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The Rebound Effect

Well, I HTMLed the rest of the first arc a few minutes after posting chapter 11. Here she is, the whole thing. You'll probably notice it's a bit rough, but none of this stuff has been revised beyond the point where it hit the FFML (well, I changed a time in the first chapter, but that's it). NEW: I put in a .txt version of the whole thing, for those you you like me who like to download fics to read them. I'd have done it before, but it took me a while to figure out how to turn it into .txt and keep the wordwrapping.

Two Usagis!
Anyway, here it is, the one you've all been waiting for:

The Rebound Effect

Sailor Neptune Sailor Uranus Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapters 1-11 in text format

General Kunzite

"Hey! What are you doing here? I specificly requested General JADEITE to give a teaser on the next arc. What do you mean he was busy? And I suppose that casting just sent you over instead, is that it? I don't suppose you and Zoicite decided to pull another stunt like you did with Nephlite's interview... Yeah, yeah. I guess you'll have to do. What do you mean I have to pay you extra if I put down your lines? I agreed to no such clause in your contract. Forget it, I'll do it myself."

"Hello! Anyway, Chapter 11 concludes the first arc of this story, but I hope to start up arc 2 pretty soon. It'll be all about those idiotic Dark Kingdom generals who're all going to get nice long beating scenes, especially Kunzite.... So, want to make something of it, cape-boy? Come on, I don't care who you are, it's me and you and if I see any youma around here, I'm going to make Zoi a girl like in the dubs. Don't you think I won't, either..." The sounds of an argument gently fade into the distance.

Parts of the next arc can be found here.


Otome no Policy

The rights to anything on this page, except for my ideas (they're only partly owned by other people), belong to someone else, probably someone with a swarm of lawyers.