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The Famous Singing Mime's Page

A Place to find Kyle Henderson sometimes

This is where to find Kyle Henderson sometimes.
I live in the Memphis area, however, my home is New York.

"Be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake has forgiven you." (Eph. 4:32)

Thoughts for the Day
-If you always look to the next step, you'll miss the one you're on.
-Do not be a pleaser, or let the focus be on you, be a server
-Why do we blame people?, we are not perfect and neither are they.
-Why are you surprised when people change?
-A glance into the mirror is not you, its just a reflection.

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Page 2 Mime's Scrapbook

Why a Mime is an example of a true Christian

-Mimes no longer desire their own identity
-They give their full attention to others
-Mimes make us aware of how bad we really look
-They enjoy life
-Mimes do not Worry about the past or future
-Mimes hold no grudges
-They are doing what they should say, and not saying what they should do
-They are hated by the world

Where the Mime goes

Make the Best Web pages
The Mime's radio stops here
Charlotte's Web
Peter Shin's The Coolest Page ( Mime w/ a Mohawk pix)
Back to Mime's school page
Marcel Marceau
(Ultimate site)Learn To Mime
Send Virtual Mime flowers
Mime Supplies
Mime with Attitude
Talented Mime
Mime Ministry '99
History of the Mime
street mime
Reformed University Fellowship
