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Kingdom of Caldemon

Make sure you read and memorize all laws of the kingdom, ignorance of the laws is no excuse for breaking them.


Kingdom Lands Information



Allied lands information


All are considered equal within these lands. Caldemon sits 20 miles outside of Rhy'din and extends to the eastern seaboard. The capital of Caldemon is the lands of Darkswift. We are pleased to have thee join our family and hope you will help us to grow and prosper.

Welcome one and all to the Kingdom, we hope that this will grow to be more like a family, not like the typical cold shouldered guilds. If you were picked to become one of our family, it's because we considered thee to be an asset to our family and welcome thee as an extension of it.

As a member thee are expected to put the following in thy life scroll (profile): House Name or Lands Name & Caldemon

The following are the laws and punishments of KoC:

1) The throne holds absolute power over the rein of the kingdom and all decisions made by the members of the throne are final and shall be explicitly carried out as declared and placed into law if such an occurance arrives.

2) If anyone commits or attempts to commit murder on a Kingdom or allied member, they shall be banned or executed.

3) All Kingdom issues stay within the Kingdom, if found giving information to any outside sorce, this will result in either a demotion, fines and/or bannishment.

4) All members will treat other members with respect.

5) Any disputes will be brought before the council. if an agreement cannot be reached then an hm will end the dispute.

6) No one can declare war, just cause for such action will be brought before the royal court who will in turn post their findings for all members.

7) Members will conduct themselves with honor in public places or stand before the council and the throne to be judged and place actions against those found to be guilty of misconduct.

8) Members are to treat all House Heads with the same due respect as they would the royal family. These are members in high standing.

9) NO AA's will be attempted on any member of the Kingdom or it's supporting Houses/Lands by members.

10) All members will show respect to their superiors and address them according to their station, King and Queen will be addressed as lord and lady, Ranking officers will be addressed as sir and madame.

11) All decisions made by the council will be placed before the throne for finalization

12) All grieviences will be handled in fairness by the council to be over viewed and those deemed appropriate for actions are to be place before the throne and shall then be looked into further.

13) Members will honor all treaties with the kingdom

14) In case of emergencies, the highest ranking official of the kingdom or of its guilds can be contacted to aide in the making of a decision of importance at the time and then the inncodent must be placed before the throne immediately.

15) Members must have any issues cleared by their chain of command, beginning with their Lords and Ladies of the lands they reside in, if no satisfaction is issued from these sources, then it is brought before the council and subsiquently placed before the throne.

16) Anyone who betrays the Kingdom in any way will be bannished or executed.

17) Due to reconstruction and unification within the kingdom, a new law on slavery has been written as follows.

A. All slaves must be registered with the crowned seat. NO ACCEPTIONS.

B. Pleasure slaves are to be kept in the privacy of thine home and nae allowed tae wander the kingdoms buisnesses.

C. Children will never be taken into slavery. This action is forbidden and punishable.

D. All slaves must be collared.

E. Owners of said slaves shall be held completely liable for their slaves actions and any crimes they commit against the kingdom or its people.

F. No slave shall be allowed to perform a duty in the kingdoms name without prior aurthorization from the council. ( ie. diplomatic endevors, work a buisness, or perform military funcitions).

G. Any slave that dies due to mistreatment, the owner shall be held accountable under the statute of murder.

H. Under no circumstances will a kingdom member be allowed to enslave another member of the kingdom.

I. Under no circumstances will a kingdom member be allowed to enslave the member of an allie.

J. Under no circumstances will a FC ( Forced Collar) be accepted.

If you own the buisness, you recieve 80% of the proceeds, 10% is a tax paid to the lands the buisness resides in and 10% is to be paid to the Royal House.

It is only asked that you spar at least once a week if you hold a combantant position. NonCombantant are to work one of the buisnesses at least one hour a week.

The Lands of Caldemon

The Kingdom of Caldemon is a land that has been ruled in the protection of dragons and people alike. A land based on freedom.

The kingdom is ruled by Queen Fallan Darkswift-McBane, whom resides in the main castle of the lands Castle Darkswift.

The kingdoms territory covers an approximate 15,000 acres. They span from the coastal seaboard to the high mountain terrains.

The Kingdom of Caldemon is a singular power with many villages, towns and cities

Classification of a qualifications for status are as follows. 1. Village ( Membership of 1 - 50) 2. Town ( Membership of 51-200) 3. City (Membership 200 and above)


More Kingdom Links

( ooc: there is now a club set up for KoC through Yahoo, this has been set up so non AOL users as well as AOL users can RP in the kingdom and enjoy themselves. There is a message board, a chat room and also an area to place pictures, I would like to keep this area for Character pics only, there is also a place where you can put a link to your AOL profile or Web page if you have one. Please check it out and join the club and happy RPing. Please check this out and lets get some good SL started as well as work on the ones already started)

Yahoo Club - Kingdom of Caldemon

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( KoC - Kingdom of Caldemon is accepting not only those who wish to be a part of it as members, but guilds who have tired of the ways the realm has become, contact FaIIanDarkswift for more information on it)

KoC - Kingdom of Caldemon and the name Darkswift are solely owned by Fallan Mun Established 1984 Re-established 1994 All Rights Reserved.