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Chapter 8

I answer the other call. It's Vivian.
"Hey, Molly!" she laughs.
"Hey, Viv. What's up?" I smile
"Not much. I'm bored, but in a good mood. I'm eating rocky road ice-cream," she informs me.
"interesting," I reply, "I just hung up with Sara."
"Hung up with or hung up on?" she asks.
"Hung up with," I answer.
"Oh, come on! You should have just hung up on her, man!" she mutters.
"I was going to tell her he was cheating on her when she asked where he was, but I thought better of it. I like it better when I'm on speaking terms with the guy I like," I listen to Zac and Tay laugh upstairs and think about what Mom Hanson had said, about it not lasting.
Viv laughs, "I like that one. Of course, I probably would have said it, but then again, its' not that big of a deal if he's mad at me."
"You know those drug interventions?" I ask.
"Yeah?" she has no idea what that has to do with anything.
"Well, we had a 'Sara-intervention' tonight. Ike started, and he and Zac complained that he was pulling the band and their friendship apart, Avery said she wanted her brother back, and Rick said how much he missed his best friend, even his parents spoke up."
"Wow."she's quiet for a minute, "so they finally said something?"
"Yeah," she can't see me, but I nod anyway, "he got kind of upset. And he was frustrated. I don't know, maybe he realizes it, or maybe he was just annoyed with accusations."
"Knowing Tay, it. . .could be either. He probably sees part of it, to an extent that it's not that bad, but he was probably upset with being accuse, too. There's no way of trying to get 'why' out of him. Do you thin that it'll change anything?" she sounds as confused, concerned, and pissed off as everyone else.

"I don't know. He's practicing wiht his brothers and his father told her that he couldn't talk. I think Mom H is right, she said that he'll probably be better for a while then it will fall apart again," I switch to the portable phone and walk down to my room in the basement.
"Sad, but she is probably right. He's got to realize this." Her voice is angry now, "Or does he care?"
"I think, I think he does. I don't know, no one does." I can't help it now, the tears start to flow down my cheeks like rivers of pain, "I don't want him to love her that much, Vivian."
She snorts, "That's not love. Not on her part anyway. You don't want to take someone's life if you love them, you want to share it."
I can't stop the tears that pour down my face. Love sucks.
"Molly?" Viv says softly, making my nickname a question.
"Yeah. I'm trying not to ask questions I know you can't answer. Oh, jeez," I respond.
"It's okay, Molly. There's no wedding date, and Tay hasn't given in to her yet. I don't think he will. We'll pull him out of this," she whispers into the phone.
Tears streaming down, I can't help this one, "What if he doesn't want to be pulled out of this?"
Vivian sighs, thinking. Probaly about Tay and his mystery reasons, and my loving cynicism.
"Viv?" I whisper back through the tears.
"Oh, Molly...I don't know what to say to that. How could he want to be pushed? To be dragged away from his life? But then why doesn't he break away himself? He's not weak like that or he never was before." she doesn't know any more than me, or any of Taylor's friends.

Zac yells down the stairs. I tell him to hold on.
"Viv, I gotta go, see ya tomorrow?" I whisper, drying my own tears.
"Yup, now just smile. We'll figure it out, all of us," she assures me, referring to family and friends of the accused.
I hang up just as Zac screams my real, but seldom used, name down the stairs, "Melissa!"
"What do you want, Zachary?" I yell back up to him.
Get your butt up here! Come on, we need you." he says.

I reach the top of the stairs and Zac is smiling that familiar cute, stupid, and friendly grin. He drags me up the stairs to the band room, Ike is standing with his guitar in one corner, Tay stands behind his keyboards, and Zac scrambles behind his drums.
Isaac smiles, "We finished 'You Showed Me.' Listen."
They jam away at a song they were working on putting together. The parts fitted together and the lyrics polished, it sounds so good. They smile, playing from their hearts. They end it, and Zac adds a drum solo.
"That sounds really good. I like the keyboard part at the beginning, and that drummer solo at the end!" I comment to Ike.
I smile softly at Tay as he looks down at his keyboards. I wrote a song with Zac about Sara, we dubbed it 'Too Much Of You.' Tay'd probably figure out who its about, and wouldn't be too happy, so its not a band song. We're still trying to come up with the melody.
Just to ruin our moment of happiness, the stupid phone rings again.

~ Chapter 9 ~