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Do Not Judge One Another

God has told us in His word not to judge one another lest we also be judged. We oftentimes forget this when we see someone do something that we do not approve of. We quickly forget that we also have all come short of God's glory. Instead of judging, we should pray for them. This will give them more strength in God, where our judgements only tear them down, for the Lord always reveals this to the person that is being judged. Instead of drawing closer to the Lord, and to us they quickly keep their distance. The next time you feel in your heart that you are going to prejudge another brother or sister in Christ first stop to think about the last time you had to repent for something you may have done. As christians, we are to love with a christian heart, not with our opinions and judgements. For what you may be judging could be the Lord's work, and has nothing to do with the way you think. Love your brothers and sisters in Christ, support them with your prayers, and watch God do a miracle!
Written By: Regina Giles