 sisters, Jamie and Tammy, and 1 brother, Jeremy, plus I have a brother in law, Geoff (married to Jamie). Then I have my mom and dad, of course. Plus I guess you can include our zoo, we have lots of pets, 14 cocker spaniels and several other dogs and then we have cats...they are part of the family.

Now, I have to mention my friends, cause they are great people like I said: Jemison, Heather, Michele, Marcia, Emily, Delana, Chris, Benji, Jonathan, Blase, Blane, Loron, Kimm, Lynn and family, Steve, Julie, Caroline. I know everyone isn't on here yet...don't worry I'm still working on stuff, give me time.

Click the links below to see my photo album along with other friends homepages. Don't forget to sign the guest book either. If you feel like chatting it's not that hard to find me, or you can email me anytime.

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