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The Driveway

One day recently I walked outside my house thinking about things in my life. I thought about the times God has brought me through, and stood me back on my feet again. As I reached my driveway I remembered the laughter, smiles, and happy times I have shared with others, suddenly I fell on my knees weeping bitterly when I now realized those times were gone, and God is having to pick me up once more. We as people feel forgotten when others do not remember us, feeling like a broken toy that has been thrown aside. But people are never broken until they are forgotten by those they love. I eventually gathered myself, and dried my tears knowing that God will bring me through again. As God's children we walk through hard things at times, but we have a Savior to lift our burdens, dry our tears, and hold our hand. If you feel broken, hurt, and feel of no value to anyone, remember it is the broken that God uses the most, for they know what others are going through and have mercy, compassion, and love enough to help them through their heartache. We have a God in Heaven that loves us, and the Bible says He feels are infimities and our pain. Just as I had to get up from my driveway and ask the Lord to help me, you also can receive the healing power of God in your heart. Sometimes, it takes awhile for pain and heartache to mend, but little by little He will be there for us. When you have given some of the best parts of yourself to others, and maybe bringing them sunshine for awhile then know that the Lord will bless you. Hanging on to God's strong hand will be the only real comfort to those of you that are hurting. And instead of remembering your goodtimes in tears, remember them in your heart with a smile that says"I was Blessed".
Written By: Regina Kaye Giles